Linkin Park Premiere 'Talking To Myself' Music Video

Discussion in 'News' started by Kevin, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. #41

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Video went up from 21 Million to 32 million in just a couple days. Expect it keep rising

    RIP Chester :(
  2. #42

    darkviruz Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2010
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    Written nicely :)
    Like the song very much.
    After the death of Chester I could not quite look at it yet. It hurts...
  3. #43

    MadNyankomon-Senpai Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    It's has almost 37 Million Views, but we need to get the Talking To Myself Music Video to 1 Billion Views. The world should never forget the impact Linkin Park had during almost 2 Decades. It might be the last Linkin Park song we ever get.
    The Music Video shows us how happy the Band were during the tour, especially Chester, everyone seems to have a blast in the crown. Sadly i might never be able to go to a Linkin Park Concert, i planned to go see them live on their 8th Studio Album Tour, but now?
  4. #44

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    It would be easier to get Castle of Glass or What I've Done to 1 Billion views as they arelate the videos with the most views both over 200k
  5. #45

    MadNyankomon-Senpai Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Talking To Myself is Growing very fast in views, it has already 37 Million Views in only one Week. that's insane for a Linkin Park Music Video.
    If the song Charts this week on the Hot Top 10, we might even get more people to listen to the song and have the views grow faster than before, it might beat Adele's record for the Video who reached 1 Billion views in only 88 Days.
    The Music Video is already going Viral because of Chester's death, it's still Trending. Next Week it will get a lot of radioplay and a lot of promotion. I will even far as far as to say that Talking To Myself might become the most viewed YouTube Video at the end of 2017. I hope for the best, Linkin Park definitely deserves it.
  6. #46

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I'm just going to say that I can't agree.

    It might get a good amount of views but I don't think it will ever get close to 1 Billion. My guess is it doesn't even pass What I've Done for their most watched video. We will have to see though.
  7. #47
    Chris loves LP

    Chris loves LP Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    No chance at all.
  8. #48

    MadNyankomon-Senpai Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    That's why i said "might", i'm not 100% sure about, but it's possible, we will see this Friday if the song Charted high enought to get more attention, then there might be a possibility that it will get 1 Billion views, Linkin Park definitely deserves it. Especially since Talking To Myself might sadly be the last song from Linkin Park.
    Everything is possible!
    Just look at that terrible song Despacito, it was released back in January and now has over 2.8 Billions views in only 7 Months, it's not even an English song, it will sadly beat Gangnam Style and See You Again, but during Fall See You Again will surpass it again, because nobody will care about Despacito anymore.
  9. #49

    HybridT Maik Yinoda

    Dec 12, 2015
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    The video was trending during the first couple of days after Chester died. Now is still growing but not at the same pace. I even think that maybe in the end Heavy will have more views than Talking To Myself.
  10. #50

    StrictlyJohnD Go Texans & Rockets!

    Jul 23, 2017
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    Watching the video -- even after a week -- doesn't make me sad. It reinforces why I love LP. They speak for me and kick ass in the process.
    TobinOverflowsBest likes this.
  11. #51

    MadNyankomon-Senpai Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    I'm really surprised that Talking To Myself is still trending on #5 in Czech Republic even after 2 Weeks. I wished it Trended for so long in my country, but nope only trash content is on the Trends with a Few exceptions
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  12. #52
    LP Soldier 01

    LP Soldier 01 True LP Soldier

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Please upload the images again, I can't see them. Anyway, talking about the views of Heavy and Talking To Myself I wish they can surpass 100 Million views soon and hopefully Numb can get to 1 Billion by the end of 2017 or next year.

    Yes, I remember being in Prague and lookin for the videos that were trending on the Czech Youtube and Talking To Myself was number one for more than a week if I'm not mistaken and the Czech Spotify top 50 had 14 or 15 LP songs after Chester passed away, it was something massive there
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
    MadNyankomon-Senpai likes this.
  13. #53

    MadNyankomon-Senpai Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    I feel like Numb will only get 1 Billion Views either Next Year or 2019. While Talking To Myself and Heavy will reach 100 Million Views near Fall. I hoped that Talking To Myself will keep growing faster like last week, but the Views are getting lesser every day. That's a bummer, i expected it to keep growing fast in Views, but the lack of promotion kept it from getting much attention. i hated how people only cared about TTM just because Chester died. I am one of the first people to have watched the Music Video and made normal Comments defending the song and Chester's voice before the news broke. I wish this moment lasted longer than just 30 Minutes, but hey what can you do.

    It still really annoys how TMZ were the first people to tell the news, what i wanted is for Linkin Park to keep news for themself and telling us about Chester's death a few days later. But no TMZ had to tell everybody that Chester died on the same day and it made everybody more miserable, imagine being Chester's Wife or Child on that day and you are on social media, than discover that your Father died and can't escape the news. That's messed up.
    Who the hell told TMZ the news anyway, i wish that these kind of thing stayed private until the conserned people feel a bit better to tell the people about it. I wish that someone can sue TMZ for these kind of things. This things should stay private anyway and not leaked to everybody.
    I really hate how TMZ leaked the 911 call for Chester Bennington and how they tried to enter his Funeral only to take pictures and leak them online, thank God the Security didn't let them in. These things made me really angry. Just why!
    I wish the law would do something aganst it, privacy is very important, being his wife or Children now is depressing.
  14. #54
    LP Soldier 01

    LP Soldier 01 True LP Soldier

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I really find it annoying that people only turned to LP after Chester passed away. Still I found it great that the albums sales rose a lot and many songs were on Spotify Top 200 last week. In many countries OML came back strong to the charts and the same did HT and Meteora with MTM, LT and THP coming back to may charts but with less impact. I know it's a way to pay a tribute to the Chester as a person and as a singer, but I feel like people only remember music legends after they pass away. Heavy could have been at 100 Million already. I think Linkin Park never gets the global recognition they deserve because people prefer fast food music like DJ Khaled, Justin Bieber and so on, meaningless songs, just catchy and nothing else. Pop music can be good if the songs have meaning, but nowadays they don't. Back in the 2000s we had some pop, pop-rock or pop-punk songs that did just that and some examples of that are: She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5, Complicated, I'm with You, My Happy Ending, Nobody's Home, When You're Gone, Keep Holding On and I Will Be by Avril Lavigne. There's also Keane and the songs Somewhere Only We Know, Everybody's Changing, Bedshaped, Is It Any Wonder?, Nothing In My Way and The Lovers Are Losing. Many more examples like The Fray and the song How To Save A Life, Hoobastank and the song The Reason, Alanis Morisette and the songs Hands Clean, Everything and Eight Easy Steps and also The Calling and the song Wherever You Will Go. Those are many examples of meaningful songs and some were big pop, pop-rock and pop-punk hits.
  15. #55
    Hans Muster

    Hans Muster Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Well, that's always a question of opinion. While the critics aren't loud these days for obvious reasons, Linkin Park has always been widely regarded as meaningless mainstream music oder pop metal. In fact, few people would actually say decent music is winning again when Linkin Parks is doing well in charts.
    On the other topic I'm gonna say is that LP has always been a 2000-2004 phenomenon to most people and when Chester died, many people remembered that time, went back there and kept up his legacy. I think that's fine. Not everyone can be a die-hard fan. I'm not judging them.
    Knt.Slbs, Doridorica and Wasabi GOD like this.
  16. #56


    May 5, 2014
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    Hmm I don't really agree with this. In the sense that I don't think they should wait a few days and then tell people (if TMZ hadn't come out with the news). I feel like when somebody dies, people should be notified as soon as possible. Even the fans in this case. It's the respectful thing to do imo. I'm not defending TMZ in this btw.
  17. #57

    MadNyankomon-Senpai Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Just imagine if nobody knew about it beside Linkin Park, his family and friends. Then on July 24, Linkin Park post the message and you read it without thinking too much until you realise that Chester actually died and cry while reading the rest of the message. That would have been the best way to tell us about his death, we would realise by ourselves that he actually commited suicide but not how he did it.
    This is what i actually want to see when an Artist or Celebrity dies in the Future.
    We shouldn't be given details about the way he commited suicide anyway, imagine being his Wife or Kids, a part of his family or his friend and you go online and search about Chester Bennington, the most thing you will see is about the way he commited his suicide unfortunately.

    I despise TMZ even more now since they Papped Mike Shinoda and his Wife, the photo they took from them is just heartbreaking. I wish they could sue TMZ for that. Seeing Mike grieving for Chester like that is just :cry:. These kind of things should stay private and should not be shown to the public. I really feel bad for Mike, i bet he is a bit in shame right now, especially since now most people will see him grieving like that in public. i want TMZ to die, but sadly it won't, too many people are caring about the private life of Artist and Celebrities
    I think we should all have an eye open on Mike, especially on March 19/20 and July 20, 2018. Sorry if i'm off topic, but i need to address this. :offtopic:
  18. #58

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I can't sgree. It does matter how someone dies or who reports the death, but people should be notified as soon as possible.

    I have nothing against TMZ personally and in this case TMZ reporting the death was 100% what needed to happen and justified. People need to know sooner rather than later. No point in sugar coating it.
    Lotus likes this.
  19. #59

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    What is this obsession you have with comment sections?
  20. #60

    MadNyankomon-Senpai Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    I have no obsession with Comment Sections, but i just wanted to tell what people were saying before the news broke, most of them were positive, but there was a Person who said that Chester can't scream anymore and i told him to watch recent Linkin Park live shows before saying that Chester can't scream.
    Some were saiying that Talking To Myself should have been the Lead Single instead of Heavy, if TTM was the Lead Single of One More Light, people wouldn't have been prepared for the Poppy sound of the Album and the Hate against One More Light would have been even bigger. i'm glad they choose Heavy as the Lead single, at least we got prepared for the new sounds.

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