Mike Releases Statement On LP Live Archives + Be A Guest On Mike's Blog!

Discussion in 'News' started by Luke, Mar 18, 2010.

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  1. #1

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    The much anticipated Linkin Park Live Archives have been released and to coincide with this news, Mike has given a statement on his official blog including information on how to get discounts and free LPU online membership with purchase of the live shows:

    "Fans have been asking for it, so here it is: a full online catalog of our live performance recordings from 2007-2009. In case you missed these: each one was recorded at the venue and mixed my our official front of house mixer (the guy who mixes our shows).

    You can go to downloads.linkinpark.com and get any show for $9.99. Buy 5, get the 6th one free. And just for some extra flavor, anyone who buys one will get a membership to the LP Underground fan club for one month…and anyone who buys 5 gets a year LPU online free ($15 value)".

    Be A Guest On Mike's Blog:

    It may very well be worth getting that extra sixth show and getting the LPU membership because it could very well land you a special guest blog on MikeShinoda.com and a Linkin Park prize pack!:

    "I need a guest blogger. So this month, our LPUnderground fan club is hosting a contest to fill the position. Here’s the deal: you have to be a member of LPU, and you have to have seen our band play live. You post a blog entry on your site or ours, and let us know about it.

    Five winners get a prize pack, but the top entry gets re-posted here as a guest post on mikeshinoda.com for all to see. Sound awesome? That’s because it is."

    As you can see this is some pretty cool stuff Mike and the rest of the band are putting up on offer!

    Source: Mike Shinoda's Offical Blog via Napalm Terror
  2. #2

    Diablorojo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2007
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    I'm dissapointed with Mike
    I love the days when he used to say ''download that shit!'' or something like that..

    Now they are selling us something that should be free for all of us.
  3. #3

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    Why exactly should it be free?
  4. #4
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Yes, but they've also given the fans a lot more in the past year and a half then they ever have in between album cycles. I understand where you're coming from, but I'm kind of sick of seeing people act like the band does absolutely nothing for them. I've seen the band (and the people who represent them) get eviscerated on other sites over the announcement of the DSP thing, and it's ridiculous.

    In case anybody manages to forget, between this year and the last the band will have given us:
    New Divide
    Out Of Ashes
    LPU9 Demos (with a new unreleased song)
    8-Bit Revolution (with another new song)
    Not Alone

    Not to mention Chester, Dave and Mike all talk to the fans frequently through blogs/twitter updates.

    How is the band not good to their fans when they've given them that much? I know you're not saying the band isn't good to their fans, but a lot of people out there are, and I think the band just deserves more.
  5. #5

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    I kinda don't understand why people take that "Download that shit!" quote to heart. That was along time ago when that was said. Circumstances and people change over time.
  6. #6
    think i'm a fire engine

    think i'm a fire engine Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2007
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    Point blank, it costs money to record all those shows, have a trained professional mix it up, and have it put up for distribution. I really don't think this is just a cash grab.
  7. #7
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    A statement made at a live concert 8-10 years ago, does not count as a legally binding contract, nor does it allow fans/fan sites to spread the band's music/bootlegs freely. I don't care what 'proof' people have available that states the band allows bootlegs/music to be spread...the fact of the matter is that the music (live or studio) is copyrighted, and thus to be able to legally post bootlegs online you need way more than Mike just saying "yeah download that shit".

    No, you need to go through the band, Warner, and Warner's legal department. Having world premiered several songs that got us in hot water over the years [Remember The Name, Walking Dead, Morning After (Underworld Remix) and Qwerty (LPU6 Live version) all came from here] I know just how sticky 'copyrights' are, and I can tell you that fans never had legal permission to post the bootlegs online. The only reason the sites never got shut down is that Warner and the band didn't really care. Now they do, and they have every right to prevent the DSPs from being posted freely.

    Sorry, but it's the truth. People need to get over it.
  8. #8

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    I know and I do agree. In the end, I really don't care nor mind that they are charging money for the DSPs.
  9. #9
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I know lol. I was posting to say I agreed with you. My post was an extension of your thoughts lol.
  10. #10

    Neotriple LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Dec 19, 2006
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  11. #11

    Diablorojo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2007
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    Long ago? the same quote yes (2001, 2002 i guess)
    different words? not so long ago, even Mike created a thread in the LPMB for us to share the dps's I dont remember if he did this in the 2007 or 2008
    I believe that us the fans have done a lot for them and sometimes we just dont have enough... or maybe im just an obssesed fan lol

    and yes they need a professional to mix it up, Pooch does a bad job, Joe's scratching is too low
    Before Pooch we used to have awesome soundboard recordings, I was thinking that maybe he doesnt have enough time to mix them, He got the chance, he mixed RTR and we got the same shitty quality.

    I believe that you have to agree with me in this one.. 10 dollars for a show? that's way too much, what if i want 10 concerts? 100 bucks? maybe i yell because im not rich
  12. #12

    Theazninvasion68 It's like blood to a vampire, our tragic desire. LPA Super VIP

    Nov 9, 2004
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    The band has done a lot for the fans. Why? Because the fans have done a lot for the band. :lol:
    You know, you're likely to be getting a deal for the price.

    Yeah. Neither am I. I guess I'll have to save my money to buy some concerts. :p I want to buy some concert shows. Why? I means I'll be supportive of the band. This also means with more support, They'll be more likely to make more music. And that, my friend, is awesome. ! :D
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2010
  13. #13
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    You need to remember that despite Warner re-negotiating the band's contract, that the band still gets pretty much hosed with every record release. People think that LP are a lot richer than they really are, and while they are in no way poor, there's a lot of musicians out there that make more then them. In LP's case, Warner still gets a LOT of the profit and the only way bands like them can make money is through tours, merchandise, and business ventures like the DSP. And since the DSPs are technically 'downloadable music', Warner still has a right to stick their hands in the profit, so that explains why they can't be given for cheap.

    I'm just tired of people saying the band is all about the money. Name another band with as many number 1 hits as Linkin Park, and who have sold as many records as them, and yet still talks to their fans or gives to them as much as Linkin Park does. This band has never stopped being humble, or true to the fans and it's depressing to see that some people hang on non-legal statements by the band and then chose to scold them for it when they don't follow up. I mean again, this isn't personal...I understand your frustration, but you aren't being forced to pay for them. There are still ways to find them for free (ways that are illegal, don't provide the band or the label with money and that the LPA does not condone), and if you want to get the shows that bad you'll be able to find them on certain "sites" likely within a couple of weeks. There is simply no reason to complain. The band didn't even have to start releasing pro-recordings but they decided to. Not every band does that nowadays, and I respect the band for thinking of the fans by making these available.
  14. #14

    Storm Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Yes, I fully agree with you Derek. Since always i think. Everytime i enter this site and read your comments, i think you have the wise thoughts and so i just had to register someday and let you know lol :)
    I mean, i listen LP since 2002, and i grew with them, year after year, and i still love them as the first day simply because they get better, not only musically but as people themselves also (by the way, forgive any english mistake, as i am italian).
    I unfortunatly didn't have the opportunity yet to see them live, but if they'd offer a professional mix of a show i was, i would pay that blindfoldly.. a live concert is something that stays in your heart, and to be able to see it whenever you want in good quality, i mean, it's just awesome.
    And yes, the way they keep contact with fans (Mike's blog is in absolute my favorite for now), is more than fantastic, and i am afraid that if people keep being so weird the band might change. I hope not though.
    So 9 dollars for a concert is really not an enourm cost, if you consider you get even a month into LPU, gosh...
    I keep saying and complaining and defending LP against people who talks bad and without creative critic. All those "commercial/money band" is revolting. I love what they do, i always did and i hope i always will. The only thing i can complain of is not being close enough to see them sometimes lol.
    For some other reasons they even changed my life, more intim reasons.
    Anyway, i am glad to be part of this site, as i think it's fantastic :)
    Nice to meet ya all!
  15. #15
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Storm, I happen to think your English is pretty good. I was able to read your post no problem. Welcome to the LPA, we have many Italian members here and I think you'll fit in very well. Please post more! :) As for your actual post:

    I agree 100%. The band has changed my life in ways people could not imagine, and unless they completely did something despicable/inexcusable (suing a fan site for no reason like Prince did), I can't think of anything that would make me stop supporting them. I am certainly not a blind fan of the band, and many people will attest that I haven't always supported the band in everything they do, but I think the guys deserve a lot more than what they get from people sometimes. This band changed my life, and they've treated me (and this site) good.
  16. #16

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    @Storm - Welcome to the forums! Stick around and post, your English is fine. :)
  17. #17

    Bennington_Hahn This goes out to everybody still hatin' LPA VIP

    Apr 6, 2007
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    I paid £10 for my DSP when I saw LP live last year. & I'd gladly pay again.

    and as Derek & storm have put it: DSP's for any show you've been to are really something special. Not all fans appreciate what LP does - especially as not all bands do it. I think we should continue to show LP the support they deserve. $10 isn't really that much is it?
  18. #18
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Exactly. People forget that this is EXACTLY how much they cost back when they were sold at the shows. They were always 10 dollars, from the very beginning and the pricing structure hasn't changed. Why should people who paid for the show, at the show...now have their show given away for free? That's like buying an album, and spending like 20.00 for the CD + DVD special edition, only to have it sold for free later on. If I were those people who paid for the show, I'd feel kind of jipped.

    The price on the DSPs have never changed, it's just the mentality of fans has. It's been 10.00 per show since Day 1.
  19. #19

    AdamWBR Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2009
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    I'll throw in my two cents because I can relate to what you guys are saying. Just last night, I saw MY favorite band, New Found Glory. Over the last few months, I've been really lucky to have formed a relationship with them. They've been my favorite band since I was 16, so it's a thrill that they know who I am now. Anyway, I saw their shows in San Diego, LA, and I'm seeing them AGAIN on Saturday. Their lead singer asked me to let him know what shows I was going and he'd hook me up with tickets. I only had him hook me up for one show, I paid for the others. I know not everyone can afford to do stuff like that, but thankfully I can, and I'm happy to support my favorite band how ever I can.
  20. #20

    SecondCityKids Hey John, What's Your Name Again? LPA Super Member

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Completely Fair. If fans complain they are just greedy
    I thought he meant stuff predating the DSP's though
    04 shows and shuff.. oh well
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