Linkin Park's Chester Bennington Dead at 41

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Spiderguy252

    Spiderguy252 Awaiting LP in India

    Jun 10, 2010
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    Reports suggest that he committed suicide in the same fashion as well....:cry:
  2. Brawler

    Brawler Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Chris Cornell died in the same days Ian Curtis died, in the same way. Chester did as well, but in Chris Cornell's birthday...
  3. Cely_lp

    Cely_lp Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I think he was kinda of fine but the Cornell's death must have triggered something in him. Losing a great friend like that...If I recall in one of the interviews of this album cycle he mentioned that a friend tried to commit suicide while OML was being recorded.
  4. !Lux

    !Lux New Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    Hi guys and girl.

    Just had to register. Been followin the site for i dont know how long.

    Ive been with Linkin Park from the very first beginning. I can still remember when my friend brought me over to listen to One Step Closer back in 2000. My mind was blown! I can even remember when i signed up for the first year of Linkin Park Underground, LPU 1. Ever since then they have been this huge part of my life and their music have supported me though so damn much. Im turning 33 later this year and they are still one of my favorite bands.

    I had the privilige to see them live in Sweden this year for the second time in 10 years, at the Bråvalla Festival. I can describe the feeling i got during the show, its was absolutely magical and something i will cherish forever. Especially now...

    When the news hit yesterday i just couldnt believe it. I refused to. I cried, but I was sure it was just another stupid hoax.... until Mike confirmed it on twitter.. and then it really hit me and i cried for hours.
    Even today when i woke up, i started cryng again and i keep crying even now when im writing this. Who knew someone you never really met in person could have such a huge impact on your life, even now 17 years later.

    I dont know what to say or write, but i just had to say something... cause my heart is broken.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
    Flozuki and Krizlinkin like this.
  5. snowblue

    snowblue You know the blue snow?

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Heartbroken, of course - but if he felt this was the right choice I accept that. Hope he found what he was searching for. The inner peace.
    All the thoughts to his family, and the rest of the band members.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
    IronDust71 likes this.
  6. lpfaneki

    lpfaneki i don't know what's worth fighting for

    May 26, 2010
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    Just wondering why to do this.
    Just wondering that someone or ''them'' killed him.


    When LINKIN PARK goes out in the Stage it FEELS that i see PEOPLE i know as their part of my FAMILY. THAT'S HOW I Feel.

    I m feeling sad for Chester , i mean why to do this. How the fuck did this right now...? What happened.. I cant imagine being in his shoes...

    now what's really matters is THE HUMAN BEING.

    is the END of Linkin Park.... oh GOD......

    I had some suicide thoughts in the past as a teenager and especially when my Dad pass as i was 18.... as of today only one person knew this.

  7. lpfaneki

    lpfaneki i don't know what's worth fighting for

    May 26, 2010
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    I m not okey really . it feels like a world is being destroyed . my friends cant understand me , they see just another famous person being dead .
    I have no other place to put this pain... i feel that what ever i LOVE so much is fucking DEAD...
  8. Brawler

    Brawler Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    I'm listening The Messenger and Leave Out All The Rest from yesterday night
  9. xEsaul

    xEsaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2011
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    Why is she required to say anything? People grieve in their own way.
  10. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Same thing happened here, Someone said, "Nah, it's drugs mate..." Jesus Christ, they know better than Chaz? I'm pissed off how they reacted to this news.
  11. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    To all of my fellow LP fans hurting today, as someone who has gone through more death these last two years than he'd like (over 10 people in 2 1/2 years), I have the following advice on how to handle this:

    Treat this like the death of a loved one and take it one moment at a time. Don't give into panic and think about what you'll do tomorrow or how you'll be a week from now or a year from now. No, take it moment to moment and allow yourself moments of grieving as they come. Grieve the way you want to, and grieve safely (do not self harm or medicate with drugs/booze) and don't let anyone tell you how you quickly you should move on from this, or how should feel because he was "just a rock star", because to many of you he was more than that.

    To some of you Chester will have felt like family, so you may cry as much as you need because I understand how you're feeling. Give yourself time to heal, but just remember to keep moving forward and to talk to people if you're in a very bad spot. Don't hurt yourself, and get help if all seems hopeless. It can and does get better, and it's never too late to tell someone how you feel and get help to pull yourself out of the darkness. Stay strong, push forward but also remember that you're not alone and never will be.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
    kcg, Abel, Pay-per-cut and 23 others like this.
  12. Flozuki

    Flozuki LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Stay strong bro, there are so many people around the world that are devastated as you and me are. This is the right place to talk or just read. This band means so much to me, they helped me time and time again... believing in myself, stand up for others or just motivating me to get out of my comfort zone. They guided me for many, many years.

    The first time I heard about the band was when a classmate had Hybrid Theory in his car. A few years later when Meteora was released I drove to the city while having a school break to get the album and I was just amazed again. Even now when finishing my bachelor and recently master thesis they helped me. I always had hard days, was tired and kind of frustrated and ...they pushed me again and again. Their music, their attitude. They will always have a place in my heart.

    The last time I saw Mike and Chester was on April the 3rd. As always they were so kind and when Chester walked by me he was so friendly even though they had to hurry. He took even time to make photos with a little girl and it was just amazing to see him still being so down to earth.

    Again condolences to family, friends and everyone in our and other communities. We will stay together, we will cherish everything the band gave us and we will also be there to give the band, the family and friends strength. Chester, RIP. I will miss you so much but I will never ever forget how many times you helped me in these past years.
  13. allfinerealfit

    allfinerealfit but still we rise

    May 10, 2017
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    Linkin Park has been my favorite band since I was about 13. But I've been listening to them since I was about five, riding in my older brother's car when he babysat me. It's heartbreaking to imagine a world without Chester and without Linkin Park. I had tickets to their August 19 tour date in Tampa. It was my teenage dream to see them in concert and now I never will, at least not with their full line up.

    If the North American tour dates are refunded (as I imagine they will be), consider donating your ticket money to a suicide prevention charity or another charity close to Chester's and his family's hearts. He deserved so much better than the world gave him. I wish that we as fans could have given him that.

    RIP Chester Bennington, the voice of a generation.
  14. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    I don't think my first post was a deserving tribute to someone who changed my life. Chester really was the soul of LP. The posterboy of the band. His voice was the icon for a lot of the pains and struggles we all face.

    Hearing What I've Done, Numb, In The End and New Divide for the first time was life-changing. I had found a band that I kept an eye on. From the infectious melodies, the soaring vocals, the rapping and electronic beats, I was intrigued.

    My mom and dad bought me Hybrid Theory, Meteora and Minutes To Midnight in 2010. Instead of listening to the full albums, i just listened to the 4 I liked. Over time, from 7th-8th grade, I'd slowly add new songs and I knew this was a band I was proud to call myself a fan of.

    I begged my mom in 8th grade to buy ATS and I was blown away. LP really was the outlet I needed in middle school. In high school, I fell out of the loop for a bit but when Living Things dropped, I copped it. Hearing Lost In The Echo for the first time was one of the greatest experiences I ever had with music.

    Even after, discovering Fort Minor kept my interest between LT and THP. In the summer of 2014, I followed the release of THP like a hawk. And I loved it.

    The anticipation after for their 7th album was excruciating and hearing in 2016 that it wouldn't be released was disappointing. But the hype kicked up when Heavy finally dropped. OML is the best material they have released since ATS in my eyes. A fantastic album that sheds alot of detail on Chester's life.

    It's been one hell of a ride. I went through many phases with plenty of artists since middle school to college but Linkin Park was the only artist I could never outgrow. They grew as I grew and I am thankful for everything they've done to make the world a little bit better.

    From the classics of In The End to Numb, to the beautiful creativity of ATS, the dark and personal songs of MTM and the bangers of LT and THP, I am truly thankful to have anticipated the next adventure of my childhood and adulthood heroes.

    Whatever the future brings, I am still here.

    Thank you, Chester. For everything you did.
    Abel and Breno9712 like this.
  15. Aleksandar-Serbia

    Aleksandar-Serbia New Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    Hi everyone.

    Following the site for 14 years now, never registered, but this will be my only and final post...

    My name is Aleksandar, I am from Serbia, and I am LP fan since the year 2000. First time I heard Chester's voice I fell in love with the music, and most important, I fell in love with his voice. It was like, I new the guy who is singing and I thought out loud "whoa who the hell is this guy singing?", brother sitting next to me replied "It's Linkin Park, they have some weird combination of sound, hip/hop-hard rock vibe"... And I was hooked... Tomorrow morning it was cold as hell here in Serbia, it was late December, went to the music store bought Hybrid Theory. Listened to it non-stop for an year, started spreading the word about LP to my schoolmates, started wearing the type of clothes Chester and Mike wore, making my hair into spikes just like Chester had... I wanted to be that guy, he became my idol... I started listening to his Gray Daze songs, their Xero songs... Years passed, albums passed, I opened Serbian web page dedicated to Linkin Park, called Linkin Park Serbia, opened forum dedicated to them, started gathering LP fans from Serbia in one place, later-on fans from ex Yugoslavia, it was awesome... Reanimation, Meteora, Minutes to Midnight, A Thousand Suns, Living Things, The Hunting Party, and now One More Light... I was with LP throughout the years... And I had a good childhood, I was popular in school, had/have great friend, girlfriends, parents, everything. So I want to say that LP music is for everyone, I just admired the talent that made the type of music that is able to touch the core of my sole, the bottom of my heart... They were amazing... Album after album,...

    Along time I finished high school,... University,... Got a job, and I gave the site to the younger fans... I always followed the news around LP, this site the most so I could keep up with LP... I stopped listening to LP, maybe played a song or two on every six months since A Thousand Suns, maybe a grew older, maybe I really didn't have that much time, but I always new every lyrics, every date, every song name... They were my childhood after all... And then in January of 2016 we found out that my 1 year old nephew (brothers son), my love, has tumor... We all fell in some type of depression, some of my family members keep their heads up, but some of us fell deep... He battled for a year and he defeated that evil, and he is great now, but during the battle I started listening the songs more often again, till the point where I only had their songs on my phone... That is where I found that true essence of Linkin Park, that deepest meaning of the songs where we all find ourselves. And that is when I started crying while the songs played, and that was my safe place, Linkin Park was the thing that saved me from dark thoughts and kept me going...

    Yesterday around 11pm here in Serbia, my father called me, I answered and he asked me "son are you ok?", I asked him "why dad?", he told me "Chester, lead singer from that band you love has killed himself, I am sorry son..." I started crying like someone most dearest to my heart has died... And he was... The minute after I thought about his children... Depression is hell... I hope you will find happiness in heaven where you deserve to be because you saved so many lives, but you couldn't save your own.

    Farewell my childhood hero and idol, you will forever be in my heart and mind, I am forever grateful for what you and the rest of the band have done for me... You were the big part of my life... Goodbye forever and rest in peace Chester Charles Bennington.

    Aleksandar. Belgrade, Serbia
  16. Bart

    Bart Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    I dont know man...
    I'm in a real bad spot but this is just a little to much to take at the moment, i have no clue of how to cope with this...
    Everything i went trough,i had his music by my side, now that this happend everything from the past is hitting me hard at the moment
    Even my girlfriend and my family don't know the way i feel.
    I just don't know how to deal with all of this..
  17. LP Soldier 01

    LP Soldier 01 True LP Soldier

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I'll leave here what I wrote on Facebook as well:

    "Still can't believe my favorite singer passed away. A very sad day for me, but this voice and songs will always be remembered. The song below is one of the new songs, but one of the most meaningful they have ever made with the meaning of it being perfectly channeled to the chorus:

    If they say
    Who cares if one more light goes out?
    In a sky of a million stars
    It flickers, flickers
    Who cares when someone's time runs out?
    If a moment is all we are
    We're quicker, quicker
    Who cares if one more light goes out?
    Well I do

    This song will always be in my memory as their most heartfelt song and a message that will inspire many in years to come.

    Rest in Peace, Chester[​IMG]"

    It was all I could write at that moment because the idea that Chester had passed away was still sinking in (it still is and I don't know if I will ever accept it completely). I feel that I was so shocked that I lacked words to describe how I felt. I still imagine him singing live here in Prague and me being there enjoying my time and singing along to every song. That is a memory I will cherish forever.
  18. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    I'm finding the most comforting thing in this is to realize there are some people out there (online, or real friends, girlfriend, and family) who spontaneously understood how much this death might mean, and how big of an influence this band music and Chester's voice had on my life. It really helps.
  19. LP Soldier 01

    LP Soldier 01 True LP Soldier

    Jun 27, 2017
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    It's a very sad moment for every LP fan out there, but I'm confident that the band can overcome this and keep making music. I'm waiting to see what the band will write on the official statement.
  20. Foreshadowed_LP

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    What a day so far...

    I'm still in tears as I write my 3rd message in this thread, a thread I never wanted or didn't expect to see for another 30+ years. Anyway, I'm reminiscing on yesterday when my Mum told me everything, as I repeated what she told me to my girlfriend, my girlfriend was shocked and immediately ran downstairs to tell her Mum and Step-Dad (all 3 of them were supposed to go see Linkin Park with me in Manchester and I'm so sad that her Mum and Step-Dad won't get the honour to hear Chester live) and when they turned over to the news, nothing was on there. My girlfriend put her iPad on and I told her to go immediately onto LPA as the news was being confirmed. When I then saw it was being mentioned on Sky News, then BBC, then seeing all the comments flooding in on LPA I knew it was real and was something I didn't want to face.

    I immediately text some of my friends from work (they're my work colleagues but good friends) as they know how excited I was to see and meet Linkin Park and I kept telling them I got to hug Chester and then I told them how happy I was as I finally got my photo with Chester sent to me. They were all pleased for me and to break this news to them really hurt and they were all very supportive and text me back. I then rang my friend, who I haven't seen in about 10 months, who is now living in London. He was a fan of Linkin Park's earlier work and when I rang him I didn't expect him to answer as I wasn't sure if he was away (he went to Kenya for several months) and he hadn't replied to 2 of my texts, then he answers and he says "I'm guessing you read the news on BBC" and just like that, I knew he was aware and knew why I was ringing. We spoke for 10 minutes, he knew how I felt as he was aware how much of a big fan I am of Linkin Park and Chester. It was nice though to catch up with him despite it being during a very difficult moment. We promised to try and meet-up in September when he's back down in Hereford so fingers crossed that happens. My other best friend also messaged me over Twitter and told me he loved me and he was in shock. It really does feel like I've lost a loved one and to be honest, I have.

    Me and my girlfriend also watched the Talking To Myself video and what was a joyous, fun video made us both feel down. She said it was sad looking at how happy the fans were in the video seeing Linkin Park play. We really were and I'm so blessed that I can say I saw them 3 times and every single time I saw them live it was one of the best, most amazing moments of my life. I also said the band looked so happy and were having fun, it made me think of the good times they all must have had together as a band on their 20 year journey.

    As for today, I was crying when I was in the shower as I just let it all out as I held a lot of it in last night. I calmed down and decided to watch some TV and I see Scuzz is doing a tribute to Chester all day and Kerrang and MTV ROCK had Chester tribute shows on also. I see they were playing the end of Numb and then the next song is Linkin Park covering Adele's song, Rolling In The Deep live from London back in 2011. I then completely lost it as it suddenly hit me like a violent wave, I'm never going to hear or see Chester live ever again. I was crying and crying as I'm listening and watching Chester give such a moving rendition of the song, with so much passion and amazing vocals and then I had to turn over to another channel. I had to put on football as it was too hard watching the performance. I then left at 11am as I had the dentist and I just felt drained. I saw some people looking at me as I was wearing my Meteora hoodie and I was listening to the final part of the One More Light album, although I had to skip the title track as I didn't want to cry in public, especially as I'm on my way to the dentist.

    After the dentist I went to Tesco's as I wanted to get some alcohol as me and my girlfriend are having some drinks tomorrow (I haven't drank in 5 weeks and I'm drinking over the next week as I'm on annual leave and then I'm not drinking again until Christmas time). As I'm in Tesco's, a man who was shopping in there clocks my hoodie and nods his head to me and put his hand up, I take my earphones out and he said "not a good day" and I replied "no, it's an awful, awful day" and he said "yes it's awful" and walked off. It's really sad circumstances but it's nice that some unknown stranger I've never met before can share this sad moment with me. That's what the Linkin Park fans and community is all about, here at the LPA, LPU, LPL, LP Fan Corner and every other Linkin Park fanbase, we're a family. That will never cease and it will always grow and I know over time despite how raw and how gut-wrenchingly emotional I am, I will get through this. I've lost my idol. I've lost my hero. I've lost what feels like a close family member I've loved for 16+ years. It hurts but I am so thankful that although it was not as long as I hoped it would last for, I'm grateful I got to grow up listening to Chester's amazing vocals, powerful lyrics, his funny sense of humour and his amazingly kind nature and affectionate persona.

    Chester was indeed a legend, he will never be forgotten and I will continue holding that torch, remembering the good times and how much he helped me grow and overcome in my life. Thank you Chester, thank you for being a huge part of my and so many other people's lives. I will definitely make sure me and my girlfriend toast you tomorrow.

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