LPU 9 Is Out: The Review

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Nov 23, 2009.

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  1. #81

    Shadester (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Apr 3, 2007
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    If someone edited the chorus vocals of Faint onto this demo, it would be freaking awesome.
  2. #82

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    For Across the Line, in the first Chorus, you guys have:

    He's pulling his weapon to the side,
    Loading it full of his goodbyes,
    Holding an enemy across the line

    It really sounds like "He's pulling his weapon to his side" instead of "the".

    The song is amazing. I wish they would have finished it and polished it. While I don't think it would fit anywhere in Minutes to Midnight, it definitely makes a great b-side.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2009
  3. #83
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Yes I made that typo and forgot to fix it. Will do so tonight!
  4. #84

    esaul17 antichrist

    Jun 17, 2004
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    My thoughts:

    A.06: nice instrumental, sounds like a lot of Meteora, but this kind of thing needs vocals to go with it

    Faint (Demo): I hate the sound quality on it. The album seems so much more clean and polished and I prefer it a lot. The lyrics seem pretty cool though. It definitely is lacking a course.

    Sad: Doesn't really add much

    Fear: The singing just sounds odd. Is that Mike? Mike's rapping sounds cool, but I wish it wasn't nonsense

    Figure .09 Demo: Sounds cool, but is obviously unfinished. And Figure .09 was possibly my favourite song off Meteora, so I don't wish it was replaced with this.

    Stick N' Move (Demo): Short instrumental, nothing new, but what do you expect?

    Across the Line: Sounded a bit weird, but not bad. The first course struck me as odd though, but I like the kind of electronic influence. Cool bridge, but the course gets a bit competitive.

    Drawing: Sounds nice, but I can't really see myself putting this on over the finished version.

    Drum Song: Again, an instrumental, what do you expect?

    Overall, besides a new song, it isn't particularly thrilling but it is just a fanclub release. We wanted demos and such, so we got them. Can't complain. And a new song is a pretty nice bonus.
  5. #85

    Theazninvasion68 It's like blood to a vampire, our tragic desire. LPA Super VIP

    Nov 9, 2004
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    Here's an opinion of mine.

    A-six : It's a great intstrumental, the way the guitar is played is much to a "heavy" type of sound. It does well to be one of the "intro" songs on any album they make, so as long as the general genre of the album is akin to the "heavy" type. In short: sounds like Don't Stay from Meteora, some of the intense guitar parts of Somewhere I belong. Good listen, and could pull its own weight.

    Faint demo: It's interesting. The odd sound quality of the drums (read: low quality, or on purpose.) The lyrics are quite interesting. I can clearly see the distinctions between the demo and the Meteora album one, and wow. Reading the lyrics over and over, it's hard to tell how they just decided to refine the idea. The idea of the song (demo) is there, its really really vague though. The lack of lyrics as chorus is really strange, yet, it sounds alright. Definitely, on the Meteora album,Chester's voice fills the gap very well. In short: It's interesting, as I've said. Imagine Faint as if were slightly more vague, lyrically, and minus Chester in the chorus. Fair listen if you enjoyed the polished album version, otherwise, It's just strange.

    Sad: Well um.. hm. It's pretty cool. If you got most of the songs from Hybrid Theory, and had them unpolished, and no vocals, and into a 1 minute song, yeah. It's a 1:08 instrumental Demo of Hybrid Theory. From half the song, it's their intense head-banging part, and redone for many songs. It's good and interesting, it's just...well, a music-demo of the Hybrid theory CD.

    Fear / LOATR demo: You can tell the very unpolished and un-realized lyrics that you can see M2M LOATR song. In the demo, lyrically, your trying to find a way not to be alone, and a place to be(together). That's all I can depict while LOATR clearly has the idea of letting go past grievances and keeping the memory of you close (instead of finding a way not to be alone). In short: It's cool and it doesn't even need a title. Just say "its LOATR demo" and its very clear about it. Good listen if you liked LOATR, otherwise, you'd be like "What's he talking about?"

    Figure.09 Demo: The song lyrics is very reminiscent of Meteora, however, would not fit into the CD without lots LOTS more work. There's alot of vagueness in it. The polished version, on the Meteora Album has all the lyrical ideas straight-forward. It's pretty cool when your trying to put them side by side, because apparently LP has alot of cool ideas and sounds, their just pretty vague on it. The demo, itself, could not hold on it's own as there is no verse(s) to be had. In short: If you made the lyrics more vague fom the Meteora version and took out the verses, you'd get this. It's a good listen, whether or not you enjoyed Figure.09 (Released version) .

    Stick and Move: Hmm. It's neat and all. It's worth a listen or two, however, It does't fit anywhere. For an "Experiment" song, it's definitely a cool sound to it. In short: It's pretty neat, and that's about it.

    Across the line: You can feel as though they tried to make this into a single. It's catchy, there's an outro, Deals with what many people do face, or has been affected by, or has thought of, or has been in, ect, Which is suicide and drugs. It's completely straight-up about it. There's no beating around the bush about it, there's no rofl's about it. As it has been said before, it does not belong with M2M album. It does belong with Chester's solo project, easily. If added some more polish and shine, It could easily be a single. It does have a M2M feel, as in there's a building of energy and a "boom" type of feel. In short: It's Chester's solo song. It's a demo, and it tried to be a single. It's a very good listen. (Note: Perhaps one of my favorite songs on here.)

    Drawing: Essentially Breaking the Habit soundcheck. Polish this and add the BTH lyrics and well..Yeah, there you go. It's a BTH instrumental, unpolished. It's pretty neat if you enjoy instrumentals. In short: It's Pre-polished BTH instrumental.

    Drum song: It's TLTGYA Demo. It's an interesting start. Rob certainly did alot on this song, so if your a fan of Rob, than this is a song to listen to. You can see how the song could be transformed into a M2M song. In Short: If you enjoyed TLTGYA, you'll enjoy this, otherwise, it's just a really good drumming song, and is missing verses to make this a song.

    OVERALL: It's a neat listen-through, especially if you are, or once were a LP fan. It isn't out to impress anyone, as they are all demo's. I mean, thats why they are Demo's, otherwise, they'd be on the final edition known as the Released Album. It's interesting to see the Demo version of a lot of cool songs from Meteora, M2M and Hybrid theory (whoa, bad sequence ><). In short: If you like LP, this is a CD that would definitely be worth in your collection. If your a fan, you will praise the release of Demos. If your a casual listener of LP, and stumbles across this, than be prepared for a pleasant surprise as this CD has plenty of them!

    Score: 4/5 It's a DEMO CD. What do you expect? This delivers for sure. You can bet there are alot of instrumentals hiding within the LP archives, as you can see alot of musical experimenting in the instrumental songs. And that their lucky to have great producers, or co-producers, that helped them get to the songs they were after.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2009
  6. #86

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    Here's another typo I caught, Derek. In the Faint Demo.

    I'm digging us a hole to travel through,
    I'm looking to find a way to rattle you
    You wanna try to hear the thunder hit?
    You're gonna have to follow me under it
    Let go,
    It's begun
    Close your eyes
    I'm not done,
    Breath a word, waste your breath,
    And keep it up till there's nothing left

    Should be Breathe.
  7. #87
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Ah that's more cause I can't spell. Fixed. :lol:
  8. #88

    mmmmtastycookies Not black & white, only organized confusion

    Apr 25, 2007
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    across the line sounds like afi sort of. other than that, i would say there are definitely some interesting concepts here. especially on fear....i like the idea of mike rapping in that song instead of chester singing it with the beat. Good stuff though, and hopefully lpu 10 will have all unreleased b sides!
  9. #89

    28thART מ מ מ

    Apr 27, 2006
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    Best words i'd read so far ^_^, and i would to thank you, because you said what was going inside of me.

    Thanks LP, and wish you good luck guys in the upcoming album.
  10. #90

    Jordan Secret Robot

    Apr 17, 2007
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    Across The Line wasn't great. The drums sound horrible for the most part. Heavier part was exactly as you'd expect from Linkin Park.
  11. #91

    Theazninvasion68 It's like blood to a vampire, our tragic desire. LPA Super VIP

    Nov 9, 2004
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    ^^; Thank you SeeMo. I'm glad I expressed somewhat similar ideas.
  12. #92

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I don't think the song was fully mixed. That might be the reason why the drumline sounds so raw.
  13. #93

    Trumtram Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2002
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    i can't believe it that people really compare fully produced and mixed songs with their demos... that's not what i and many other people are doing here, guys.
    when i say i prefer the figure.09 demo over the album version im NOT talking about the sound quality and mixing and no vocals in the verse... the structure of a demo is the only thing that is really worth to be valued, maybe some vocal ideas.

    therefore: figure.09 demo:
    the riffing feels more dynamic, the chorus chording and singing melody is better than the final version and the bridge is by far superiour with its screaming and riffing.
  14. #94

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    I am surprised no one has noticed, but Breaking The Habit is ...(demo that is)

    Is Breaking the habit with Session layered on it.

    So essentially the original Session and Breaking The Habit originally were one song, but due to the lead on the techno break out it overshadowed it too much that I'd doubt the song would require a vocalist. I am sure this is why "Session" was named Session as in.. a "Drawing Session" because that's what it sounds like... it sounds like a normal drawing from scratch and as it gets vivid and detailed the colors and shading are included in the picture.. hence the "Transformer" sounds which are really sessions :).

    It seems the "Session" got a slower tempo and lost it's amazing instrumental climax it had in Breaking The Habit. But I am glad this cd is out, at least I got to see and hear the original 6 years in the making master piece. It's just like the way he draws. I love it.

    Also makes sense why the music video had to be animated. And the style that it had to be use, Brad's guitar strokes on this song sound like a pencil drawing in.. the transformer effects sounds like an erasers scrubbing on the canvas and the super break out it's probably the artist adding the detail to his picture (probably how Mike's mind works as an artist) bueno.. enough of this.

    I find "Drawing" beautiful, and a master piece. I am glad for both version :D
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2009
  15. #95

    arnoLP Member

    Nov 24, 2009
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    Grat album, I like Across The Line because the bridge sounds like the bridge of Given Up. Figure.09 isn`t bad and Faint is not Faint without Chester voice. :D
  16. #96

    Dedicated LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Jan 18, 2003
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    I think that Fear is better than LOATR. They should have left that rap verse in.
  17. #97

    Harlz More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me LPA Super Member

    May 26, 2006
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    Agreed on the verse. Obviously with proper lyrics :lol:
  18. #98

    Dedicated LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Linkin Park should start a revolution and just uses mumbles instead of lyrics :lol:
  19. #99

    SecondCityKids Hey John, What's Your Name Again? LPA Super Member

    Feb 13, 2008
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  20. Astat

    Astat LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 3, 2004
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    A few lyrical corrections:

    Faint -

    Chester also whispers "I...I...You...You" throughout the bridge/last pre-chorus at the beginning of each of Mike's lines, which would make the scream a "you" as well.

    Fear -
    I think it's "we're" anyway.

    Also, the Figure.09 demo has a vocal-less verse before the first chorus, so what you've labeled as "Verse 1" would actually be verse 2.
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