I'm sure everyone can relate to alot of Lp's songs, so here is my top 15 in no order, whats yours? 1.Part of me 2. In the end 3.Papercut. 4. Pushing me away 5. Final masqurade 6. Figure 09 7. Somewhere I belong 8. Irdescent 9. Apfmh 10. Runaway 11. By myself 12. crawling 13. With you 14. A line in the sand 15. Faint
Jellyfish Kidding aside, Given up, waiting for the end, iridescent. What we don't know is pretty amazing as well. That song makes me optimistic. On a side note: You find ALITS relatable?
Well dont know if all of the relate to my life , but i would take this: Breaking The Habit Iridescent Waiting For The End The Messenger In The End Final Masquerade Robot Boy Leave Out All The Rest Shadow Of The Day Faint
Faint In The End Pushing me away In Pieces Until It's gonne Nobody's Listening Numb All For Nothing Final Masquerade Runaway A Place For My Head When They Come For ME Blackout Papercut Breaking The Habit
She Couldn't Roads Untraveled Slip My December Fear Final Masquerade P5hng Me A*wy In Pieces The Little Things You Away No Roads Left Easier To Run Waiting For The End Debris Castle of Glass In My Remains Bolded songs directly relate to what I'm going through right now.
Oh dear, here we go... Final Masquerade No Roads Left Roads Untraveled Faint Papercut A Place For My Head Somewhere I Belong Numb What I've Done Castle of Glass All For Nothing A Line in the Sand Breaking the Habit Burning in the Skies Until It's Gone Bonus: Debris, Blackbirds, Don't Stay, Powerless, Keys to the Kingdom
Depends on the situation, but the songs I usually listen to and connect with the lyrics about something are In the End Faint Lost in The Echo Waiting for The End Somewhere I Belong Given Up One Step Closer Roads Untraveled All their songs are pretty vague lyrically so it's easy to list a lot. I can say I've never really felt a personal connection with a lot of them though, like Castle of Glass, Wretches and Kings, Catalyst, etc.