The Making of CASTLE OF GLASS - Raw Footage to Final Music Video Feature

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. #1

    Joe It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Medal of Honor have released a new feature that shows the transformation of the raw footage to the final polished version of the CASTLE OF GLASS music video that was released last week in conjunction with Medal of Honor: warfighter. The game is due out October 23rd for Xbox, PS3 and PC. Watch the video below.


    Watch the Finished Version of CASTLE OF GLASS
    Source: Medal of Honor
  2. #2

    Serenity Suffocating in the mess

    Jun 4, 2010
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    Wow, that looked really interesting. Shows how much work actually goes into the making of these digital backdrops for music videos.
    It's also funny to see how far CGI has gone from the somewhat fake-looking effects in "In the End" compared to these effects. :lol:
  3. #3

    YoMarques Linkin Park Soldier. LPUer.

    Apr 6, 2012
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    Wow, this is pretty awesome :)
  4. #4

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Wait, so there's a layer of CG over the band members? It looks like they were motion-captured
  5. #5

    chihuasG Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Little known fact is that Linkin Park is actually all CGI. What you see at live shows is just an intricate system of holograms (And you thought that Tupac one was impressive). :bradwink:

    I don't think they were motion captured. That layer was probably just used as reference for the effects.
  6. #6

    Vriska Wiki Staff LPA VIP

    Apr 17, 2007
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    I don't see motion capture markers on the band members. On the other hand, the technology might have evolved to the point where serious productions don't need the markers anymore. The models also don't move in sync with them.

    I keep trying to look for the purpose for the band member geometry. They are so low polygonal that I think they were meant to be used for the CG animators to create the effects and layout (and physics simulations?) around the band members , without needing to composite the film footage in. In most CG pipelines I know about, composting is one of the last steps, and the animation step before that might not smoothly accommodate working with flat film footage. So, the animators might have needed standins.

    eg, when Chester holds the piece of glass, there seems to be an invisible CG hand there that the animators can use to place the shard in the picture so that it is in the right place when Chester's real hand is edited back in (?)
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2012
  7. #7

    mrhahn98 Member

    May 3, 2007
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    i sent this right after the MV appeared a week a go but no one cared :(

    Acutally they're just pre-vis model so the CG artist know the position of the band, so they can make the background where they stand on accurately, there's nothing more to it. They included it in this making of video only to make it look cool. If the glasses shard need to interact with band member or anything they'll have to 3d track the movement of the band then make an animated mesh of out it to simulate together with the particle system but that's not the case here.

    Also the scene where Chester hold that piece of glass, they have the dummy green thing for it ,also the ruler to measure distance between Chester's hand and the camera combined with the whole camera tracking of the shot.

    And to be honest, the CG shots this MV is dead simple to company like Digital Domain and is actually alot easier to shoot than the In the End video, it's just In The End was a long time ago and not as high quality as this one.
  8. #8
    the enigma

    the enigma The Routine Scar

    Sep 15, 2006
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    The effects only look simple here because they don't show you how much work actually goes into the post production, just the layers they used. It's incredibly tedious. And frankly, simplicity of the shots has nothing to do with the difference between "In The End" and "Castle of Glass." That's all talent and technological progress.
  9. #9

    mrhahn98 Member

    May 3, 2007
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    i loled
  10. #10

    Vriska Wiki Staff LPA VIP

    Apr 17, 2007
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    Oooooooo burn. So original.

    Seriously, he has a point. You make it sound like the tech guys aren't involved in CG animation.
  11. #11

    mrhahn98 Member

    May 3, 2007
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    No it doesnt burn, and he(and probably you) misunderstood both my post and the CG works being done in the video rather than having a point. I work as a compositor for a company pretty much like DD and i quite understand what they're doing, and i find it funny when he said it's tedious, crazy layers and stuff, cause that's exactly what i've been doing for years. I didnt mean to say it's easy job, bad FX or anything, it's really great, but i THINK it's not that hard for DD to do and the models in there are just for previs that is all i'm saying.

    But i see no point explaining it here cause even if i do,you guys will probably not gonna believe me or call me some "school boy" or "stupid guy who knows a little bit of VFX stuff that just wanted to show off" and stuff. That, is the conversation i do not want. Because that's what happening on the internet everyday, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, people's flaming everywhere, and since there's no point explaining it to him just to bring down some more serious stuff (for example, your post, you tell me it burns), i just "loled". If he loves the video, awesome, if he loves the VFX in the video, awesome, if he (or someone else) think there's so much more work behind the VFX, and it's really tedious then that's what he's gonna believe in, i have no need to change that.

    I'm in LPA just for news and information about LP, that's all. I'm a guy with some knowledge and if i think i should share it, i will. I'm not here to change someone's mind whom i dont even know. And i take my time, writing this post hope to make it clear for you
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2012

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