File Sharers Buy More Well, according to that they do. also and don't forget this old gem So far it's only been about albums and such but what about hardware. What did Sony have to say about it at least? They admit it helps yet the still scrutinize it. It's kind of unfathomable, really... and book sales (albeit this is a little unfair considering it's only one author. But on the other hand he is a multi million dollar author. You can also read further into this debate as you head over to
I will download an album to know what I'm getting myself into. If I end up digging it, I'll purchase it. There are a great deal of artists that I would've never discovered without piracy.
It's an arbitrary thing to me. If something means a lot to me, if I think something's really good, I'll inevitably pay money for it. That's what it comes down to for me, what it should always come down to; if I feel it's worth my money, then I'll pay money. Last month, I bought a physical copy of an album, one of my favourites ever, that I discovered by illegally downloading MP3's five years ago. I might download or stream something that I find I don't like at all, and, then, I'd obviously be very thankful that I didn't waste my money buying it. Reznor has the right idea offering his recent releases for free download and letting his fans judge whether it's worth paying money for.
Okay, interesting views, everyone! (By the way, thanks for the links Jesse. Quite interesting!) Here's my opinion on the whole thing: I think listening to a couple of songs from an album (be it by YouTube or a download) that you're interested is fine. If you really enjoy it, I think you should buy the songs and support the artist. Same goes with software. Most companies offer free trials of whatever program you want. Get the trial, and buy the full version if you like it. And yes, while downloads may help sales, they still take money away one way or the other. So yeah, call me hypocritical...
There are quite a few artists, Linkin Park included, that don't care if their albums are pirated. They understand the business aspect of being musicians today, but still want to expand their audience and get their music out to the masses. In a perfect world, we'd be sensitive to what the artists want. But, in the real world, you've got kids going to prison for this. Not a 5 star resort prison. A federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison. For what? Something that takes just a few minutes to download? Yeah, downloading things you didn't pay for can in some instances be piracy, but governments and corporations need to get the stick out of their ass and address the issue by talking to the people who do the downloading, rather than acting butthurt.
I pretty much agree with the rest of your post, but...please don't tell me you're basing that on the "download that shit" quote.
Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. I'm pretty sure Linkin Park don't like their albums being pirated at all. The "download that shit" quote has got to be the most overused, out of context argument for people justifying pirating LP's music. They said that a long time ago under completely different circumstances from where they are now.
So they supported free download when they were poor and were getting almost no money from being in a band, but now that they're millionaires they changed their minds and don't won't people to steal their music and money. How nice.
i agree with all of you, who download stuff and then buy it when they think it's worth the money... i just find that fair, cause i don't want to spend nearly 20€ on an album that sucks ass. sorry, but i don't have a gold mine at home (unfortunately^^). so i'm downloading some songs before buying a cd. i'll never hesitate to spend my money on the bands/music i really love though. also i'm not buying whole albums, when i only like one song...
Agree. I don't buy an artist album because I have heard a couple of songs and "liked it". If I have the money, then why no contribute to the cause? It also depends which artist though (and this might seem ignorant) but I'm not going to go to best buy and walmart to buy a CD from Miley Cirus or Britney Spears; they already have other 20 million people do that for me. I rather buy something from someone who I think it's worth it, and that I want for them to grow/nurish in the business. Whatever I can't afford, I download it.
So people aren't allowed to change their opinions? They said that when they were trying to make a name for themselves and never said it in relation to any studio album. It's a different story when they're signed to a major label unfortunately. Maybe they don't really mind, I don't know I'm not LP, but if it was me, I'd hate that I worked so hard an album and it leaks early and people get to download it before they have a chance to buy it and experience it as it was intended, which unfortunately, seems to be the case nowadays.
Isn't your last sentence contradicting everything else you just said? You want to support the artist, but if you can't afford it, you'll get it for free? Exactly this.
Console manufacturers make very little money from selling hardware; most of their profits come from games. As for music piracy, yes, I download music. A lot. I'm not exactly proud of it, but that hasn't stopped me. On the flipside, downloading has exposed me to bands and artists I otherwise would've ignored. Shit, I wouldn't listen to three quarters of the bands I do now had I not had the opportunity to sample their music beforehand. And, like Minus, if I like what I hear from an artist, I'll happily plunk down the cash for their music.
Sway DaSafo [youtube]wOdvmjsn4tc[/youtube] [Chorus]: People Dont Wanna Pay For C.D's Now Every Other House Holds Got P.C's, They Download On Mp3's, People Please Be Reasonable (Yeah) How Am I Gonna Make My G's, If You Got My Album Before The Release, The Qualitys Rubbish And There Aint No Sleaves, Do You Deem That Feesable? IMO Sway is the best UK rapper out there at the moment!
I worded it wrong. If I do like an artist, then yes I would buy it, and I'm willing to do the same for all other artirts that suck just because... they still gotta pay bills; its their job regardless & I can always give it to someone else who wants it. But if I don't have the money for the people that I DONT like then yeah I will highly download it
You sound like someone from Warner haha. "Experience it as it was intended"? It's a meaningless expression of bands who are desperately trying to get money out of people. What is there to experience, it'a bounch of songs, the only way to experience them is to turn on your speakers and play them in your music player. The songs will sound the same whether I pay 20e for them or download them from torrent.
i personally am thinking exactly like that... it might seem contradicting. but sometimes music is just too expensive for me... and often times, i can't really understand the prices.