'One More Light' Album Length Revealed to Be 35:19

Discussion in 'News' started by Kevin, May 12, 2017.

  1. #61
    Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I never really stop to think that OSC is (barely, but still) shorter than Cure for the Itch.
  2. #62

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    How dare the band makes songs that are of conventional length!?
    I'm just ignore all the other songs they've made before that were less than 3:30mins long like;

    Hybrid Theory (11 from 12 were shorter than 3:30mins mark)
    Papercut, One Step Closer, With You, Points of Authority, Crawling, Runaway, By Myself, A Place for My head, Forgotten, Cure for the itch, Pushing Me Away.

    Meteora (12 from 13 were shorter than 3:30 mins mark)
    Don't Stay, Lying From You, Hit the Floor, Easier To Run, Faint, Figure 09, Breaking the Habit, From the Inside, Nobody's Listening, Session, Numb

    Minutes to Midnight (7 from 12 were shorter than 3:30 mins mark)
    Wake, Given Up, Leave Out All The Rest, Bleed it Out, What I've Done, Valentine's Day, In Between,

    A Thousand Suns (Not counting interludes, only 1 song from 9 actual songs was shorter than 3:30mins mark)
    The Messenger

    Living Things (Not counting Tinfoil, 6 from 11 songs were shorter than 3:30 mins mark)
    Lost in the Echo, In My Remains, Lies Greed Misery, Castle of Glass, Victimized, Skin to Bone

    The Hunting Party (Not Counting The Summoning, 2 from 11 songs were shorter than 3:30 mins mark)
    War, Wastelands

    One More Light (3 from 10 songs were shorter than 3:30 mins mark)
    Heavy, Sorry For Now, Sharp Edges

    How dare the band make such short songs! How dare they, I ask!?
    Crankshaft likes this.
  3. #63

    KrylonShadow Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2006
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    Honestly, I don't care about the length of the album or the number of tracks. They'll put out as much of whatever kind of music they feel like putting out. So what if they wanted to make a goddamn pop album. They don't owe anything to anyone.

    In fact, I'm a little surprised people feel so entitled after the ridiculous amount of demos and B-sides we get in LPU every year. AFAIK, no artist of this size does anything close to that. Add that to the demos we already had, all the one-offs they've made, collaborations they've done, and side projects like FM and DBS--the LP song library is massive. The band more than deserves to make whatever type of music they want.

    Personally, I'm pleasantly surprised with the tracks they've released/performed. I even like that they've released them one by one before the album. Some of them had to grow on me, and usually when I get an entire album at once, I don't give each song enough time of its own to do that.

    It's no surprise Mike said that the "risk" about this album is actually being taken with the people who don't find it risky. Guess what? He's talking about his own fans that are trying to put the band in a box they don't want to be in.
  4. #64

    MattLP No control No surprise

    Sep 11, 2012
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    I wouldnt have given 2 effs if they made a country, jazz, reggae, gospel, album but to make a pure pop album , im sorry but thats a spit in the face and is really low. And i didnt like ATS, i actually think its better than OML. They can take their pop album and shove it. I've supported this band my whole life, i supported them when they were called a metal boy band, suppported them through the change on M2M and even ATS, but imo to make a pop album is very low. They make a pop album which sounds like everything on the radio just to stay relevant, thats not growing or evolving. I mean hell atleast with ATS they experimented i cant knock them for that.
  5. #65

    zayl Friendly neighbor revenge seeking vigilante

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Look on the bright side pals: IF the album sucks, it won't take long to get through it all :D
  6. #66

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    Why? Why exactly is that a spit in the face? Please elaborate as I'm really interested to understand why fans like you feel so offended when a band, who owes you nothing, explores genres like pop?
  7. #67

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Man it's not that difficult to understand. They are making what people would consider generic radio friendly pop music that doesn't hold a lot of artistic merit.
  8. #68

    ciao_fiv i do not think, therefore i do not am

    Feb 14, 2017
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    And here we see the definition of entitled
  9. #69

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    But how is it different from the band making generic radio friendly rock music? Adding loud guitars and scream-singing automatically gives it more merit? Because that was Meteora in every aspect with the exception of Breaking The Habit, which is a song that could actually fit into One More Light with songs like Talking To Myself and Invisible.
    Avo, Halfway Dwight and Sasuke like this.
  10. #70

    zayl Friendly neighbor revenge seeking vigilante

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I know what you mean but i wouldn't say that HTF, Session and NL were radio friendly :) there's a lot to say about Meteora but it had it's some heavier moments with F09, DS, LFY. :)
  11. #71

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    People still complain about this being a pop album and now the album length? Oh, God. Yes, it's a different sound, the one I personally had to get used to but am still very excited about it to see which surprises the hold.
    Alexrednex and minuteforce like this.
  12. #72

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    I respectfully disagree. Figure 09, Don't Stay, Lying from you were all extremely catchy radio friendly tracks. Followed similar song patterns and featured very little uniqueness in their music aside from the obvious difference in melodies. There was not one song in Meteora that wasn't radio friendly for the time. In fact, I always believed Figure 09 or Don't Stay would have been a better single than From The Inside just because they were so much more catchier.
    I'm not saying I don't like those tracks. Figure 09 is one of my favorites from Meteora after Breaking The Habit but it annoys the hell outta me when people pick on pop for being radio friendly and mainstream etc. etc. when LP released an album like Meteora which was extremely mainstream and radio friendly for the time.
    I'm sorry but no one can deny that Meteora was probably the most radio friendly album the band ever made. OML may top that but people need to stop acting as tho Meteora wasn't radio friendly.

    It is completely OK to not like songs because that's not the type of music some might listen to. People should just admit it and move on by either waiting for the next album(because we all know it wouldn't be another OML) or at least be respectful about their dislike. But hating on tracks or an album simply because it's pop and calling it a new "low" for the band and that its a "spit in the face" because it doesn't cater to their likes and dislikes is childishness and people need to stop doing that.
    Avo, Halfway Dwight, Noosh and 2 others like this.
  13. #73

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I'm not the biggest defender of Meteora but I think we can agree it still sounded like Linkin Park. These OML songs sound like any random producer could put together, ie, there isn't anything unique or original about it.
  14. #74

    Mitch Turning from a white sky to a black hole

    Dec 13, 2005
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    I think someone said it earlier above but holy shit mate, that is the most entitled thing I've heard in awhile. You don't have to like the music. You can disagree with the change in sound but you're just coming across as a spoilt brat. What you've said is as entitled as it gets.
  15. #75

    Flozuki LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Strange, I can hear a lot of typical LP in the 3 songs I know.
    Avo, Halfway Dwight and brady like this.
  16. #76

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Unrealistic as it may be, I was holding out some hope that there would be a new record for longest LP track on this album lol. Oh well, still looking forward to it. I'm not super mad about the way this album is turning out or anything like some seem to be, I'll enjoy it for what it is, but damn if part of me isn't already getting hyped for weird shit. I mean, if these are all verse-chorus-verse-chorus standard-structure pop songs, hopefully it'll ignite the fire in them to want to do anything but that for the whole next album.
  17. #77

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Ya know what? I had some time to reflect on this.

    I'll say, straight up, I'm disappointed in OML so far. I hoped for more, more interesting concepts, more Mike, less generic "anthem" songs, and I hoped it wouldn't be a spiritual successor to Living Things, which more and more it looks like it is.

    But there's one reason why I like this album more than LT, THP and yes, maybe even ATS. I ACTUALLY CAN SOMEWHAT RELATE TO THESE SONGS.

    The last two LP albums lacked that. THP was just aggressive bangers and LT seemed like poetic lyrics with no actual meaning or message. OML so far, on the other hand, actually is saying something. There's an actual identifiable message in these songs. And that's actual good thing imo. The songs are actually easy to swallow and relate to. LT had pop songs but who relates to Burn It Down or Lies Greed Misery compared to Invisible or Heavy?

    So in some ways, I appreciate this record exists after THP.
  18. #78

    IAmTheNight Active Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    There really aren't that many ways to talk about a late friend, especially when they wrote this song not too long after her funeral. They probably weren't exactly keen on making complicated lyrics, just more so getting a message out. A message doesn't have to be complicated to be powerful.
  19. #79

    zayl Friendly neighbor revenge seeking vigilante

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I fully agree with you that Meteora as a whole was radio friendly I didn't meant it wasn't, still, taking into consideration songs like NL or HTF (at this point - but we have to wait 'till the OML release ) - Meteora sounded more experimental. :)
    I honestly understand both points of view, i mean, people should express their opinions, most of them won't be understandable from my point of view, in my opinion it's possible to do good pop music, the genre dosn't defines the quallity. But I also understand LP didn't present any masterpiece in the genre this far, they are listenable, solid produced and still very average. you said BTH would suit the OML, I may agree but it still would be the best track on the album so far.

    It's, of course, only my opinion. :)
    Non-Pattern likes this.
  20. #80

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    What does "sounding like Linkin Park" even mean? I thought they were one of those bands that sound like however they want, just like Thrice.

    Also, it isn't so much of what they're supposed to sound like, it's more of just what you want and how you want them to sound. That's selfish.
    Last edited: May 13, 2017
    Avo, ciao_fiv, The Joesen One and 8 others like this.

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