Sometimes do you think Chester has a weak sound when he sings live for a little bit of one or 2 songs, not really weak, but maybe soft or off a little, not in pitch, but, grr, i cant explain it.
He cant be perfect like he is on the cd's. Hes live, hardly any band can keep there rythem going for what 17 songs. Think before you ask.
The notes are shorter. but if u listen on the CD most of the notes a lengethend by computer. He's singing is, well, "raw". D4.
What do you mean, like in SIB where his kinda running out of air ? That's tough singing to a crowd...
do you mean like on POA when he sings the chorus it sounds different, its really hard to type but this is my best shot lol 'you like to think your never wrong, you live what youve learnt' on the recordered version the "wrong" is longer than live because he cant sing two things at once
It's not lenghtened by computer. When they record, they record the vocals almost word by word. So, for Faint's chorus, they record "I can't feel", "The way I did before", "Don't turn your back on me", "I won't be ignored", and they mix the end of the sentences with the beginning of the other ones. They can't do so live, so that's why it feels like he can't hold on anymore to his note. Sure, some reverb can help, but can not reproduce this.
It's not that he's singing stuff shorter or other lyrics. In one version of One Step Closer at the VMA's in 2001, he sounded kind of more rap like than singing during the lyrics. I guess he isn't perfect, but unfortunately that is something I demand out of music. It doesn't happen too much and i don't really think too much about it anymore.
very true. i do agree tho that he sounded a little softer on the LIT dvd/cd. and more high-pitched, but thats how his voice is tho. jus sounded more pronounced live.
Plus, this was on the Summer Sanitarium Tour, so he was just getting over his several aliments. I think Chetser sings so incredibly well's true that there are times when he is not at 100% but we have to remember that he is human, and that being on the road almost every night for months at a time, screaming your head off for an hour cannot be that easy. So I give him full credit for coming out every night and trying his best to kick ass. I've yet to hear a singer sound as good live as they do on their album. So I think it's ridiculous to expect that of Chester. Despite what people may think, he isn't Superman!
I think Chester's voice his definetely gotten worse live. Probably because of his illness. If you compare songs on Live In Texas to older live ones. the older ones sound much better (ex. With You (Live) on LPU 2.0)
I think he's gotten better. And also he sounds almost the same at concerts as on the albums, just a bit more raw.
I agree with In.My.Skin. I also like how he makes little additions to the songs, like changing the words or screaming at parts he normally wouldn't.
damn right, and u cant expect chester to maintain his voice perfectly through out the show, i think he does realy well considering how many shows LP have done since Meteora and hybrid theory came out
also when recording a cd they dont sing 15-20 songs straight like in live performances so his throat probably gets soar after a while, plus hes sounds different live because his vocals dont have the effects and tweaks you hear in the cds
I don't think he's got worse at all. Sure he was ill, but who do you know who can be in hospital one month and screaming a whole live set the next? That's pretty amazing. Though, did you see how much he was sweating?