Linkin Park's Chester Bennington Dead at 41

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. insanefanboy

    insanefanboy RIP Chester Bennington

    Apr 15, 2011
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    Your right Hybrid. Thanks for taking the time.
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  2. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Any time, bud. That's what I'm here for.
  3. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Woke up today and still just can't believe it.

    I'm sitting on the bus going to work and listening to Linkin Park.

    I just don't know how to feel. I know it will get better over time but I don't think it will truly dissappear.

    May you rest in peace Chester Bennington. I will never forget you. I will never forget Linkin Park. I will listen to your voice every single day for the rest of my life. You mean so much to me and I will never let that change.
    barush and AndreyKamensky like this.
  4. AndreyKamensky

    AndreyKamensky hakuna matata

    Jun 26, 2010
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    LP just released an official statement on their fb page...
  5. Bart

    Bart Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    From what i get from that statement, i think they will continue with their music.

    However reading those kind words just breaks my heart...
  6. master360

    master360 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2012
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    Guys I start to realize that a lot of people are devastated in a worrying way about all of this...please even If I'm not that big of a member, please contact me, I'm here and I have my heart and my mind broken but I want to make it clear what is capable of creating music, we're family this is my twitter

    love u all, <3
  7. _cam_

    _cam_ Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2008
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    It was Friday morning when I first received the news thru a high school batch mate in FB messenger. I really thought it was a joke he said that my idol committed suicide. He didn't name it so my first reaction this was def a hoax. I mean, he's the type of person who makes joke all the time. So I went on to my daily routine and checked Instagram that's when I saw a pic of Chester posted by a local celebrity here in the Philippines. I was like no f**kin' way this could be happening. I just couldn't believe it. I know Chester had health problems but I thought he was a success story. I've been a fan of the band since Hybrid Theory era and all I could think of Linkin Park is a perfect band. Of course, they have their highs and lows.There were times that I adored the next album and the next wasn't my cup of tea but then when you're a fan girl, you're still there no matter what. I'm proud of them and still is. They create their own music, they love their fans and most esp they help to the community. I felt their presence more when we experienced the devastating Typhoon Haiyan. Linkin Park was one of those active bands who helped out and I was overwhelmed. I've been radio silent for the past months that I even forgot my password but I still visit here from time to time to check what's new and I was confident enough that Linkin Park will always be there continue making music and being cool so when Thursday happened, it seemed the sand castle that I've built up for a long time for Linkin Park was crashed. I honestly wasn't expecting it or should I say nobody wasn't expecting it. As I said, I thought Chester already done fighting his demons. I forgot that it's like a switch button - on and off. It's truly a great loss. Very. I'm not saying this because I'm a big fan but when I saw them live 4 years ago, Chester had the most incredible voice live. My bestfriend Dylan was totally amazed by his voice. Chester had this kind of jolly attitude. Makes me think of good 'ol days like those times in Frat Party Pankake Festival wherein he narrated he was bit by a spider. WTF. Am not going to start this kind of memory. I just feel like crying again. Right now, I don't even want to hear any Linkin Park songs. It just make me cry. I couldn't bear the fact that he's gone. I felt like a part of me is missing or something. I'm truly sad and heartbroken. I feel sad as well for the rest of the guys - Joe, Mike, Rob, Brad, and Phoenix. After this, whatever the guys decision what to do with the band, I'll still support them.
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  8. LP Soldier 01

    LP Soldier 01 True LP Soldier

    Jun 27, 2017
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    This official statement is very well written and I feel like it is a very truthful message for Chester and LP fans. He will surely be missed every day and the void he leaves will be impossible to fill, as the band said. I think they must find a way to get back to music even stronger, but channel all the feelings they have to upcoming songs and albums in a way that would make Chester proud because that's what the way he would approach music as well, in a very human way, talking about issues that everyone may have, as he always did. This is what distinguishes Linkin Park from every other artist, the ability to make great music while conveying a truthful and meaningful message of hope for everyone who may listen and mostly for those who have been through some of the situations described in the songs. This is why their songs have inspired so many people and helped them through the hardest times of their lives and I'm sure they will continue to inspire many more if they continue making music.
    YoMarques and Doridorica like this.
  9. Doridorica

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Two people that we know of committed suicide becauase they couldn't handle this. We really need to reach out to more people, this is scary.
    On topic: after breaking down today, going to church and ''talking'' to Chester, telling him everything and how sorry I was for not being able to help, I feel better. Now, I feel guilty for feeling better because he was a special friend to all of us. It's so irrational and I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I've stressed myself so much these days not eating properly, crying and feeling so miserable that it was either doing something or going to seek professional help.
  10. A Wretched King

    A Wretched King Foreword

    Sep 2, 2010
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    Focus on happy moments, folks. Celebrate and honor!
  11. Slash Stradlin

    Slash Stradlin Guns N' Roses

    Aug 3, 2010
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    RiderSSPU and Doridorica like this.
  12. HybridT

    HybridT Maik Yinoda

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Hey, I finally decided to share my thoughts here. I wasn't able to do it since all this shit hitted me so hard that I couldn't know what to think or how to act. First of all, I feel empty. I feel like I don't have nothing left inside of me. This is officially my first loss of a person that I truly cared in my life, and it's so fucking hard to move on. It's hard to know that we won't see Chester jumping around on stage, or even smiling again. Maybe we won't see the guys of Linkin Park being the same persons.

    So, since this is my first loss and I don't have experience in this matter. I will share what I will do from now on. Maybe you could do the same.

    I will jam Linkin Park like I've never done before. I don't fucking care if I cry, or if I feel even more depressed than now. I will sing every single word of their songs with my soul and my heart. I will remember all my childhood and my angsty teen moments jumping around like Chester.

    And I will celebrate all these beautiful years of Linkin Park listening to their music. That's what Chester would love us to do.

    And since we're all feeling empty, we should do what Chester told us to do.

    "When you're feeling empty, keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest"

    We shouldn't be angry for his decision. We shouldn't discuss if he was right or wrong. Just forget all the wrong things that he have done, and keep Chester in your memory.

    We should stay strong and united like a big community. This is what we need. We are going to get through it all together, because we can.

    We are the LPA.

    I love you guys so much. Just be happy that it happened.

    Writing this helped me a lot, I wish reading it helped you too.
  13. Slash Stradlin

    Slash Stradlin Guns N' Roses

    Aug 3, 2010
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    RiderSSPU likes this.
  14. Doridorica

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    This is beautifully written and I hope you'll do what is listed here because we need to celebrate Chester's life, his achievements, his smile and energy. It's ok to feel empty and sad and I do hope you'll find closure soon and will be able to remember Chester with a smile on your face.
    HybridT likes this.
  15. ToTheCitadel

    ToTheCitadel Wisdom, Justice & Love

    Apr 5, 2012
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    It's been a few days, but I think I've come to terms with this. I feel weird sharing this, as I've never told anybody before, but.. I've dealt with invasive thoughts. Most days are good, but then one day it'll just turn on its head. Dealt with addiction, substance abuse to calm it. Knowing that I could relate to Chester through his lyrics was almost comforting in a way, because I kept it to myself, yet I wasn't alone.

    The first few days after the news was brutal, but it's a process, one step at a time. There's a weird emptiness, but a sense of hope. Chester wouldn't want us to linger on in the darkness, and I will continue fighting for him, for myself, for my family. There are a few things in life that I've neglected because of my choices, one of which being music. Over the years, the worse I got, the less I cared about it, about anything. We need to do the things that will make us happy, keep us going, keep us productive. For me, I'm writing a song, a tribute to Chester. In life, he gave me so much, and I want to express my gratitude in some way, a way that I know how to.

    Thank you Chester, thank you Linkin Park, and thank you to everyone here @ LPA; It was .. strange typing this. I don't open up much, but it's nice to know I'm not alone in this. Neither are you, as I am here for anyone in need of an ear, a friend.

    We are together. One step at a time.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
    Pay-per-cut and Forfeit to Break like this.
  16. Slash Stradlin

    Slash Stradlin Guns N' Roses

    Aug 3, 2010
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    RiderSSPU likes this.
  17. Gitsnik

    Gitsnik WAAAGH!!! Über Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    It has been a few days but I still feel like I have a hole in my chest.

    I will try to honour his memory by listening to all LP I can and singing along as I used to do.

    Does someone from France know if any event or come together is planned?
    barush likes this.
  18. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I agree with this 100%.

    I've been screaming the lyrics to Linkin Park louder than I ever have before. Chester wants us to keep him in our memories and I will do just that!

    Thank you for posting all these pictures, it's really nice to see them all :)
    Slash Stradlin likes this.
  19. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Check the @LPFanCorner twitter account and the hashtag #LPMemorial to see if there's an event planned near you. Good luck.
    Gitsnik likes this.
  20. Dannyc

    Dannyc Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    Watching the in the end video and in the beginning of the video you see chester walking out of the dark and into the beautiful sky. That really means something cause now that shows like hes finally at peace

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