The Catalyst Out Now!

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Aug 2, 2010.

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  1. Xerø 21

    Xerø 21 I was Ree's 100th follower on Twitter.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    That and Chester has always said he's disliked One Step Closer.
  2. Joeverflow

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Because the lyrics are horrible, and have to be the most cringe worth angsty teen lyrics I've ever heard. I'm not surprised Chester said that, the bridge is just awful if you're over the age of 16. I'm hoping they cut that song all together on this tour cycle. The only solice that song had was the Jonathan Davis bridge.
  3. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    That's why I said with reason. I am sure even now while they got there with that "sound" it is music they are proud off. Even if the world at one point consider it garbage because it's "nu-metal" (I still don't know who branded that! lol). And yes they are writing it for the right reasons. It might not be directly "let's get new fans" but obviously they want the world to know of their presence. Again, I am only correcting your "No."
  4. hybrid.theory7

    hybrid.theory7 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
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    people who think meteora and m2m sucked are losers, numb and shadow of the day are one of the most popular LP songs atleast where i live.
  5. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    That will only happen if this album manages to trounce Hybrid in terms of mainstream success. You take out One Step Closer out (and while everything you said is true) it will be like cutting off a leg or an arm out of LP's set list.
  6. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    You're in a forum full of people who think Meteora is mediocre at best.

    Welcome to the forum of losers.
  7. iNuBBiN

    iNuBBiN Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    I fly both ways. I like in depth lyrics that make me feel like I relate to the song(which is why Numb is my fav or SIB which everyone relates to some point in there life) but if the is no dynamic instruments to bring me into the song I dont care how good the lyrics are and the other way around. Which is my big concern for The Catalyst. I enjoy the lyrics but the sound is what looses my interest towards the middle. I like really tight not loose songs which can hold my interest from beginning to end.
  8. heavenscalamity

    heavenscalamity Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Shadow, why do you hate change so much?

    You keep saying that you don't mind change as long as it maintains an identity, the same identity, which is not changing at all. Seriously man get over it, they've grown up.
  9. Rocky

    Rocky Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2009
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    Oh no it wasn't full blown. That time was only the beginning. 2005-06 made a HUGE difference. In 2003 people weren't hacking and leaking albums like crazy.

    I think the whole problem with saying "If Linkin Park doesn't sound like ____, they aren't Linkin Park" is this...

    Let's say you are a like model airplanes and collect and build them all the time. You're damn good at it too...then you hit puberty...and now you don't give a fat fuck about model airplanes, but that's what you used to do ALLLL the damn time, and hell, people called you "model airplane freak kid". Your hobby now is screwing the hell out of naive girls. Does that mean you aren't the same person?
    Would you be annoyed if for 7 years people told you that you need to stop getting some action and build some model airplanes? Because I would.

    It's called growing up. And what appealed to you as a kid may not be your cup of tea as a teenager, and what you dig as a teen may not be for you when you're in your 20s, and on and's as simple as that. You are the same person with different interests.

    "Linkin Park" doesn't mean "rock band with dj and rapper". It's more like "a band of six dudes signed to Warner Bros"

    And as a musician, I agree with them saying that doing the same kind of music would be boring and uninspiring. And when you're as big as LP and you've worked your ass off to do something that you love for a living, you wouldn't love it anymore if your job was to do was keep making music that sounds like something you've made 15 years ago with minor changes
  10. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    I don't hate change. I dislike change of entity, not identity. There's nothing to get over o_O. I am not married to this band, and I am entitle to discuss in this forum. It is why it's here. That mindset that you bring is the reason we have these nasty debates that happen over the years. So please don't force me to accept "anything", I am not forcing anyone to accept anything. I am only discussing the fact that obviously this track has led to a bit of an uproar, there's alot of unhappy people, even if we choose not to look at the situation. It's happening. I am one of them but not in the extent or magnitude you think I am, what I am doing is addressing the reason why all these people are coming in going "they need to go back to their roots, LP sucks, it isn't the same etc etc etc".
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010
  11. heavenscalamity

    heavenscalamity Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2007
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    I'm not trying to force you to accept anything, the fact is that they HAVE changed. They've stated repeatedly that they're not going back to Nu metal, and for that matter that Nu Metal was never really them in the first place. Essentially what you're saying is that you wish for the band to revert to an entity that wasn't even truly indicative of who they are.

    Cool story bro.
  12. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Where in the internet have you been? Leaking of albums has been around since 2000 o_O. And got really heavy when the torrents came. Torrents only became known to the public at 2005, but they were heavily behind the scenes around that time.

    Again, mainstream success is a factor here. I understand where you are getting at but man you lost me after the "screwing the hell out of naive girls" part. No reason to get so worked up with me, I am not your enemy. The problem to your comparison is that you are basing this off 1 person's life that doesn't affect what the rest of the world thinks (or the fan community you built from it).

    That's fine. I know they've growned up. I accept that, All I am saying is that they need to retain their entity. They are still a brand name. "Linkin Park". I understand where you are coming from, totally do. But try to explain that to thousands of other people. You are just going to get a big F U.

    Never said they were. I consider LP an experimental band up to this date. One that has a rapper in it. I've seen this band go from extremely awesome experimental to taking a "pause" rehashing shit, to "reinventing" themselves, not experimenting. NOW they are experimenting, just don't experiment too far from home.

    There's consequences to changes, I am not asking for another Hybrid Theory or Meteora, and if you just chilled for one moment and dropped the aggressive stance you are taking at defending Linkin Park you will see that I am totally for "change". Just do not change the entity, that in it's self its hard to express when you have all the people coming from all different sides complaining at one specific thing.
  13. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    No. I do not want.. Nu metal. I do not want "That". I want the experimental side to come out with their execution that is also as lasting as their last mainstream success. (sadly in this case it would be the clone; Meteora) but I do not want rehashes. I do not want what was 10 decades ago. I want something as inspiring as how Reanimation was in experimental aspect, as meaningful as how M2M was, and as powerful as hybrid theory. This is not something that should be "hard" to meet. Especially for a band of their experience. They have changed, and I am hoping this is the case for ATS. Sadly, TC does not portray this msg and it is the reason all this is happening.
    (not completely for the average fan) but to me the "instrumental" says alot of good which I am looking forward to. Much better impression than when I heard What I've Done.
    Totally unneeded "bro".
  14. iNuBBiN

    iNuBBiN Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    I dont want them to go back to HT or Meteora and I also want to them change just not in a bad way... I want them to keep the roots of the band, where you can still tell its LP and it feels like there not making there 4th 5th 10th record but there debut(that kind of energy) Like Mike says in a lot of interviews. Working with Rick is a stress free thing, we have lots of fun and stuff, and we dont put a due date on everything. Lol when you watch the making of Meteora all they talk about is how the perform best under pressure and how the first two albums were like pulling there teeth out and were so stressed, and would rip a song to shreds 100 times to get it right. I just dont feel that energy anymore from the band. You can tell how hard they wrked on there first to but when it comes to M2M i like it but I dont like how they just experimented with it and didnt feel they put everything into it like with songs HHH, In Between, TLTGYA. Ya there cool to listen to the first few times but instant classics, I dont think so
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010
  15. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    That's more redefined what we are trying to portray but makes sense. Before HT debut, the pressure was to become "known". After Reanimation the pressure was to meet the quota with Meteora. I guess with M2M it was rebuilding themselves, but there was energy there as well. I am not gonna stress it though because I have hope for (from what I've heard in the track) that this album will blow me out of the water :D. (or so I hope).
  16. Adam.

    Adam. Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    I'd.. just like to remind everyone of the logical fallacies being thrown around in this thread, hopefully we can avoid them.

    Fallacy one: Linkin Park is losing their fan base, people don't like it, whatever. This is subjective as there are no firm statistics but let's be real arguing that any LP song was better based on popularity as its soul metric is an argument to the same. If you're arguing this you're convinced that thousands of people just can't be wrong!

    The next fallacy is an appeal to a tradition of sorts: "They've lost who they were! I want the old LP back!" Let's not make the argument that because this is how they USED to be is how they SHOULD be.

    For what it's worth the people who like this song, and frankly some of us love it, have attachment to it already. However I find that the Pro-TC crowd is hardly dogmatic about this song in the same respect.

    While I'm also on the topic of logic can we just chill? Seriously, there are now 36 pages of this useless, circular, bickering and nothing is changing. The anti-TC crowd is arguing to something ethereal, something that doesn't exist and frankly the pro-TC crowd is arguing from subjective experience. But what you WILL notice is that the pro-TC group is not using broad terms like "Everyone loves this!" etc.,

    Things change guys. Change is the only constant in the universe, everything else is temporary. For those of you who have grown attached to Linkin Park's old music it still exists, you can enjoy it no less than you did years ago. But just because you are attached to that sound does not mean that it should remain, or that it can remain. You are not the same person you were 3 years ago, 5 years ago, or a 3 weeks ago. You've grown, changed, perhaps you've cut your hair a different way or switched from contacts to glasses. If someone saw you now having not seen you for 5 years wouldn't you want them to remark on how far you've come? Why are we trying to hold Linkin Park to something that, frankly, had far greater appeal to most of us as teenagers?

    Holding onto that idea that the old things were good, that just causes you internal pain. You experience a loss, something familiar to you is being done away with and it offends you. So you go out and you make noise, and you argue, and you talk about how everyone hates this song, and so on and so forth. You justify these feelings of negativity by seeking comfort in people who feel the same. "Surely," you say, "everyone feels as I do, that something important is lost here." The worst part about all this negativity is that when it is introduced into these forums it brings otherwise civilized people to the point of exchanging insults and ad hominem attacks, it creates a spiral of negativity that is difficult to escape.

    Relax, enjoy the new music, or don't if it's not your taste. But rest assured that the LPU will not be arriving at your door any time to seize your copies of HT and Meteora.

  17. Jeff

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    So. . . . i bought some heavy bass earphones at work today . . . and when I got home i listened to The Catalyst again. And I have to say that it has just become more epic to me now that I can hear Phoenix's bass more prominently before, when i didn't use headphones at all
  18. ChuckCheese

    ChuckCheese Did somebody order some cheese? LPA VIP

    Nov 12, 2007
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    What this thread needs:
  19. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Love everything that you said. I like how you broke down all the stuff that's happening. I am pro the track, not pro the lyrics but I really (again) think this was due to that it was chosen for the remix and they didn't want to make it hard for the contestants. Yesterday I was really on the gun about how they are going "that" direction. But I highly doubt that's the case since the track gives another tale. Sadly, for the rest of the people that dislike this song is because of the said mention fallacy's above. All in all, I still cannot wait till ATS drops :).

    Why don't you wait till the album drops? So you enjoy all the rich details in quality and not compressed gibberish that is Mp3? Unless that is.. you got the lossless version in itunes o_O.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010
  20. iNuBBiN

    iNuBBiN Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Can anyone tell me how big a normal linkin park concert is in a normal city? Random question but i plan to make this year the year i see them live in Dallas or Houston?
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