Hoping for the single to come well before the video, but either way I'm excited. Can't come soon enough.
Not really, considering Beyonce did it before Metallica and someone else probably did it before her .
Stoked for this. As long as they release it before their summer tours, I'm happy as pie. Yes, it's really old for sure . Butcher Babies did it as well, and quite frankly I did not like it. Quality over quantity every day. Hoping for a cool and unique video like "Lost in the Echo" (hey, it had a cool interactive concept).
And so hype train begins anew, can't wait to stay up until 2 in the morning to hear a 15 second snippet and all the meltdowns that this forum will bring.
As much as I'm excited for it, the thing that stood out for me is Mike's hipster hat and Chester's fedora. Oh my, it looks really good on them.
Judging from what has been said about this album by Mike, and this very "hipster" photo, I'm predicting an indie-rock (or indie-pop) turn.