You're right. The Full Experience is just the regular album as one big file, nothing extra. I don't see the point of it really, like you say, just listen to the album and don't skip any songs = exact same experience.
I like some of the plans you guys have, so here's mine: Limited spoiling as much as possible. No mini-previews for me. Everyone else can enjoy them! I want to have the satisfaction of manipulating the tangible object I paid for and placing the Doc and CD into my computer. My plan is to watch the Doc first the enjoy the full experience. I'm going to overdose on LP before the release by letting my ears enjoy just about every LP song I can listen to in chronological order from HTEP to Pretend To Be. It's going to be fun conversing with everyone in the LPA community about ATS after its release. Can you say new LPA podcast edition? Ahh Hellz Yeah! Lets have Ana be one of the guest to talk about her experience at the meet n greet and pre-listen.
I dont know why but Mike just stresses that alot. When MTM was leaked he said its not the same experience with out say the album packet or the order of the songs
This isnt the same as all the other leak threads. This one everyone reads and hadm ore than one question in the beginning. It just discusses everything kind of like another ats thing. On a side note: If you preordered and you get the song clips two weeks early (next week) will you listen to them? I will!
oh wow, we have the same previews. Need physical making of them full album! And everyone who preordered the special edition will get the dvd
Someone on the board said who leaks on to warez stuff that it will be leaked on the 7th at the LATEST. So we will most likely have it 320Kbps quality then