Castle of Glass Roads Untraveled Until it Breaks Skin to Bone In My Remains Tinfoil/Powerless I'll Be Gone Lost in the Echo Burn it Down Lies Greed Misery Victimized
The context of the album made me like BID less, I loved it before, but to me it's stand out as basicallyh the worst song on the album and listeni ng to the album you can tell that. (I think UIN is tied with it tho for last place)
Eventhough I think it's too soon to already make a ranking like this.. at this point it's something like this for me: 1. Castle of Glass 2. Roads Untraveled 3. (Tinfoil incl.) Powerless 4. Lost in the Echo 5. Burn It Down 6. In My Remains 7. I'll Be Gone 8. Skin to Bone 9. Lies Greed Misery 10. Victimized 11. Until It Breaks
1. In My Remains, Tied with Powerless (with Tinfoil) 2. Castle Of Glass, Tied with Roads Untraveled 3. Burn It Down 4. Lost In The Echo 5. Skin To Bone, Tied with Lies, Greed, Misery 6. I'll Be Gone 7. Until It Breaks 8. Victimized
This is really hard to do with only a few listens but... 1: Roads Untravelled 2: I'll Be Gone 3: Castle Of Glass 4: Lost In The Echo 5: Skin To Bone 6: Tinfoil/ Powerless 7: Lies Greed Misery 8: In My Remains 9: Burn It Down 10: Victimized (I really like the rap but the chorus is just a bit much) 11: Until It Breaks (I still like this, just not as much as the others.)
Until It Breaks Skin To Bone Castle Of Glass Roads Untraveled Victimized Lost In The Echo I'll Be Gone Tinfoil / Powerless In My Remains Lies Greed Misery Burn It Down
These ones are perfection in my mind, I can hardly gauge them best to worst. Perfect 10s. Lost in the Echo (Hard hitting and reminiscent) Castle of Glass (Wow) Victimized (Sick. Just sick.) Skin to Bone (Calm intensity, rare.) Roads Untraveled (Epic) I'll Be Gone (Classic, great lyrics) In My Remains (Awesome) The rest was near perfect and still thoroughly enjoyable in my opinion. Lies Greed Misery (9/10) Until It Breaks (8.5/10) Tinfoil / Powerless (8/10) Burn it Down (7/10)
This is just after one listen, so my opinions will probably change.. but so far my list is, 1. Lost in the echo 2. In my remains 3. Castle of glass 4. Powerless/tinfoil (consider them one song) 5. I'll be gone 6. Roads Untravelled 7. Lies Greed Misery 8. Burn it down 9. Victimized 10. Skin to bone 11. Until it breaks
1. Roads Untraveled 2. I'll Be Gone 3. In My Remains 4. Lost In The Echo 5. Powerless 6. Castle Of Glass 7. Victimized 8. Lies Greed Misery 9. Skin To Bone 10. Until It Breaks 11. Burn It Down 12. Tinfoil
After 4 listens, I have a rough idea of how I'd rank the songs. 1. Roads Untraveled (10/10) 2. Castle of Glass (9.5/10) 3. Lost In the Echo (9/10) 4. In My Remains (8.5/10) 5. Tinfoil/Powerless (8.5/10) 6. I'll Be Gone (8/10) 7. Skin to Bone (8/10) 8. Until it Breaks (8/10) 9. Burn it Down (7.5/10) 10. Lies Greed Misery (7/10) 11. Victimized (5.5/10)
1) In My Remains 2) I'll Be Gone 3) Castle of Glass 4) Roads Untraveled 5) Lost in the Echo 6) Tinfoil/Powerless 7) Burn It Down 8) Skin To Bone 9) Victimized 10) Lies Greed Misery 11) Until It Breaks
Currently, at the moment (I've listened to the album about 6 times all the way through, but after ONLY 6 listens....) 1. Lost In The Echo 2. Tinfoil/Powerless 3. In My Remains 4. Until It Breaks 5. Lies Greed Misery (for some reason, AFTER LT leaked, I've grown to like this song more. Wasn't that fond of it prior to the album release) 6. I'll Be Gone 7. Burn It Down 8. Castle Of Glass 9. Roads Untraveled 10. Victimized 11. Skin To Bone (just cannot seem to get into this one, love the synths, but the content and bland lyrics and delivery just don't do it for me) The top 7 songs are all old Linkin Park-esque, whereas 8-11 are newer, folkier and different and I haven't quite gotten into them yet, but I'm sure with time I will.
Castle of Glass (Because its perfect) Skin to Bone (Electro-folk, that's awesome) In My Remains (Great chorus) Victimized (Mike's best verse in years) I'll Be Gone (Guitars and an awesome chorus) Lost In The Echo (Nice rap, nice chorus, but I kinda expected more) Lies Greed Misery (Because of the most awesome chorus in years) Powerless (Lyrics = perfect, song = epic) Roads Untraveled (Love the lyrics and the whole experience) Until It Breaks (Love Brad's part, Mike trying to speak retarded makes me laugh) Burn It Down (It's a little to pop) Tinfoil (Because it's actually YO, and it's by far Linkin Park's worst instrumental ever, just doesn't live up to the amazing, eargasmic Session) Album: 9/10 (Tinfoil mainly took away a perfect 10, and Until It Breaks Afro-Mike)
Ok, after a good load of's what I would say: Lost In The Echo Victimized Tinfoil/Powerless Lies Greed Misery Roads Untravelled Until It Breaks Castle Of Glass In My Remains Skin To Bones I'll Be Gone Burn It Down
It's never too early. I've done so for the last few album cycles and stayed true to those opinions. At least for the "best album yet?" discussion. For song rankings, I'll side with you. I'm only on my fourth playthrough.
1. Castle Of Glass 2. Roads Untraveled 3. Lost In The Echo 4. Until It Breaks 5. Powerless 6. Victimized 7. Skin To Bone 8. I'll Be Gone 9. Burn It Down 10. Lies Greed Misery 11. In My Remains I don't include Tinfoil since its just a transitional instrumental.
1 Lost In The Echo 2 Roads Untraveled 3 Castle Of Glass 4 Powerless 5 In My Remains 6 Until It Breaks 7 Burn It Down 8 I'll Be Gone 9 Victimized 10 Lies Greed Misery 11 Skin To Bone
Lost in the Echo (Both Lost in the Echo and Castle of Glass are perfect to me, but i choose LitE for no.1 because of the high energy) Castle of Glass Victimized Roads Untraveled Skin to Bone Lies Greed Misery Until it Breaks (Still have to get used to Brad's part) In My Remains I’ll Be Gone Burn it Down Powerless/Tinfoil
For now 1. Lost in the Echo 2. Tinfoil/Powerless 3. In My Remains 4. Castle Of Glass 5. Roads Untraveled 6.Victimized 7. I'll be gone 8. Until it breaks 9. Lies Greed Misery 10. Skin to bone 11. Burn it down ( I like mike's rap here but after listening to the whole album, this song is :/ to me.) But i will wait until i hear the whole album a thousand times then rate it again.