LOL. Oh well, it's just science...heh heh heh... :chemist: Who cares when you get to see LP?! [/b][/quote] crap i am waiting for march 6th, darn it, but hey, i got decent seats! and you guys post after you get back, i wont to her yer stories! so i know what to expect
my show is later today! I'm so excited, even though im in the upper seats, im still going to have an awesome time! EVERYONE ENJOY THEIR SHOWS!
Have a good time!!! 3 days til mine!! [/b][/quote] Be sure to take pictures, everyone! We may use them!
dont worry i will, but tell us what is was like, and have a great time, but then i dont need to tell ya that, you can be in nosebleed seats and still be rocken when LP is in the house! plus tell me if P.O.D is any good live, since i never heard them live before and dont know what to exspect
i got a question, how long does an LP concert go for? how many hours? coz i neva been and i really really wanna go to one
I went to the January 17th show. Man did it rock, I didnt get to the meet & greet but heck I saw them on stage, and they were awesome.
Well at mine POD got over around 9:45 ish I believe (I think Andrea can correct me) and then LP came on at about 10 to 11.
Well at mine POD got over around 9:45 ish I believe (I think Andrea can correct me) and then LP came on at about 10 to 11. [/b][/quote] Ya know, I checked my watch when Linkin Park came on and it said about 9:45pm and they finished exactly at 11:00pm.
Ya know, I checked my watch when Linkin Park came on and it said about 9:45pm and they finished exactly at 11:00pm. [/b][/quote] They actually HAD to finish at 11. Union rules or whatever. I wonder if they would've played longer though
They don't have to finish at 11. They can play as long as they want, unless the venue says otherwise.
im going to the usf sun dome show in tampa,fl my 1st time it will rule even more though if i get in meet and greets
meet and greets are over oh well, i can sign in to lpu now, just i am too late becuase i get no pop up, maybe next time, if they come my way before my year sucription is out