Yeah and one of it will be Final Masquerade... Good Idea, make a #Visceral album and forget to play the #visceral songs live . Hope for the European tour there will be atleast ALITS AND Rebellion.
Well that is at least something. My guess would be Final Masquerade and All For Nothing... which kind of sucks. I really hope it is either KTTK, MTG or ALITS.
2 songs is a bummer, especially since one of them will be FM (nothing against the song, I love it, it's just that it's hardly showcasing the 'loud' side of the album they've been banging on about...). I'd love to hear Rebellion, KTTK and MTG live, but that's not looking likely - I reckon KTTK is probably gonna be the second song.
They're adding two songs at the beginning of the tour which makes sense since they want to be able to have some time to get better with the songs they perform. I believe half way through the carnivores tour they will debut at least another song. That's how they've usually done it excluding the Living Things era which just sucked overall on songs live.
Hopefully they end up playing more then just two. I have a bad feeling those songs are FM and UIG but we shall see.
They already have UIG. No doubt FM will be one, they would want to play the catchy one so the casual concert attendees will go check out the album. The other is either War or KTTK I hope. I don't want MTG at all, I have a feeling All For Nothing and Rebellion wouldn't be that great, and ALITS is too long, I don't want anything taken from the setlist.
People seem confused. They're adding two songs to what they already play, not just playing two songs. Until it's Gone Guilty All the Same Wastelands New Song New Song Keys to the Kingdom I think would sound like crap live. Final Masquerade is probably one of them, so my guess is the other one will be A Line in the Sand. Mark the Graves I don't think would come off as a good live song as much as I love it.
Alongside "Final Masquerade", I'd put a bet on "All For Nothing". Or "War". That is keeping my expectations low.
Easy song to play live. I am about 90% sure they won't play MTG and ALITS... Which sucks. I'm surprised that they ever played TLTGYA live since that song has so many vocal harmonics and is a rather long mid tempo song.
War would be super cool, but I have my doubts about that song being being performed. It's a super difficult song to play, and who knows if LP would be able to pull that off consistently.
Final Masquerade and War. The guitar playing on War allows Brad to be sloppy/do his Faint-outro-tremolo stuff without sounding too off the mark.
i bet chester will not sing well on FM, it will be hard for him to sing that live without "pushing" the high parts and without strain. BITS for example he never sounded quite good live, and its much easier than FM to sing
They rarely, if ever, debut songs mid-tour. They'll have their Carnivores setlists, then their fall tour setlists, etc...they rehearsed all this stuff way back in the spring. It's not like the band would have an opportunity to work on other songs during the tour without an audience present either, because the band doesn't do their own soundchecks outside of the production rehearsal at the start of the tour. Final Masquerade is confirmed to be one of the two new songs, per an Instagram video of Rob playing it during rehearsals.