Anti-Homosexual App Approved by Apple App Store Receives Some Criticism

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Jesse, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. #61

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Here's the thing:

    Things like Religion are choices people make. They chose to be religious or not religious. And if they chose religion, they chose which religion. Even if you get raised into a certain religion, you can chose to discontinue those beliefs when you grow up.

    I dunno, it seems different to me to hate something that people have no control over, like homosexuality. But, as long as you truly don't judge people that happen to be gay, I'm satisfied (enough).
  2. #62

    Theazninvasion68 It's like blood to a vampire, our tragic desire. LPA Super VIP

    Nov 9, 2004
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    I'm right here on that. I might not approve of anything you are, believe, etc. But It's not my matters to judge you wrongly. So I won't, even if I might disagree with what you're doing. I think I keep a pretty good track with this ^_^
  3. #63

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    It's fine, I figured I should go into a bit more detail there anyway.

    I think if someone commits theft for example, it's probably not that hard to hate the sin and not the sinner. You probably can when it's sexuality and things like that as well, but at the very least there's a much finer line between the two there.

    It is a weird thing to call a sin though. It's one thing to not like it personally but I don't think there's anything morally wrong with it, whatever causes it. Even if someone just consciously decided they were only going to have relationships/sex with members of the same gender, whatever. It's just old values that have survived I guess.


    Seriously though, that's just the way the discussion has gone and it's not like anyone is still claiming that there's a gay cure app. If you want to disagree, disagree.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2011
  4. #64

    AlexSR Member

    Mar 22, 2011
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    .....and Apple becomes a victim of its own ridiculous gate-keeper policies. Maybe the wider question is 'why do people buy a closed system, run by vertically integrated company that locks down it's sytems like this?'. I try to avoid apple because I like the be the person who decides what I am subjected to - if I want to buy something with swearing or 'objectional content' then I should be free to do so (not saying that IS what I want, but who are Apple to decide?).

    In this case, I find the app mentioned disgraceful - but I don't need Apple to decide that for me one way or the other.....
  5. #65

    CM. ☠ L O V E KEEPS US K I N D

    Dec 6, 2010
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    Do you support homosexuality? < well sure, i dont care whatever or whoever you are, as long as your good to me ill be good to you
    no matter what
    Do you think that homosexuality is a disease/un-natural and do you think it is wrong< i dont think its a disease although i seen in a tv serie they said pedofile is disease lol not sure if it were true
    facts though. anyway just mentioning it as i also found that weird, calling that a disease

    i dont think its un natural as we are just who we are, if you like girls as a girl then so be it
    i dont know who or what made you like that but you are still you, no one can change your soul
    thats the beauty of it
    brains says you wanna get down with a girl, then go for it. why feel unconfortuable if its your life and the other one wants it too
  6. #66

    arbiter Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2010
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    I support homosexuality. I think its as natural as heterosexuality. I don't think its wrong. Regardless, the gay rights group have a big point. If Apple will not approve a racist app, then they shouldn't approve this app. It would be a double standard if they chose to approve this one. Logic should easily help them solve this dilemma.

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