They are similar and different. Both instrumentals that have the same musical qualities. Session has turntable solo and ambient doesn't, but they both have cool beats. Session's music seems to bleed into each note while ambient just goes note by note. Both are killer instrumentals!
Ambient is more of a looped sernade beat thing. Session is an 'aggressive' instrumental with drums and scratching
session is one of my fav tracks ofa meteora! And ambient is kinda loop based whereas session is just plain ace!!
yeah, but the very beginning of Session has the same sound as Ambient.. maybe I just don't know what I'm trying to say
The secret track on the Hybrid Theory E.P. (at the end of Part of Me) I don't know if that's the real title for it, but that's what they're referring to.
The secret track on the Hybrid Theory E.P. (at the end of Part of Me) I don't know if that's the real title for it, but that's what they're referring to. [/b][/quote] Mike said before it's called Ambient.
Mike said before it's called Ambient. [/b][/quote] I never once read or heard anything where Mike or any of the band called it "Ambient."
I never once read or heard anything where Mike or any of the band called it "Ambient." [/b][/quote] You might not have, but I have.
You might not have, but I have. [/b][/quote] WoW it sounds good. Ive never know about that. Session and Part Of Me are very cool. B)
Nope, now if you tried to download Reanimtion off KaZaA, then you would have got Ambient, but named Secret. It was probably dubbed 'Secret' because it was the 'secret' or hidden track off the EP. And for december way up there at the beginning of this page, I don't think that it's exactly the same but it's similar because of the drum beats. Maybe Session was Mike's reinterpretation of Ambient
I'm not trying to sound like an ass, but where did Mike ever say it was 'Ambient'? I'd just like to know and see it proven. I just want to know where/when he said it was called that--that's all.