Linkin Park - 'Battle Symphony' Full Song Leaked Online

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. dutchsoldier

    dutchsoldier Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Great song!

    I love the fact that I can now wait for my girlfriend to come home, turn on my Bose and blast Battle Symphony through it being sure that she'll enjoy it. It's so good that I'm now able to share Linkin Park with her in a whole different way. Yay for LP putting out a song like this.

    Apart from that I really love the song. Strong points are the synths that stop with the end of a sentence in the chorus, the melodies as a whole and the singing especially in the bridge.

    Waaaah I just can't get enough LP
  2. Serious Dave

    Serious Dave Fighter of the Nightman

    May 25, 2012
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    I wouldnt mind some techno LP, or ambiemt, or drun n bass.
  3. Cely_lp

    Cely_lp Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I've thought "Heavy" was catchy but this one is even more catchier. Could easily be in LT... Just wish it sounds as good live because all the LT's songs sucks live.

    Now I'm really curious for the piano demo/version of this song.

    Edit: The molodies reminds me a lot of Keane songs
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
  4. dontFindOutMe

    dontFindOutMe Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    I really love how Chester accents on the 'Please just don't give up on me' part.
  5. One More Rob

    One More Rob Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Boy you should uncover some LPU tracks. Some real gems on that one. Even a few full on dnb tracks. You better believe it
  6. Nicholas

    Nicholas Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Hmm, we're going to have the option to hear over half the album before it releases, aren't we? I remember like half of THP was out before the release date.
  7. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Many people are facing in absolute denial the hard truth that Linkin Park was never a ground-breaking act, their music never was and probably never will.

    Why people cling on to such appreciations from the time they first discovered them? Because probably, like me, most of us were early teens when we first heard the music for the first time and thought "ZOMG THIS IS THE BEST EVER". Now, with aging comes critical thinking, and with critical thinking comes judgement. And there you have it, your teenage dream rock band has broke your heart. Tantrum.

    Seriously, people are really starting to look out for delusional adjectives to relate the type of music LP is giving this time around. "Hypocrite" I just read but then I can't help but wonder, why does it look or sound 'great' when other artists do it but it has to be so bad, terrible and end-of-the-world when Linkin Park does it? I hate to keep repeating the same phrase that's been thrown around hundreds of times already but, what do YOU know what Linkin Park sounds like?.

    I guess I'll just stick to listen to the music, and just post my opinion without reading anyone else's comments, but the amount of stupidity and hyberbolic bullshit here is mindblowing.
  8. Alexrednex

    Alexrednex Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Lyrically, my biggest gripe is the bridge.
    Anything is better than the age old - If I get knocked down, I pick myself up again cliche.
    dontFindOutMe likes this.
  9. The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    The lyrics are typical motivational pop stuff, but it's definitely better than the misery LP has been producing these past few years hahaha. I honestly don't remember any previous lP song with uplifting lyrics since maybe "Iridescent".

    Oh man I can only imagine how much fun Mike and Joe were playing around with these beats. I'm pretty sure Mike will do the synths, but I really wanna see Mike play around with the samples.
  10. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    What bothers me (and has bothered me) since Heavy came out, is the idea that somehow because a song is 'polished', 'glossy' or 'poppy' sounding that it's total crap. It's a sentiment I've seen expressed by many naysayers of the new direction, and it just frustrates me. There is nothing wrong with pop. Maybe a poppier LP isn't for everyone, and that's fine...but there's nothing wrong with the genre.
  11. 101nemesis

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    So I just heard this song properly and then been listening to only this one song on my way back home from work.

    1. I must say that I really love the vibe of the song. It's such a feel-good chill song and that's something I've not felt listening to LP. I'm sharing this already with all of my close friends and so far not one could tell it was Linkin Park and they all agreed on how catchy and feel-good it was.

    2. The vocals make this song. Chester does it so well in this. His voice and the music just compliment each other so well. I'm so happy for Chester for finally being able to open up vocally with Linkin Park. He has always had to restrain himself to a certain style with LP but this song just threw open another door for him.

    3. The music. Yes, it's pop but who cares when it compliments the vocals and melody so well.
    Edit - Also, I must add that there are so many small elements in the music that just fit so well. The click in the beginning of the first verse, is an example.

    Additional Note - The difference in sound and vibe between this song and 'Heavy' is clear as night and day. There is such a clear difference in style between these 2 songs that I'm really appreciating 'Heavy' a bit more now.

    Ah, I'm so happy with this song, especially Chester's vocals. I've already heard this song more than I've heard 'Heavy'.
    I was literally smiling through my drive back home just for the vibe and vocals. I'm so happy with this song that I'm disappointed that THIS wasn't the first single.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
    dontFindOutMe likes this.
  12. phabio

    phabio Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    I agree 100% with every word. This has been real sad... I've always approved and welcomed all of their changes throughout the years, but this is just too much for me. Their signature sound is just gone.

    It's not even the fact that the sound is overproduced or too electronic. ATS was a lot like that but it worked within the concept of the album (and the songs were all great). This song is just incredibly generic, uninspired and even lazy...
    number9large likes this.
  13. Kareem Saad

    Kareem Saad Active Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    It was morning when it was leaked here where I live. Listened to it on repeat all the way to the other side of the city going for a job interview then all the way back. Then at home, then on my way to a date. It is just smooth and catchy.

    On a side note, the instrumentals seems to connect back to front when listened to on repeat without a silence in between. You may get lost and not notice that the song has ended.

    Also come on guys, if any band released this you will probably say it is fine whether you like the genre or not. You may not love it but is it really that bad? Forget that it is LP doing it. Unless you are someone who call anything you dont love and not your type: "shit".

    It is not generic and not risky. LP never did this type of music to that extent. It is definitely out of their comfort zones and out of a huge portion their fans comfort zones too. How can it be not risky with that much negative reaction.
    zazofazo likes this.
  14. demoncarnotaur

    demoncarnotaur Member

    May 26, 2012
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    Love the vocal style and delivery, decent lyrics as well.

    The production and instrumental leave a little to be desired. I wish the band was still working with Rick Rubin - I feel like he could give the song the extra hook it needs (IMO of course). Solid catchy track none the less, it should be a fun one live.
  15. UNiPersona

    UNiPersona previously known as STARKINATOR

    Apr 2, 2010
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    TBH, continuing from the "this is so Mike" argument from earlier... I honestly hope there's something along the lines of Razors.Out, something that's more edgy with the electronics.
  16. 101nemesis

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    It baffles me how people think it is okay to call this "lazy" or "uninspired". ALL of this is new territory for the band. You don't have to like it but to call it "lazy" is downright disrespectful. I can see the effort that went into this song. There are so many small elements in this that make this song really great. Chester's vocals is not "lazy". The feel-good vibe is not "lazy". It would be "lazy" of the band to make another HT or Meteora. THAT would be "lazy". Or to just repeat the sound of any of their other albums. THAT would be "lazy".

    Again, I'll say this so that it's VERY CLEAR to all of you(anyone reading this comment) who don't like the new songs. It's OK to not like them. No one is forcing you to like it. But don't be disrespectful twats about it. This might seem "lazy" for you. But for the band who has not made such music before, it definitely required effort and trying a lot of new things.
    Say you don't like it, move on. Give some constructive criticisms if you want. Calling something "lazy" is not constructive.
  17. phabio

    phabio Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Exactly what I've always thought! I was so damn happy with that album. I've always wanted LP to make that kind of approach in their albums, but I'm starting to lose my hope that they will release anything like that ever again...
  18. brady

    brady I am the LPA LPA Super Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    This song almost sounds like it came out of the LT era, which isn't an issue for me with that being my second favorite album lol
  19. Gabriele Soncin

    Gabriele Soncin Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    guys you have to accept the evidence: LP are not good to autoproduce an album, and probably they are trying the pop-way 'cause they have lost a little bit of originality.
  20. MarckozZ

    MarckozZ Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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    OMG dude I was saying the same thing to a friend... It's like Army Of One! LOL... Anyweay, Great song!!! Loving the way things are turning now for the band. This is definitely catchier than Heavy.

    So this should be called Linkin Pop. It's not like the regular pop sound, but better imo. LOL.

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