The hunting party lyric interpretation

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Wizardofozil, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. #1

    Wizardofozil Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Think this album got many deep meaning too it
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  2. #2

    Top2Bottom Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2007
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    Anyone have any idea what Until It's Gone could be about?
  3. #3
    lime treacle

    lime treacle Über Member Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Oh come on, you can start a thread better than that.


    UIG is quite straightforward and simple. It's about realizing how much you had only after it's gone. :lol: I suppose it's about a break up.
  4. #4

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    You think so?
  5. #5

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    ^ That's how SUPERXERO starts most of his threads.

    SUPERXERO, stop starting threads with "." or "?" in the first post. Please edit the first post and write a description of what you want to discuss in the thread rather than a shitty, vague "."

    Look at other threads for how to start threads if you need to and just try and make some sense. Thanks.
  6. #6

    Jovertop Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Lets talk about war :bradwink:
  7. #7

    MagmaXtreme Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2014
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    When I listened to UIG I don't think about relationships at all, I ponder the thought of being stripped off all materialistic belongings, and realizing what you really have, the traits of your character, positive or negative.

    A lot of people criticize the lyrics but if you think about it it's a theme that can apply to many different things just like 'Guilty all the same' can.
  8. #8
    Squish Mitten

    Squish Mitten I'm a five-star general; infantry controller.

    Apr 7, 2012
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    My interpretation of Rebellion:

    Rebellion, at least to me, is a critique on how people nowadays victimize themselves: the "My life sucks" attitude people have, the so called "First world problems". We need to realize that there are people out there whose lives are way worse than ours, instead we just think about our own little problems and make a figurative mountain out of a mole hill. We are the fortunate ones/Who've never faced oppression's gun/We are the fortunate ones/Imitations of rebellion: We should be thankful for what we have, for the life God has given us, we should be thankful we aren't the ones subjected to oppression like the millions who are. And instead of making a big deal out of our own petty problems, we should think about the oppressed, the millions who have never seen democracy. We act it out/We wear the colors/Confined by the things we own/We're not without/We're like each other/Pretending we're here alone: We act like the world revolves around our own stupid problems, we try to be "rebellious", for example a kid talking back to his parents if they don't allow him to go to a party. We pretend as if we are the only ones facing "hardship" even though we all do this shit and there are millions who've got it much much worse. But we want to think we've gone through shit even though we haven't, we want to think we've overcome a great problem so we can give ourselves some purpose in life. I think this song is about having a reality check and being happy with the life you have.

    Just my interpretation, I think songs mean different things to different people. If you don't feel the same way, don't get pissed off. :)
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2014
  9. #9

    MagmaXtreme Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2014
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    This message really resonates with me and I'm glad LP touch upon such mature topics like this because I don't think those themes exist in HT or even Meteora.

    People nowadays live in their own bubble, not expanding their scope or being firmly aware of what lies across different horizons, which is ironic in a world that is more globally connected than ever before.
  10. #10

    Jovertop Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Well in this case you are obviously right :) btw one of the best song lyrics on the album in my opinion
  11. #11

    Wizardofozil Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Anyone got one for MTG or ALITS
  12. #12

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    No. Absolutely no-one.

    You are out of luck.
  13. #13
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I'll do some of A Line in the Sand but probably only Mike's vocal parts as I find that the lyrics he sings have much more meaning than Chesters'

    A little disclaimer, these interpretations are only after briefly thinking about the lyrics. I may revise them at a later date.

    So we begin:

    Today we stood on the wall
    Standing atop of a metaphorical wall, and being elevated as the best earth has to offer.
    We laughed at the sun
    A metaphor for not taking global warming seriously.
    We laughed at the guns
    How it was thought implausible that war could affect their lives.
    We laughed at all
    Mocking the very thought that any of life's many random injustices or natural events or human caused tragedies may affect them in any way.
    And when they told us to go
    The protagonists comes and warns that they go out and be more proactive in what they can do for their planet and humanity as a whole.
    We paid them no mind, like every other time
    But still, they ignore these warnings, thinking they're invincible.
    But little did we know
    They were willfully ignorant to all their plights.

    Today I look for a sign
    The protagonist is looking for some evidence that there is still reason to believe in humanity. S/he is nonplussed at the fact that so many scoff at all of the problems affecting the world today.
    With flames in my hands
    A metaphor for taking action instead of standing idly by. The flames are the motivations to affect the outcome. A burning desire to do what is right.
    A line in the sand
    The divide between the protagonist and those who had laughed at the sun, and everything else.
    Between yours and mine
    The line in the sand, between those who care and those who do not.
    And they came like fire from below
    Incredibly, there are those who know of the problems yet wish to impede progress due to their own self interest. This is a boiling point for the protagonist. Ergo, the fire down below.
    Your greed led the call The aforementioned "they", greed over progress.
    My flag had to fall The pressures that those in power endow upon those who hope to make a difference is much too overwhelming. You can not be victorious without being in the elite or without the money or influence to inflict change.
    But little did you know
    The greedy are either ignorant or willfully ignorant that their power is only temporary. Take global warming for example, it will affect them in many ways and they will not have any way to buy themselves out of the many disasters that may arise.

    Well, that's enough of that... :lol:
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2014
  14. #14

    AkirraKrylon LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jul 8, 2010
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    WOW I didn't look at it from that particular perspective...that's really good stuff lol

    Bravo sir, bravo.
  15. #15
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Thanks! I edited a bit as I forgot a line.
  16. #16

    JasonJielN Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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  17. #17

    Sticky New Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    In my opinion, the entire album is another commentary on modern life with undertones of war and struggle, just like with A Thousand Suns. The albums actually share a lot in common, both being experimental and full of wtf moments, but the key difference being that THP is gritty, rough, and violent sounding while ATS sounds more electronic and apocalyptic. If you look at the albums with from the perspective of THP being a prequel to ATS, an interesting outlook on the meaning of both albums can be made. Obviously I cannot say THP is an intended prequel, as it is probably not, but it makes it more interesting to me viewing it as such. The Hunting Party has lyrics that touch on the decay of modern society and how out of touch people are these days, and a series of hard songs act like conflicts that culminate in A Line in the Sand which bridges the gap to A Thousand Suns, which is when the wars and conflicts of a THP turn into a full scale nuclear apocalypse.
  18. #18

    Wizardofozil Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Think you are right
  19. #19

    Xero-G Reborn LP Fan, and plan to stay that way.

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Is anyone confused about the overall meaning of KTTK? I think I get what the song is trying to say overall but am a bit confused about certain references. What exactly is Chester implying when he says "toss the keys to the kingdom down that hole in my eye"? I thought the song would talk about handing lots of power (keys) to already powerful individuals so they can continue to control society (the kingdom). This doesn't really seem to be the case, though.

    In Mike's second verse, he says "Yes, I'm half Anglo/half fried panko". I was so confused with this line when I first saw it in the lyrics booklet, as I didn't know what "panko" was. I did some research online and found out that panko is actually a special type of bread crumb sprinkled over fried recipes to enhance the flavor. It originated from Japan, so maybe Mike is using this as a clever way of saying he's half Caucasian, half Asian.

    I don't know if this counts, but Urban Dictionary gave a very different meaning to panko, a very derogatory one. I'd rather not talk about that, as I find it quite disturbing. I just hope that Mike wasn't implying the derogatory meaning of the word in his verse. I mostly doubt he would do that, though. If you're interested in what I'm talking about, just go to Urban Dictionary and type in "panko". You'll see what I mean soon enough.

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