Chester Bennington to Reunite and Perform with Grey Daze in September

Discussion in 'News' started by Heavy is the Louis, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. #21

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    How much longer is this band really going to stay around, though? OML aside, they've had a very long and successful career at this point. I'd rather have the band go out on a high note instead of them fading into obscurity. It also seems like the band members all want to do stuff outside of Linkin Park, and Linkin Park gets in the way a little bit. Chester has tons of bands he does stuff with, and would probably still be with Stone Temple Pilots today if Linkin Park wasn't there. Mike does his own stuff and has said he wants to produce in the future for other bands and artists, which is a huge career in itself, a lot of big producers don't even make their own music. Brad did that song with his brother, maybe they could form a musical group as the Delson Brothers or something. Mr. Hahn loves directing and as we saw with his feature film, MALL, a few years ago, he possibly will do a lot more in the future.

    Yeah, but it's still their lowest selling album of all time, and a lot of fans didn't like the direction. You can say that each album has done worse than the last, but is that really what they want, to just keep doing worse and worse and fade into obscurity? I thought the whole point of OML was to become super relevant again and have huge sales, it really didn't do much in that regard, it dropped quickly after and hasn't done well since.
  2. #22


    May 5, 2014
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    The fact that Chester gave up being the frontman for STP, one of his favorite bands of all time, says a lot about his love for LP. So I highly doubt he'd want to give up Linkin Park to front Grey Daze, STP, DBS, Kings of Chaos or whatever other band out there. The notion of Brad wanting to start a band with his brother when he is currently in one of the biggest bands in the world is also laughable to me.
    brady likes this.
  3. #23

    Disturbedthoughts *Twitch*

    Mar 27, 2009
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    Cool, thanks. I'm thinking i might fly there myself if i can get tickets. Plane tickets are pretty cheap at that time of the year. I flew down last August.

    Ive been wanting to see more shows lately and portland barely gets anything. Took a 3 hour drive to auburn last weekend. Whats a 3 hour plane ride, beyond a lot more expensive? :(
  4. #24
    Forfeit to Break

    Forfeit to Break Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Not a completely fair description imo as overall OML will overtake THP's sales at some point, and it already had better first week sales.

    Think that with good promotion, there is some singles with potential to do very well. Good Goodbye and Sorry For Now especially. That could help album sales pick up again somewhat.
  5. #25

    Iopia Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    I'm not sure why this whole 'fading into obscurity' thing is relevant at all, really. Every band becomes less relevant over time. Of course the band don't want that, but there's nothing they can do about it. I just don't see where the notion that there's no point continuing with Linkin Park if they continue to become less relevant is coming from, because that's something that happens to every artist. Linkin Park will continue releasing music until the six of them no longer want to make music together (and right now, there's absolutely zero indication of that being the case), they won't suddenly decide to go their separate ways just because they're not selling as much as they used to.
    Halfway Dwight and Sasuke like this.
  6. #26

    Disturbedthoughts *Twitch*

    Mar 27, 2009
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    Is anyone actually interested in the Grey Daze show, or is everyone going to just complain about/defend the OML album cycle in this thread too?

    I know I'm curious what they'll play. There are songs they didnt release on either of there albums. It would also be cool if they did a re-release of their stuff, I would like to have physical copies.
  7. #27

    TobinOverflowsBest MY NAME IS MATT LPA VIP

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I feel like the debate about all album sales dropping over time has been gone over too many times on this forum so I'll just agree to disagree

    As much as I would love to hear new GD material, I don't think we'll get it tbh. That being said I'd be more than happy with just what we've already heard being played :)
  8. #28

    brady I am the LPA LPA Super Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    "Thread about Chester reuniting with Grey Daze for a show? Oh, this seems like a good place to bitch about OML."

    Either discuss it in a more relevant thread or create a new one to talk about it. No need to discuss about OML on news threads that don't pertain to OML.
  9. #29

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Yo, were you at Pain in the Grass?

    I was there!!! I was in the 200s section, show was awesome.

    And yeah, Plane tickets are expensive plus finding a place to stay adds up in cost. I'm tempted to fly to it as well though.

    Speaking of concerts, Is Linkin Park coming to Portland or would you have to drive to the KeyArena if you went to see them? I feel like I may have asked you if you were going before but I don't remember.
  10. #30

    Disturbedthoughts *Twitch*

    Mar 27, 2009
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    I was at Pain in the Grass, section 206. Loved Babymetal a lot more then I thought i would. Was really disappointed by the technical troubles with The Pretty Reckless' set. Yelawolf was surprisingly good, I was unfamiliar with him prior.

    Thankfully I have family in Glendale and Phoenix, so having a place to stay works out for me. That said, when I went down to Tempe last year with my fiance, I think i paid about 600 for 2 round trip tickets, car rental for a week and a hotel room. Maybe a little more, maybe less. September will probably be a bit more expensive though, not as hot.

    As far as I know they aren't playing in Portland. Most bands skip between Seattle and California. I'm honestly not even sure when they last played here. I saw them eons ago for the Meteora world tour with POD and Hoobastank, 2004 I think. It was Valentines Day, I remember that. With their setlist this go around I'm not terribly interested in seeing them. I've always preferred their more energetic songs and I find the current setlist to be somewhat lacking.
  11. #31

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    To your Pain in the Grass comment, I agree with all of that except I didn't notice technical difficulties during The Pretty Reckless because I was eating dinner :lol:

    That's cool that you were there! My friend and I were in section 204. I was also surprised by how good Baby Metal sounded live, definitely put on a show! Yelawolf has skill, he can rap fast. I still find it weird how they had Yelawolf instead of Skillet for Pain in the Grass though but I have no complaints.

    600 seems expensive for two round trip tickets but maybe I'm just dreaming. If you have a place to stay and can manage to find cheap tickets I'd say go to the show, this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm very tempted to look for cheap flights myself. I'd get to visit one of my best college friends and get to enjoy the show. I'll be starting a new job in July so I would really only be able to fly down for the show and then fly back Sunday so I'm not sure if it's entirely worth it.

    And ah, I definitely get what you mean about the setlist. I'm going to the Seattle date mainly because my friend has never seen them and really wants to otherwise I wouldn't be going. I'm so jealous you saw them back in 2004! I do agree that their setlist needs to be more energetic. I went to the Carnivores tour in 2014 and the setlist was honestly the best ever and it rarely went down in energy. My gripe about the cure setlist is 100% with energy but I will say it's not the worst setlist in the world. I wish they would bring back Given Up and Rebellion as well as play Crawling studio version. Just those minor changes to the setlist would drastically help so mich.
  12. #32

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I never said that either of them want to leave Linkin Park for them. I was saying that if the band were to collectively decide to call it quits, that is most likely what each of the band members would end up doing. He also didn't quit Stone Temple Pilots because of Linkin Park, he said that he quit the band because he wanted to spend more time with his kids and they didn't really understand why he was away all the time. Grey Daze, Dead By Sunrise and Kings Of Chaos are all stuff he did for fun on the side, aside from Grey Daze, since he was in that band long before he ever joined Linkin Park, but as far as the upcoming reunion goes, it's most likely for fun, since he said that himself.

    I'm also not trying to bash One More Light. My discussion was really about how long the band will continue to make music in the future, and it was brought up before I even posted.
  13. #33

    Disturbedthoughts *Twitch*

    Mar 27, 2009
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    The price wasn't too bad, that included economy PLUS seats, car rental and a decent hotel for a week. if I decide to go this time I'll probably forgo the hotel and just stay with my family down there. All of this if I can score tickets to the show itself, which I suspect unless I'm lucky will be sold out immediately. I'm sure I can manage to head down there without blowing too much money. Be worth it. I'm still kicking myself over not going to see Temple of the Dog when they did that short reunion stint. But $500 tickets on StubHub is completely unacceptable. Might have to buy a video camera if I get to go. :lol:
  14. #34

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I don't know if it will sell out. Not many people know about Grey Daze

    But yeah, If I go to the show I have friends I can stay with too so it would lessen the cost but still expensive.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2017
  15. #35

    Disturbedthoughts *Twitch*

    Mar 27, 2009
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    Maybe, the average LP fan, probably not. But i suspect there will be quite a few fans in the know that will be looking to fly in. Much like we have been considering. :lol:
  16. #36

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    True, it all depends how many people actually decide to fly in. To some people it might be more worthwhile than to us. It very well could sell out I just wouldn't expect it to sell out right away.

    When do tickets go on sale?
  17. #37

    Disturbedthoughts *Twitch*

    Mar 27, 2009
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    10am this Friday. From what I can tell there will be some sort of meet and greet available. But the website doesn't include a lot of details.
  18. #38

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Interesting. Thanks for the response!

    That be so cool if I got to meet Chester! Now I'm really tempted haha
  19. #39


    May 5, 2014
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    I know, but he chose LP over STP didn't he? That's what I'm saying.
  20. #40
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Well yes, but he also had almost 20 years with Linkin Park vs only 2-3 with STP. I'd pick the band I've been with for two decades too. Loyalty is important.

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