On the lyric video on YouTube for this song, it seems like this a least favorite for most people on the album. What do you guys think of it?
I gave it a 6. Probably would've gone less but listening to the whole album kind of put into context I guess
lol, 10? In all seriousness, the only thing redeeming this song is that it's made by Linkin Park. I mean, it's fun and catchy and all, but it's crap.
I gave it an 8 due to the somewhat substandard mixing, but I still love the "YAAAY FUCK YOUUU" feeling to it. YAAAAY!
After listening to the album in its entirety, it's one of the better tracks. Which makes me sad, because I don't like it all that much.
I debated giving it an 8, but it's just too balls-off-the-walls joyful to listen to. It's definitely a song that I can pop on and appreciate no matter what the occasion. And the happy vibes overtop of the "I'm enjoying your destruction" undertones is a really kick-ass combination. Not to mention Chester's screaming is just chilling. 9/10 for me. If the song was about a minute longer it would easily be higher.
It's not one of my favourites. It's good, but that's only after listening to it a lot. And I wouldn't do that if it wasn't linkin park. So, because it's linkin park and I've gotten used to it, i'd say 7/10. On first listen that would be a 4/10. :/
It sounds much better in the album. It just fits right, as does BID. I gave it an 8. Fun, catchy, dark, harsh.
7. Yeah, not the best, but still pretty solid overall. The only thing that bugs me is that the chorus reminds me a bit of the "Ting Tings" which put me off it a bit. Luckly it redeems itself at the breakdown/outro. I bet everyone thinks I'm mad to say such a thing
I love it, one of my favorite from Living Things. It might not be a musical 6min-long progressive masterpiece, but it's probably the funniest song on the album