08/25/17 - Dallas Memorial Vigil

Discussion in 'Chester Bennington' started by minusxerø, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. #1

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Hi. I'm not on Facebook so an event proper isn't going to be made (by me anyways), but anyone in the Dallas area who wants to make one, feel free.

    I noticed there isn't a Dallas date for a Chester memorial on the master sheet retweeted by Mike, which is a shame. So I figured we should follow suit with the current trend of having a gathering to celebrate all that Chester has given to us on the day LP were meant to play our city. For us that's 08/25 at the Starplex Pavilion (Fair Park).

    Some things I feel like should happen:
    - Candles. It's only right for a vigil, after all. I will personally be bringing my own, but if I find a set of candles that are appropriate and in bulk at the store I will bring those as well.
    - Pictures, artwork, letters, and the like.
    - Singalongs. I will probably be printing out lyrics to a few select Chester-centric songs (Numb, Leave Out All The Rest, Shadow of the Day, The Messenger, NCSM, Halfway Right, One More Light, to name a few) in a bundle so everyone who isn't necessarily familiar with the words can sing for Chester.
    - Obviously, whatever we can to support each other through this. The LP fanbase are a family, and we should treat each other as such.

    As the 25th is a Friday, I think a start time of 7PM or a little later is appropriate since it will take many of us some time to get out of work and commute to Downtown. If you'd like to help with getting this together, let me know. The aforementioned Facebook event needs to be created, and from there we can use other social media to get the word out.
  2. #2

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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  3. #3
    King Mainos

    King Mainos Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Hey Guys, I made this video and music to remember Chester Bennington. More 2 come. Please subscribe if you want to see more and share this video. Leave a comment and free to share this forum on my youtube channel.

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