A Politician Makes Sense.

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by minusxerø, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. #81
    Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    1) You have no idea what you're talking about.
    2) You fill my heart with sadness.
    2) Recycling is not totalitarian. It's called protecting the environment. Get your head out of 1984.
    3) You still have no idea what you're talking about.
    4) The conservative media is a huge part of reason everyone is afraid and part of the reason why nothing gets done. I don't care who is a genius of it or who isn't. The conservative media, wherever you go, is full of idiots. Not because they're conservative, but because they feel the need to shove their views (which are still sometimes close-minded and unaware) down everyone's throats and tell them not to support their President.
    5) If it were oppressive, you wouldn't have your rights. Get over yourself.
    6) The people you posted about have no idea what they're talking about.
    7) Try not to triple post next time.
  2. #82

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Typical Republican-backing behaviour; spew a bunch of off-topic nonsense and conjecture and don't address the issue at hand.
  3. #83

    Saoberlinwaves Banned

    Jan 20, 2010
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    I think destroying our economy and leaving our children with a debt so large that the amount of national debt owed averages out to over $120,000 PER CITIZEN and a welfare state that is collapsing is a much greater concern than "some plastic bags" (as George Carlin put it).
  4. #84

    Saoberlinwaves Banned

    Jan 20, 2010
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    1. Nope
    2. Get over it
    3. Controlling every aspect of citizens' lives, how much carbon they are allowed to admit, water they can use, forcing them to recycle, etc is absolutely authoritarian.
    4. "The conservative media" consists of Fox News, Wall St. Journal, Talk Radio, and the Right-Wing Blogosphere. The Liberal Media consists of ABC, NBC, PBS, CBS, CNN, MSLSD, New York Slimes, WaPo, and an ever-powerful Soros smear-machine going by the names Media Matters, Center For American Progress, MoveOn.org, etc. The difference is that the general American public sees Fox and Talk Radio as Conservative outlets, but falsely regards CNN, ABC, NBC, etc as being nuetral and unbiased media sources. The Liberal Media is 100x more powerful than the Conservative media because they pass themselves off as being truthful and nonpartisan when that's not the case. I'll be the first to admit that FOX is a biased network, but the Liberals have the ENTIRE mainstream media backing them... Is it too much for us to ask for ONE network of our own???

    5. Our rights are slowly disappearing, be it our free speech rights under attack from their Orwellian fairness doctrine garbage, their attacks on the privacy and freedom of the internet, their efforts to silence Talk Radio through the bureaucracy, their back-door efforts to slip through Cap and Tax through the EPA, their attacks on our economic freedom through redistributive policies and specifically through the unconstitutional mandate that we must buy health insurance. This isn't happening overnight, it's happening under the disguise of being in our best interests. Intrusive, over-powerful government NEVER serves the best interests of the people and seeks only to destroy and enslave.

    6. Mark Levin has a better understanding of and respect for the Constitution and the Founding values of this nation in one finger than King Barack has in his entire pathetic body. The man is a Reaganite Conservative and one of the greatest voices for liberty and against this tyrannical New Left in america.

    7. alright?

    I should have known that discussing politics on the LP board would be an absolute lost cause, but this is just pathetic... Put down the Communist manifestos your college professors have given you and pick up a copy of the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence... I don't give a damn what this ACORN community organizer from the South Side of Chicago thinks is best for my country, screw him. I owe my allegiance to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. I believe in unalienable rights, as did our founders, that can not be granted or taken away by our temporary leaders but are granted to all humans by God, by natural law, by humanity, or by whatever you believe in.

    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security"

    Bet your nutjob professors don't read anything from this great document. In fact, most of them despise this document. The "Intellectual Left" is more interest in social engineering projects than your unalienable rights and protecting the Republic.
  5. #85

    Saoberlinwaves Banned

    Jan 20, 2010
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    Holocaust survivor gets shouted down by some nutjob hateful liberal at mosque protest.
  6. #86

    Hellions Banned

    Nov 1, 2008
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    Hey guys remember when this thread was started about the Muslim community center debate?

    Oh yeah, me neither.

    Also, since it doesn't seem to stick for some reason, because "Community center" doesn't have quite the spin and sensationalism Fox News and company rely on for their ratings:

    It's not a mosque.
    It's not a mosque.
    It's not a mosque.
    It is not.
    A fucking.

    And quite frankly, fuck the guy. If anybody should know a thing or two about religious persecution and intolerance. But no, instead he contributes to a protest that is a direct slap in the face to those who perished in the terrible stain on history he had the fortune of surviving. It's amazing how little people can learn.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2010
  7. #87

    Theazninvasion68 It's like blood to a vampire, our tragic desire. LPA Super VIP

    Nov 9, 2004
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    I, for one, don't think recycling is a bad thing. It certainly does more than dumping it into the landfills. If a new Can has 100% aluminium, and a recycled Can has 50% used aluminium, 50% new aluminium, then we saved/reduced using new material to create one item. Eventually, a recycled Cans can produce more while not needing new materials. If 50% of a Can can be reused, then after 2 new Cans can possibly be generated with less material, therefore, lower costs. This applies to plastic, paper, etc. Therefore, Recycling is good because it can generate more material with less.

    If that went over your head, then consider a mechanical pencil. Once you use its preloaded lead, you purchase more lead. You reuse the mechanical pencil, but the lead is refilled. This, I hope, is a familiar concept, and is also a form of recycling.

    Now, are we given the choice to recycle? Yeah. I mean, I can toss as many glass, plastic and paper into my regular dumpster and take it out. I'll get no complaints from the Waste Management Co., nor will i get a letter saying that I am a unethical dude with serious issues regarding the environment.

    Recycling and Cap/trade policy, or as you said clearly about what it is in essence "How much carbon they are allowed to emit", are different. Recycling bottles and paper is good. It does not effect the economy so seriously that it has harmed us more. Cap/trade policy directly involves production of goods in America. ( I forgot what part...:lol:)

    Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo How is recycling bad and "Absolutely totalitarian" When it is good, and also by choice of the consumer?

    Even though I am not 100% convinced of Global Warming, I am 100% convinced and agree with Harlz that we need renewable energy sources, and good ones at that. It is just a matter of fact Truth that not everything we have is unlimited. Just as there is x amount of animals that exist on this planet, there are x amount of non-renewable energy resources. Why shouldn't we invest in creating stronger, more powerful solar panels? Or x energy source? While they are totally new technologies, thats what they are. New Technologies. The computer was a "New Tech." Cars used to be "New Tech", even airplanes. Why can't energy sources be as well? Coal does produce extraordinarily great power, and it's good. But coal will eventually run out. Nuclear powerplants are a new technology that will help us. Bill Gates has invested in a Experimental powerplant that runs off of nuclear powerplant waste .Effectively solving the problem of "where to store" and "cost of storing." Also, it generates almost the same amount as a regular nuclear power plant can. If you're curious, Look up his TED talk on www.ted.com.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2010
  8. #88

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Can we please get back on topic?

    The fact of the matter is that this is not a mosque. It's a multiple-level community centre that will house a basketball court, a culinary school, and more. The top two levels are reserved as a Muslim prayer space.

    The xenophobia exemplified by these protestors is absolutely appalling. This has become an admonishment of the muslim religion (when it wasnt even about that in the first place!) and should not even be an issue! It's sad, really. It's like that whole terror babies conspiracy put forth by that Texas congressman. Just shout unsubstantiated suggestions over people enough, don't present any legitimate evidence, and refuse to listen to logical reasoning. Sounds like the Right to me.
  9. #89
    Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Holocaust survivors can still be racist bigoted idiots. It's surprising, I would think a Holocaust survivor would be the last person on this planet to support religious persecution. But being a Holocaust survivor isn't a free pass to spew hatred and racism.
  10. #90

    Shayan86 Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    All this Islamophobia nonsense that is being visualised by the western media is another step in the drection of alienation of different civilisations, people should be afarid of a certain communtiy because of their nationality, religion or ideology, utter nonsense.
  11. #91

    Saoberlinwaves Banned

    Jan 20, 2010
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    I agree with a lot of your post. I agree that recycling is good, I'm all for protecting the environment, but nowhere in the Constitution does it give the government the right to force us to recycle. Yeah, that clause is right next to the health care one and the abortion one... It doesn't exist. It's not the right of the government to control these aspects of our lives, it is intrusive government.

    I completely agree we need to find renewable energy resources. Apparently the Democrat party does not agree, because they hate nuclear power and do everything they can to stop it, which though I'm slightly wary of nuclear it's the only existing source of energy under current technology that could realistically be used on a wide scale and replace coal... Solar, Wind, Water, etc are just not realistic and will never be accepted on a wide scale for a plethora of reasons.

    And I never said mandating recycling is "totalitarian"... I said it's "authoritarian"... this alone doesn't make the US an authoritarian state, but it is certainly authoritarian in nature. One by one this regime is nationalizing industries and regulating private aspects of our lives... Cap and Trade will not only be the greatest intrusion on personal liberty in the history of this nation, it will be catastrophic to our economy and destroy our wealth. I just don't understand why people support growing the government when it's pretty obvious it's WAY too big as it is. The EPA is way too powerful for our own good, it thinks it can pass laws and regulations without going through the legislative process, they honestly need to be shut down or at least blown apart and restructured massively and put in their place
  12. #92

    Saoberlinwaves Banned

    Jan 20, 2010
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    We aren't afraid of it because of our religion, ideology, etc. You still just don't get it. ANY other location and nobody would give a damn either way. We're not afraid of anything here, we're angry and disgusted that they are desecrating our nation's most hallowed ground by putting up a shrine to the same religion that murdered 3000 of our citizens in their offices and on commercial airplanes on 9/11. ANY other location and nobody would care about this whatsoever. It's not Islamophobia, it's called standing up for the sanctity of the most sacred ground on our soil.
  13. #93

    Hellions Banned

    Nov 1, 2008
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    So because a group of people from a religion decided to do something, fuck the whole thing, right?

    I'm a little uncomfortable with how close that Catholic church is to that daycare center... I mean if they'd put it ANY other location, it would be fine.

    Oh, I forgot, there's three churches for every block in most cities. But ONE Muslim center and holy shit right?

    Also government isn't forcing you to recycle by encouraging it, and they're not forcing you to get an abortion by allowing it. Abortions are just fun. :awesome:
  14. #94
    Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Let's get some facts straight....

    1. There are already mosques near Ground Zero.
    2. The propose building is not a Mosque, it's a community center.
    3. The community center is not visible from Ground Zero, and Ground Zero is not visible from the community center.
    4. The people who want to build the community center had nothing to do with 9/11.
    5. The current building at the site of the community center is a decrepit old building that is falling apart and is no longer in use. Building the community center will improve the look of the area and increase property values of buildings around it.
    6. Any other location and nobody would care? See Murfreesboro, TN mosque and Mayfield, KY mosque.
    7. There are churches near the site of the Oklahoma City bombing, and Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta bombing, which were acts of terrorism carried out by Christian terrorists, and none of you people are bitching about it.
  15. #95

    Hellions Banned

    Nov 1, 2008
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    Guaaaahhh I love it
  16. #96
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Todd for the motherfucking win.
  17. #97

    Saoberlinwaves Banned

    Jan 20, 2010
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    This is an absolutely idiotic post in almost every regard. So 9/11 families' pain caused by putting a mosque next to the world trade center is comparable to having a catholic church near a daycare? Are you really that sick? That is an absolutely disgusting statement to make, completely and in every regard.

    I never said fuck the whole thing because a group of Muslims attacked us on 9/11. If you know a damn thing about the Quran and Islam you'd realize that their actions are actually justified by many of the later passages in the Quran, which are to take precedence over earlier, more peaceful ones. I don't hate Muslims, and not all Muslims are violent or believe in oppression, but Islamic law is for the most part oppressive and violent. Funny how you and the rest of the Leftists go out of your way to bash Christianity when every Christian nation in the world today is free and democratic, while Islamic nations are iron-fisted and theocratic. Ironic because you people claim to stand up for human rights, yet go to all odds and ends to defend a religion guilty of more human rights violations in this world today than every other religion combined.

    And the government IS forcing you to recycle if they're forcing you to use "smart" recycling bins and financially punishing you for not recycling.

    What you said about abortion is just reprehensible on so many levels. You Lefitsts are sick, Liberalism is a mental disorder. Why do you all insist on defending the slimes of the earth, the oppressors, and the terrorists, yet you attack those of us who promote freedom and peace? Nutjobs.
  18. #98
    Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Oh, like Uganda, a Christian nation that is considering a law banning homosexuality that would result in the death penalty for anyone who is gay?
  19. #99

    Saoberlinwaves Banned

    Jan 20, 2010
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    Please show me this, I've never seen anything about such a thing. And Uganda is not ruled under any sort of theocratic law or doctrine, as Iran and Saudi Arabia are. One of the 10 Commandments is Thou Shall Not Murder... For any reason... Including those regarded as sinners... Where is such a provision in Islamic Law? Even if what you say is true, they have no basis whatsoever in Christianity or the Bible for such a law. Differs a lot obviously from Iran, where Islamic Sharia Law requires that the punishment for homosexuality be execution.
  20. Ophelia

    Ophelia LPA Super VIP LPA Super VIP

    Jul 20, 2008
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    Christianity is responsible for some of the most reprehensible acts in history, and yet I don't see you bringing up any of that. Can we say the Crusades, The Spanish Inquistion, or what happened in the state of California when the Spanish monks basically forced the Native American Indians that lived here to convert to Catholicism? I'm Catholic, and these things, among a few others are all disturbing. What makes them any different than the acts of the Muslim extremists? NOT A DAMN THING.

    People on a whole are evil, no matter how you look at it, or attempt to rationalize it away. If it wasn't the Muslims that were religious terrorists, it would be some other religion with a whack job like Osama bin Laden at the helm leading them into killing in the name of whatever God they believe in.

    and in regards to Hellions statement on abortion, can you say over exaggeration?

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