Linkin Park's Chester Bennington Dead at 41

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Tim

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    It's not unusual for me to get really bummed out over the death of a performer I like, but this one hurts on such a personal level. While I never got to meet Chester in person, he and the rest of Linkin Park have had such a unique impact on my life. Like so many people from my generation, I grew up listening to them. It went so far beyond music, though. Being a fan of LP led me here, to the LPA. A place that over the last 10 years has introduced me to so many amazing people who I'm so happy to call my friends, people who I still turn to whenever I'm feeling down or really excited or completely bored out of my skull.

    I have and will continue to listen to a lot of different music, but none of it will ever hold that special place in my heart that Linkin Park holds. Nothing is going to surpass the camaraderie I have felt with other people who have that same connection. Sure, we clown on the bad hair, questionable style choices, and some general cheesiness throughout the years, but that's because this is our band. We changed and grew up right along with them. We earned it. I'll always hold on to those little moments, those inside jokes, those embarrassingly obscure LP-related moments that only people who know where they were when a group of LP fans in London ended a scavenger hunt for a new LP track at a radio station chatting with Zane Lowe and Mike Shinoda will connect with. I don't remember much else from the summer of 2012, but I remember that fondly.

    When I reflect on all of this now, it adds some extra punch to the already potent sting of Chester's suicide. I know a lot of us are confused and heartbroken. It's not easy to come to terms with someone surrounded by so much love and appreciation feeling that much pain, especially when it's someone you care about, but it was Chester's reality and is unfortunately reality for far too many people. To anyone who might be in a similar spot, know that your feelings are valid and that there are people who care. Your life has value. Don't be afraid to let other people in to help you find it. If anything positive can possibly come of this, I hope it's someone taking Chester's death as the motivation they need to get help.

    Thanks for everything, Chester. R.I.P.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
    HybridShadow, RyRy, polleo and 11 others like this.
  2. Hybridora

    Hybridora Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2007
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    Be careful my friend, but I empathize. I have only been able to sleep about 3 hours at a time. And I don't really care about much of anything either, but that obviously isn't healthy. I'm hoping this degree of feelings doesn't last much longer. Since I couldn't keep from thinking about things I decide to sing OML for Chester. Did it at like 4 am if you have headphones and wanna give it a listen:
  3. Doridorica

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    This is a very nice thing you did, you paid respect with dignity :)
    I agree it isn't healthy at all and we all need to try to start coping with this otherwise it'll eat us alive.
    Hybridora likes this.
  4. Pay-per-cut

    Pay-per-cut Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2009
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    Second day in, and still don't believe it.

    I'm supposed to be out doing work but indoors right now just looking up cover songs and trying to see if I can get any updates.

    I'm trying to be congruent with my emotions by letting others know that, "hey, I'm a little bummed out about my favorite musician's passing, so I'm just gonna be chill today. It's okay though, still looking to have fun."

    I haven't felt this bad since my recent breakup, but luckily I'm pretty good at using my sadness as fuel. Just taking this one day at a time.

    I hope I don't offend anyone, even though I'm not religious at all, but a metaphor I learned from studying the bible is how Jesus "died for our sins". In many ways, through Chester's lyrics, engagement towards his performance, and his battle with his depression; he died for our sins. Our sins that hold us down. Whether that is depression, apathy, addiction, boredom, or just plain laziness; his message was there is an everyday struggle to fight those "inner demons".

    I've been introverted all my life. Always stayed indoors to watch television and play video games. I always put my own personal development aside. I didn't know any better. It was only recently with the past 4 albums that I started "reaching outside my comfort zone", as Mike would describe it, to see what I was made out of. With the announcment of One More Light, I saw how much effort they were putting in, even with nothing left to prove, they were putting in work just to put in work. So I started going out more, started making friends for the first time, improving my career, and ultimatly become happier.

    This Summer was supposed to be my Summer to break down all success barriers I had put infront of myself. As mentioned, with my recent breakup, that slowed things down, and with Chester's passing, it's going to slow things down even more.

    Idk why I'm still rambling, but I'll finish my thoughts. I noticed life runs through cycles. Hopefully you guys share this experience too but I see that life runs through cycles just like the seasons. For me atleast, the Fall is usually the time of death, the time of thigs to end. The time to let go of things. The Winter, is long and brutal, especially here in Chicago. Being left within the wake of your mistakes and also to think about ways you fucked up. It's a pretty dangerous place for me because I tend to get depressed during this time, short daylight and long nights. Spring is the time of rebirth. It is the time to dig yourself out of that hole you out yourself in. It's usually met with inspiration and training towards your goals. Spring is one of my favorite seasons just based on having hope for life. Summer feels like nothing can stop you. For me it has always been 1000mph and putting in those efforts towards your passions and ideas your orepared months prior.

    Looks like I have a few roadblocks ahead, and despite the bad news, I can still create and run with passion fueld by Linkin Park. I always lived my work ethic vicariously of Linkin Park.

    Even though I was meant to go out and socialize, I am being bit by the introvert bug. I'm still going to live outside my comfort zone by visiting the book store with my headphones on.

    Anyway, have a good weekend guys. Hope to check back on everyone to see how they are remembering Chester.
    RiderSSPU and HybridT like this.
  5. Slash Stradlin

    Slash Stradlin Guns N' Roses

    Aug 3, 2010
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    I am really worried about some of my friends, I will reach out to them, life can be very stressful, but its better to be strong and move forward in life. This is a big lesson for all of us, life is very short, be there for each other.
  6. Slash Stradlin

    Slash Stradlin Guns N' Roses

    Aug 3, 2010
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  7. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Slash Stradlin likes this.
  8. vanRoK

    vanRoK Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Still can't fully accept it to be honest, was watching a music video i made 9 years ago

    and just made me burst into tears knowing how much they meant for me growing up.
    HybridShadow likes this.
  9. Cely_lp

    Cely_lp Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    "The sound of you voice
    Painted on my memories
    Even if you're not with me
    I'm with you"

    Listening to lp music since the news...It's funny how it's Chester words who are consoling me now. LP for life!!!
  10. Catwannabee

    Catwannabee New Member

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Almost like this is the only thing on my mind whenever I'm alone or not interacting with people.
    AndreyKamensky and Atticus like this.
  11. EricLP

    EricLP Member

    Jul 23, 2017
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    As a long time lurker of the LPA community since 2009, I felt compelled to make an account after the recent passing of Chester Bennington. I have been a fan of Linkin Park since the release of Minutes to Midnight. Like everyone here, I was shocked and heartbroken when I heard about the news of Chester's passing on Thursday. I really wish it was just a nightmare. I was in a state of shock for the last two days, but now the truth is sinking in and I need to accept the reality of the situation. I have been crying on and off, and I'll probably cry after a write this, but it's okay... Things will get better with time and a positive mindset. So to all the LPA members and anyone reading this who was affected by the recent events, let's watch out for each other. We will all get through this with time and a positive mindset. I am here if anybody needs to talk. My condolences go out to Chester's family and friends, and the Linkin Park community.

    With that being said, here is a note that I wrote for Chester:


    Words cannot express how saddened I am to learn that you are no longer with us. Although I have never met you, you have guided me through some of my darkest days. Your music served as a beacon of hope not only for myself, but for millions of people all over the world. Your voice was able to express every range of emotions a human being could possible feel. You were able to reach into our hearts and tell us that everything will be okay. You were the angel that stood on our shoulders when we needed one the most. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. You have saved my life more times than I can count and made me a better person because of that. I am grateful to be a part of your amazing journey. Chester, I love you, I miss you, and I will never forget you for as long as I live.

    Eric T
    Gonzalenz, HybridShadow and RiderSSPU like this.
  12. A Wretched King

    A Wretched King Foreword

    Sep 2, 2010
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    HybridShadow and AndreyKamensky like this.
  13. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Same, even was interacting with people. I was literally participating in a waterrible sport called Wake Surfing and the whole time I was in the board, Crawling kept popping into my head.

    No matter what I do whether is be sleep, eat, work, be on the water, etc. it is all I ever think about.

    My daily routine consists of watching Friends reruns from 8pm-10pm and I haven't done that since the news either because I'd rather spend that time listening to Linkin Park's music.

    Okay, this is so sad :cry:
  14. Atticus

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    This. I'm able to carry on with my regular lifestyle which is great... but my mind is always on this loss.

    I never thought I could feel so sad about someone I've never met before. I think someone said it best earlier in saying there's no other voice I've heard in my head more than Chester singing throughout my life. His music is a part of me there's no doubt.
  15. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    This is true for me too. There is no voice I have heard more than Chester's voice inside my head. Linkin Park isn't my #1 band but I'm positive I have listened to them more than any other band in the world over my lifetime.
  16. Xero-G

    Xero-G Reborn LP Fan, and plan to stay that way.

    Dec 21, 2013
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    It's been said that the passing of time makes something difficult that happened easier to accept. In this case, it's the exact opposite for me. With each passing day I feel worse than before, nothing but emptiness and regret. Of course, one question keeps ringing in my head: Why?

    A part of me already knows the answer, yet another part of me is still uncertain. What is clear to me now is that Chester really had been struggling all along, even while putting on a good show - live, in the studio, or otherwise. I can only begin to imagine how he must have truly felt keeping his innermost thoughts and emotions bottled up inside.

    When we finally get an official statement from the band, I sincerely hope it brings full closure to all of us. While I don't expect the most personal of details to be revealed, I do hope that we at least get confirmation of what most likely lead to this awful conclusion. Goddamn it, Chester, literally millions of people cared about you and your well-being. Surely there must have been some other way for you to overcome or ease the pain of what was burdening you most, surely...
    dontFindOutMe likes this.
  17. Dannyc

    Dannyc Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    Since In the end and papercut are my favorite linkin park songs, everytime i hear chester sing the sun goes down i feel the light betray me, and I tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesnt even matter, just brings me to tears, you can hear the pain in his voice, like hes telling us all something. This unreal, i cant believe hes gone, i cant convince myself that hes gone, i dont wanna believe it
  18. A Wretched King

    A Wretched King Foreword

    Sep 2, 2010
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    dude its been like 48 hours. It might take months to start feeling normal again
  19. xEsaul

    xEsaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2011
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    It's nice how immediate the community came together. I honestly felt alone in my grieving at first. Thought I was rather silly or childish for crying so hard over the loss of an idol. But really, he was more than that. Three different friends, who I lost touch with over the years, all messaged me to check how I was doing. They're not avid Linkin Park fans by any means, they knew their top hits, but nothing more than that. They all wanted to see how I was holding up. I felt rather comforted by that.
  20. Dyl

    Dyl Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    Man their lyrics mean so much more now. Like I don't see/hear these songs in the same way now. I want to listen to Linkin Park so bad but it's like I can't bring myself to now. To hear those words. This sucks. But this song by sevendust is really helping me cope. You guys should listen. Some may have heard it already it was wrote for the singer of the band Snot when he died.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
    AndreyKamensky likes this.

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