Discussion in 'News' started by Kevin, Mar 2, 2018.

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  1. РΛТ


    Oct 21, 2011
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    Thank you for the calm feedback. I really appreciate that. And I agree with you.
  2. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    What's sketchy is that you were given the opportunity to be a judge, and are insinuating it's a sham.

    First off: How dare you. We didn't have to include LPLive, and could've made it just LPA/AW but reached out anyways in the spirit of UNITY. Because this was a huge deal and we wanted to make the entire fanbase feel involved. It sickens me that this is now the second disparaging remark about the winner from a member of your staff, and quite frankly I'm not having it. Not when I spent weeks running this contest to make sure it was as fair as possible, and undertook in no foul play whatsoever. I resent having my integrity questioned, and our process on AltWire and on LPA was the same as yours in deciding our pick. There was no favoritism involved. You guys are quickly ensuring that we will not be involving you in future remix contests.

    Furthermore, I'd love to hear these apparent 'behind the scenes' things you're talking about, so I can call them out on how absolutely bullshit they are. Next person who questions my integrity, or the integrity of LPA/AltWire when I can show snippets of emails between LP staff and I showing how fair it is, will get a lifetime ban from the site. I will not tolerate attacks on my integrity or the integrity of others involved, just because you guys didn't like the final pick.
    Nicholas, Elaine and Hybrid like this.
  3. Joeverflow

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    The whole last two pages are embarrassing but this is probably even worse than anything Pat wrote. Just what exactly are you implying? Throwing words out like "sham", "sketchy" and "setup" are pretty accusatory words. What are you getting at? I honestly can't even comprehend what you're trying to say here.

    Mike picked the winner. Mike tweeted about the contest and even put the "finalists" into a playlist on his SoundCloud. This is conspiracy theory levels of stupid and it's honestly embarrassing. I truly hope Mike doesn't read this thread and somehow missed the tweets from Hahninator earlier in the week. A select few people have really made the fanbase look childish following the results of this contest and it's equal parts hilarious and sad. It's a bad look all around.

    This was a fucking fan remix contest to help fans engage with Mike's new music. That's it. What is even happening? I had nothing to do with this contest, had no part in the voting or listening process or anything, but as an outsider and seeing the petty responses about the chosen remixes of what was meant to be a fun project, I won't blame Mike for never wanting to be a part of something like this ever again.
    Austin Vicenty likes this.
  4. Søuł

    Søuł As rogue as they come

    May 24, 2012
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    Hey man, no need to go defensive on this, it was simply just my opinion and figured the atmosphere here was welcoming enough to have a discussion on it. Getting defensive because we disagree with the winner only adds fuel to the fire.

    I'm not questioning your integrity. I've accepted the winner and have no gripe about it. I just felt personally it wasn't my favorite and, as I guess I should've clarified better, I would like to see Mike's comments on it, which I'm not seeing and just makes it seem a bit iffy. Do I care who won? Not really. I'm not going to throw a tantrum over it just because I'm not on top.

    And, for the record, no, you didn't reach out. It was always meant to be a LPA thing until it was Lorenzo who told you to include everyone else. I can continue if you'd like, or we can discuss our opinions and maybe you can tell me the full story and clear my mind of any other predilections I have. Or, ban me and make it worse. Entirely your choice man, your site, your rules. I respect you as much as anyone, and I hope we can have a conversation here instead of just constantly having to feel the need to defend a choice like a life depends on it.

    It's just my thoughts man. I tried to make it as neutral as possible, it's not easy to relay something like that using completely neutral language. Conspiracy level is fair, yeah. I'm sorry for fueling any flames I shouldn't have. Just show me the emails and information and I'll go back on every word I just said without and complaint. Just because we disagree doesn't mean we shouldn't be silenced though. I'm not saying what I'm saying because I'm mad about our choice not winning. Like I said, I couldn't care less who won. It was great to see so much fan involvement and how active the community has been since we started the Post Traumatic Tour campaigns and this. It's really great. I just figured I could voice my own thoughts.

    No hate, just a discussion. Would love to be proved wrong here for the betterment of the community as a whole. :)

    Also - I spoke on behalf of myself, not LPLive. And I did not speak on behalf of any of you. I'd love it if you could be more diplomatic about it too and not generalize, thanks.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2018
  5. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    This was so incorrect on so many levels it's not even funny. It's insulting. I present to you a quote from an email I sent, to LP management. Dated February 17th, at 7:39AM in the morning.

    Another quote:
    So tell whatever source you got that info from, that they're full of shit. Lorenzo didn't tell us or force us to do a damned thing. I called Mark and told him he was being involved. Yes it started out as an LPA thing, but it became more...FROM MY CHOICE.
  6. Joeverflow

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Sorry, man, but you're still being cryptic and not really saying what you're implying by using words like "sham", "setup" and "sketchy". What's a sham? What's sketchy? What's a setup?

    Those aren't neutral terms to post at all. As I mentioned prior they're incredibly accusatory. You're not really making sense and asking for "emails" is really confusing. Just what emails are you even asking for?
    Hybrid likes this.
  7. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    And for the record, to add onto Joe's post: I won't be posting any more snippets from private email conversations. I'm not required to and I will not, because this contest was conducted fairly. I've done enough for this fanbase over 17 years and quite frankly don't have to prove shit about myself or my integrity to anyone.
    Hybrid and Austin Vicenty like this.
  8. Elaine

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    See my earlier post about neutrality. It's not helping.
    Hybrid likes this.
  9. Søuł

    Søuł As rogue as they come

    May 24, 2012
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    Would love to see screenshots, but hey, I'll take your word for it.

    Sorry for adding fuel to the fire this thread guys, just tried to clear some inconsistencies I saw. Wasn't trying to start a war or anything. I will say this, though: try to calm your heads when someone opposes you. Part of the reason this thread spiraled out into oblivion is because one person said something and then 10 people jumped on them as if they just killed someone. Just makes you look more guilty, even if you're telling the truth (which I do believe you are). We can have disagreements and talk them out without feeling attacked.

    If you'd like to keep clearing things up, let's do it privately. You know how to reach me - PM's are fine too. Much love guys, sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for getting this contest organized and everything, was a fun experience!
  10. Decay

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    As someone who's participated in several MMU's and worked on both LPA remix albums, I find the level of doubt shown here to be incredibly shameful.

    What in the world sets you on this path of doubt to the point where you'd want to see emails to be able to trust the fairness of a contest as meaningful as this one and question the integrity of both Mike and the people running the contest. I can't comprehend it and I am at a loss of words, to be quite frank.

    I wasn't planning on getting into this, but this is seriously getting out of hand.
    Avo, Hybrid, Nicholas and 2 others like this.
  11. m_macdonald

    m_macdonald Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    I can confirm that Mike is tied up in my basement and I'm operating his account. Sorry for the confusion.
    Avo, Hybrid, Nicholas and 7 others like this.
  12. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Again, even in your apology you're throwing words out like "guilty". Why? We're not going to be made to look guilty of anything, just because you're believing lies that were leveled against us by bitter people who were unhappy by the end result.

    And no. Considering Mike was CC'd in the email chain, I will not be providing screenshots of a private conversation.. I am not compromising a business relationship I worked over a decade to acheive. No thank you.

    *EDIT* So unless things calm down soon, this thread will likely be closed. It's a shame that something that was intended to be fun, and excite the entire fanbase and involve everyone was turned into people accusing Altwire/LPA of shady behavior. It's disappointing, and has soured me on doing these kind of contests in the future. It's not worth it, if people are going to attack us based off of baseless allegations.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2018
    Elaine likes this.
  13. Christøffer

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    This is not where I thought we as a fanbase would be at this time.
  14. Elaine

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Nicholas, Deliveranze, Kevin and 3 others like this.
  15. Joeverflow

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Sorry, mate, but you wanting to take this private after publicly accusing *someone* of *something* by implying it was a "setup" is laughable. You ambiguously keep implying that the LPA or Mike Shinoda or *someone* did something "sketchy". You won't come out and say what you mean but you're happy to keep peddling conspiracy theories. I honestly still have no clue what you even want proof of. You're asking for email screenshots. What of? What "truth" are you trying to find? You just keep speaking cryptically and you honestly don't make sense. Not being rude but that's just how you're coming across.

    Everyone is calm, thanks! We're just having a discussion. If you don't want your unfounded points to be challenged maybe don't post them on a public forum next time? Again, not attacking you, just responding to your posts. You could have easily PM'ed Derek or DM'ed Mike or contacted whoever you think is responsible for this "sham" but you chose to do it in public. That's on you. Feel free to elaborate on anything you've said so far as it's still unclear.
    Avo, Nicholas, Ree and 2 others like this.
  16. Aly Kaye

    Aly Kaye Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    I mean, not questioning anyone's integrity here, but as a judge who spent days of my life listening to every single remix that had been submitted, I would just love to see what Mike had to say about them. He hasn't posted anything other than a congratulations on social media, so I personally would love to see his thoughts after all the work we put in. Just my thoughts though.
    Kevin likes this.
  17. TEGCRocco

    TEGCRocco The LPL Invader

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Well this has escalated unnecessarily quickly. I honestly don't give a shit whether or not it was "rigged" or whatever, or about the supposed "quality of the judges"/whatever Pat was talking about. But THIS rubs me the wrong way.

    Why are we not allowed to criticize the winning remix? Just because we're judges? Because that to me feels so counterintuitive. We have every right to be as positive or negative towards any remix, winner or not, as anyone else. Or is it just because you think we don't like the remix based on the fact that we nominated someone else and our pick wasn't the winner? In that case, our opinions on the remix were already established well before the winner was announced.
    Aly Kaye likes this.
  18. Elaine

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I'll be honest, and add my own 2c to your posts: Publically shaming LPA for vague, ill defined accusations of things, and then offering to to take it private smells of nothing but an attempt to tarnish LPA's reputation. Because any matters that clear anything up will be private, but the accusations remain public for everyone to consume. It's nothing but cheap scare tactics and anyone with two brain cells should see through it.

    I find it weird for an LPL judge to accuse anyone else of bais and corruption given their pick. But hey. That's just me. (Nothing against Astat or his mix is meant to be implied here, just pointing out a double standard.)
  19. Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    We gotta stop making assumptions right now imo
    Christøffer likes this.
  20. Decay

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Ever wonder what Mike might be doing? What Mike might (still) be going through? Ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, Mike has better things to do at this moment? One could argue "don't do a contest like this if you can't commit", but hey, could you blame the guy if he had better things to do?

    Just my thoughts.
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