Haven't been to LPA in 15 years

Discussion in 'Chester Bennington' started by TheBowlCombo, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. #1

    TheBowlCombo Member

    Jul 25, 2017
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    I first heard One Step Closer in the Wendy's drive thru while listening to our local station. I was brought up a pretty sheltered kid. (Went to a Catholic school, Had strict religious parents, etc). There was something about the first time I heard that song that both intrigued me and terrified me. It was so angry but it was relate-able. A new emotion for me at a new time in my life. I was hooked. I was 16 years old and working at a call center when Meteora came out. I was in training for 3 weeks and I spent most of my time reading the Official LP forums and visiting LPA on my training computer. Waiting for news/leaks. I still remember the sure bliss I felt when Mike responded to my "Project Rev Lineup Prediction" thread on their official forum. I still recall befriending several members and adding them on AIM and I vividly remember the IM I received at 11:30pm from one of them with the album leak. I bought the most expensive pre-order package so I had no shame in listening to this album early. I was so invested in Linkin Park at that point in my life and Meteora truly completed every hope I had for their new album. Ironically, my car would burn up in a garage fire several months later and I would lose that copy of Meteora. For High School career day, I dressed up as Mike Shinoda. My wardrobe consisted of Matix, Drunkyn Munky and anything else the boys wore. When I turned 19 I got a Labret piercing just like Chester, because what other piercing could I possible even consider ?! LP was life.

    Over the years I never stopped listening to Linkin Park and while there were some albums I enjoyed over others, I ALWAYS gave them my full love and devotion. Because I understand, like any true Linkin Park fan, that they created what they felt and what they loved. And that was good enough for me to love. I'm 30 years old now and passed the stage in my life where I wear Matix. I took my Labret ring out several years ago. I have 4 kids, a beautiful wife and an amazing career. Ironically, still in the computing sector. I enjoy writing my own music, editing video and expressing myself through various artistic mediums. Something I owe completely to LP. I listen to some very heavy music now. Mostly hardcore, metalcore, deathcore etc but I've NEVER moved on from Linkin Park and I truly loved One More Light. It was a very mature album at a very mature point in my life. I felt like my growth and theirs had paralleled and I hated how much flack the album received. I will never forget the text message from my childhood best friend telling me about Chester. I cried. Tears usually reserved only for the closest of the close. I felt like I had lost someone so dear to my heart yet I'd never met this man. A part of my childhood had been unfairly and prematurely stolen from me. It's taken all 5 of these days to make it through the grieving process and I've hit the point where I now find joy in re-watching video of Chester performing and just talking. I now fully believe that this was meant to happen on a day with such significance to me because it was the only way for the memory to truly never fade. I want all Linkin Park fans and LPA members to know that my love for them is without bounds. I found an incredible amount of relief seeing that I wasn't grieving alone and this unstoppable urge to express my love and appreciation. Chester's death has reminded me of my true love with for this band and for the fans that lifted it up. I wanted to thank all of you for being so true to LP even when others ,like myself, were unable to devote as much time or energy. I'm going to do my best to be an active member of this forum going forward and will never again pass up the opportunity to see my beloved LP again. Should that opportunity ever arise in any form.

    Rest in Peace Chester. Thank you for everything you did for me. For us. Thank you for being the voice of my generation and the inspiration for my future.

    PS. I hope this is okay as a new thread. There's probably some thread rules I missed so if it's a no no my apologies :-/
    Ree likes this.
  2. #2

    Amanda RIP Chester LPA Super VIP

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Thank you for this and welcome! I think many of us feel as though we grew with LP and many of us always came home during each album cycle no matter where we had been in between.
    I don't think the frequency of forum activity, how often you listen, how many times you've seen them perform or how "devoted" you were holds any weight towards your "status" as a fan.
    We're all family here in this community. Regardless of how long we've been away for. Your grief is valid, and it is fair. If you need to talk, we're here. We all are.
  3. #3

    TheBowlCombo Member

    Jul 25, 2017
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    Thanks Amanda ! And this is true. Support is support. Glad to be back !

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