Pretty self-explanatory. Rank tracks from THP from best, to worst. 1. Drawbar (feat. Tom Morello) 2. Mark the Graves 3. A Line in the Sand 4. Rebellion (feat. Daron Malakian) 5. Final Masquerade 6. Until it's Gone 7. Guilty All the Same (feat. Rakim) 8. Wastelands 9. The Summoning / War 10. Keys to the Kingdom 11. All for Nothing (feat. Page Hamilton) NOTE: This list might change over time. I'm only on my second playthrough.
I tried my best, but some songs are too hard to separe 1. Keys To the Kingdom / Mark The Graves / Drawbar / A Line In The Sand (tied) 5. The Summoning / War 6. Rebellion 7. Guilty All The Same 8. All For Nothing 9. Final Masquerade 10. Wastelands 11. Until It's gone
Yesterday I did something like that. Honestly since then a lot has changed and probably will change in the future. 1. Keys To The Kingdom 2. A Line In The Sand 3. Wastelands 4. Final Masquerade 5. Guilty All The Same 6. All For Nothing 7. Rebellion 8. War 9. Until It's Gone 10. Drawbar 11. Mark The Graves 12. The Summoning
1. Mark The Graves 2. Keys To The Kingdom 3. A Line In The Sand 4. Final Masquerade 5. Drawbar 6. Rebellion 7. War 8. Wastelands 9. Guilty All The Same 10. The Summoning 11. Until It's Gone 12. All For Nothing
01. A Line In The Sand (Victimized + Guilty All The Same + By Myself + Fallout) 02. Final Masquerade 03. War 04. Rebellion 05. All For Nothing 06. Guilty All The Same 07. Until It's Gone 08. Wastelands 09. Keys To The Kingdom 10. Mark The Graves 11. The Summoning 12. Drawbar
Things are always bound to change, but this is how I feel at the moment. 01. A Line In The Sand 02. Final Masquerade 03. Rebellion 04. Guilty All The Same 05. Keys To The Kingdom 06. Wastelands 07. Mark The Graves 08. Until it´s gone 09. Drawbar 10. All For Nothing 11. War 12. The Summoning
After a few playthroughs of the album: 1. A Line In The Sand 2. Final Masquerade 3. Mark The Graves 4. Drawbar (feat. Tom Morello) 5. Rebellion (feat. Daron Malakian) 6. Guilty All The Same (feat. Rakim) 7. Keys To The Kingdom 8. Until It's Gone 9. Wastelands 10. All For Nothing (feat. Page Hamilton) 11. The Summoning 12. War A Line In The Sand is probably among my top 3 Linkin Park songs. Also, a lot of the songs are very close. I like most of them a lot, with All For Nothing being an okay to pretty good song for me, The Summoning being an average interlude, and War a song I dislike a lot.
Very good 1. Keys to the Kingdom - creative, dynamic, tasty riffs, the opposite of boring, loud, energetic, fun, catchy, great melody, great rap flow, great screams 2. A Line in the Sand 3. Rebellion 4. The Summoning-War 5. Drawbar Good enough 6. All For Nothing 7. Guilty All the Same - should have been better if not for trite lyrics Mediocre 8. Mark the Graves - should have been better if not for trite lyrics 9. Final Masquerade 10. Until It's Gone 11. Wastelands - generic LP, recycled chorus, nothing happens in this track Bad tracks N/A
1. A Line in the Sand 2. Final Masquerade 3. Rebellion 4. All for Nothing/War/Keys to the Kingdom (tied) 5. Guilty All the Same 6. Wastelands 7. Drawbar 8. Mark the Graves 9. Until it's Gone 10. The Summoning
After the first few listens.... 1. Final Masquerade 2. A Line in the Sand 3. Rebellion 4. Guilty All the Same 5. Keys to the Kingdom 6. All For Nothing 7. Wastelands 8. Mark the Graves 9. Until It's Gone 10. War 11. The Summoning 12. Drawbar I just can't get into the last 3. I thought i was gonna love War based off the reviews but I don't really care for it.
1. Rebellion 2. Until It's Gone 3. Final Masquerade 4. Keys To The Kingdom 5. All For Nothing 6. Wastelands 7. Guilty All The Same 8. Mark The Graves 9. War 10. The Summoning 11. Drawbar 12. A Line In The Sand
1. Final Masquerade 2. Drawbar 3. Until It's Gone 4. Guilty All The Same 5. All for Nothing 6. A Line in the Sand 7. Rebellion 8. Mark the Graves 9. Keys to the Kingdom 10. Wastelands 11. The Summoning 12. War
1. A Line in the Sand 2. Final Masquerade 3. Keys to the Kingdom 4. Guilty All the Same 5. Wastelands 6. Mark the Graves 7. Rebellion 8. War 9. All For Nothing 10. Until It's Gone I really enjoy drawbar but I don't know how it would fit in the order of the rest of the songs. The Summoning is take it or leave it to me.
at the moment: 1. A Line in the Sand 2. Final Masquerade 3. Guilty All The Same 4. Key To The Kingdom 5. Rebellion 6. Mark The Graves 7. The Summoning/War 8. All For Nothing 9. Drawbar 10. Until It's Gone 11. Wastelands
1. Keys to the Kingdom 2. Final Masquerade 3. Rebellion 4. A Line in the Sand 5. Drawbar 6. Guilty All the Same 7. Until's its Gone 8. All for Nothing 9. Wastelands 10. Mark the Graves 11. War 12. The Summoning Its not that I dislike the songs lower in ranks but man the quality of the other songs is just so much better.
1. Final Masquerade 2. A Line In The Sand 3. Rebellion 4. Keys To The Kingdom 5. All For Nothing 6. Guilty All The Same 7. Mark The Graves 8. Until It's Gone 9. Drawbar 10. Wastelands 11. War 12. The Summoning
1. All For Nothing 2. Final Masquerade 3. Keys To The Kingdom 4. War 5. Until It's Gone 6. Rebellion 7. Drawbar 8. A Line In The Sand 9. Mark The Graves 10. Wastelands 11. Guilty All The Same 12. The Summoning