Iridescent Video Now Online - Watch The New Linkin Park Video Here!

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Jun 3, 2011.

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  1. #61

    sotrix @lplive

    Apr 7, 2010
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    I hope the control freaks at Paramount allow this one to be posted on Youtube.
  2. #62

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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  3. #63

    tROCKS24 Banned

    Jan 17, 2011
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    muy excellente, i thought of the video :D

    who was the director? i cant wait to see the movie!
    i noticed how Chester and Mike have the eyes :D
  4. #64

    lprullzBG Active Member

    Aug 18, 2010
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    I like the video and I'm really confused with all these Linkin Park fans! First you were bitching about the new sound and the big changes and now you are bitching cuz they don't change. So I guess Linkin Park should stop making music?! Get your minds straight and realize that these videos are connected and in some ways they have to do something similar and in this case its the dark feeling and the slow motion. Everywhere on the internet LP fans are bitching about something so that brings to the point that LP fans are ....... ?!
  5. #65

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    I love A Thousand Suns and the new sound. I think this video is average at best.

    Your argument is invalid.
  6. #66

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Please don't paint everyone with such a broad brush. Most of the people on these forums wanted a continued departure away from their nu-metal sound of the first two albums and welcomed this change. It was only a vocal minority stuck in the past that complained about the new sound, most of them happening to be YouTube commenters (a.k.a. the least intelligent of internet users).

    I honestly have no idea how you're getting that viewpoint based on what's been said in this thread. It's seemingly out of nowhere.

    Music videos are another thing. How are these connected? There's no visible, linear plot in any of the music videos of this album cycle, and I laugh at anyone trying to pull them together as a continuous storyline. Each music video becomes more and more ambiguous.

    Anyways, music videos are becoming less and less important as music marketing tools. I just wish the band would give us an entertaining, point A-to-point B plot for a video. "Numb", for example, was great. "What I've Done", a video with almost no special effects and the least amount of band footage, had a clear message and perfectly complimented the song. These videos are too heavy with slow-motion and special effects.
  7. #67
    the enigma

    the enigma The Routine Scar

    Sep 15, 2006
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    Has no one noticed the visual connection? The songs themselves are the story connection, but the visuals are all reminiscent of the album art and tie most of the videos together. The only one I can think of that doesn't have that same connection is Burning in the Skies, though it did borrow from Waiting for the End with it's ethereal images of the band.

    Don't think he should paint people with such a broad brush, yet you are openly saying you will laugh at anyone who doesn't share your point of view. Commence with your laughing.
  8. #68

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I'm sorry, but similar visual effects does not indicate any semblance of continuity between the videos other than the fact Mr. Hahn seems to like his videos in slow motion.

    Holy twisting my words around, Batman. But I'll bite: There's a difference. He originally said the majority of LP fans were whining about the new sound, which is false. There was a vocal minority, but from what I saw on these forums around the release of ATS, many fans embraced the new direction of the band. I don't appreciate being lumped in with that group and being told "First you were bitching about the new sound" because I don't like this video. That's bizarre.

    I remember when the Pts.of.Athrty video came out in 2002 and everyone was saying the three orbs in the sky signified Xero, Hybrid Theory, and Linkin Park. My point is that some Linkin Park fans will do anything to interpret their music videos to make sense of them, like some sort of art critic in a gallery. I've seen this all before and it's often comical to see some people give meaning to the overly ambiguous music videos Linkin Park have put out lately. So yes, I laugh at those people who spend all their time overanalyzing the videos. I don't laugh at anyone who likes this video or disagrees with me.
  9. #69

    Topher LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jun 25, 2010
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    linkin park Twitter:
    Linkin Park
    We've had some technical issues with the music video for "Iridescent" & it has to go away till tomorrow. Please check back then.
    the video is still working for me
  10. #70

    WBLPF Member

    Nov 11, 2010
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    I'm not trying to overanalyze the video, but when the band is sitting around the table, it reminds me of the Last Supper.
  11. #71

    arbiter Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2010
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    After viewing the video, i have determined some things:

    1. Mike still looks :awesome:

    2. I don't hate the video.

    3. But i don't like it either even though i found the visuals interesting.

    4. I will never warm to the remix and the video as one entity.

    5. As a fan who bought the album, already listened to the song and loved it, it is very hard to for this version to appeal to me. Also, i am one of those people who think of all the songs in LP's arsenal, Iridescent is the least of songs that could be paired up with Transformers. They don't go together so much as oil and water don't mix.
    Due to that opinion, this video isn't for me nor can i appreciate it.

    6. I think its more for the people who are not fans of LP per se or only hear LP's music through singles and music videos so the remix won't be a shocker to them. It's not for the likes of me. Or at least, a fan like me who liked the slowness and buildup of the original.

    7. Why couldn't LP and Michael Bay have picked any other song but Iridescent to pair Transformers with?:( Even Blackout would get my vote easily.
  12. #72
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I believe that was deliberate. Not sure of it's overall significance, but certainly intended.
  13. #73

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Nothing wrong with that! :thumbsup:

    It's the people who would take that a few steps further and insinuate this video has something to do with the Da Vinci Code that trouble me. :lol:
  14. #74
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I'm going to side with the people who believe the video has a meaning/story to it as it does seem like there is a plot buried within the video. Just what that story is though, who the hell knows :lol:.
  15. #75

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    This video has Illuminati imagery! Mike's illuminated eyes, that weird LP logo that looks like a pyramid. IT'S ALL THERE! [​IMG]
  16. #76

    Rezanator Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Of course that was intentional. The video would've been awesome if they focused more on that Last Supper scene instead of throwing random shots of the band and robots. The music video could've been centered on that scene with the band member having one last meal together and having a good time before the "end of the world" stuff happens. It would've worked perfectly with the overall theme of ATS. Anyway, I don't much care for music videos and honestly the last LP music I really enjoyed watching was Waiting for The End. I thought that was a different type of music video and captured the essence of that song.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2011
  17. #77

    I'm gonna be the opposite guy here.
    This is my favorite LP music video. The visuals were stunning and I loved the symbols in it (the snake, the litlte thingy symbol thingy whatever-you-call it at the end)
  18. #78

    cradle Foreword LPA VIP

    Dec 15, 2006
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    Yes the original iridescent mix is better, but i hated that song a couple months back. Till i really started to listen to it differently.
    I think they had to use the Transformers mix, cause if i hated it I could bet them new divide YouTube trolls would rip the album mix to shreds.
  19. #79
    the enigma

    the enigma The Routine Scar

    Sep 15, 2006
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    The things is, we know that there is actually hidden meaning in most of these new videos because the band has in some instances said it outright and in other instances implied it. It's not that far fetched for people to see these videos and try to make sense of what they are seeing. My point is that just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. Furthermore, it doesn't mean that you should laugh at those are trying to make sense of the esoteric and ambiguous.

    And it isn't only about the visual effects, but what is actually being shown. Perhaps a different word like "imagery" will help get my point across. The strange artwork from the album has actually been featured in a music video. The void in which Waiting for the End takes place, along with the color correction and overall feel of that void is featured in Burning in the Skies. The strange projected lines and imagery are both in Waiting for the End and in Iridescent. These aren't random connections I'm making up in my head and I'm not saying that these make a plot or whatever, I'm saying that they are visual connection throughout the videos and album that compliment the audio connections. Notice how I haven't stated a reason or a justification for these things, just that they are there.
  20. #80

    Bradley Butt makes me weep, I call it a “boo-hooty".

    Sep 9, 2010
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    ....or maybe they are just music videos.

    I've only seen two connections with all the ATS videos: most of them visualize some sort of "apocalypse" going on; makes sense since the album deals with that. The other is that they are in slow mo (then again that goes for almost all they're videos).
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