Wintersun - Sons of Winter and Stars ___________________ This is still one of my favourite metal songs ever. Lately I stopped caring for new stuff, since Jari made us wait forever up to a point where it just became ridiculous. But look what will finally see the light of day- Time II. I thought I'd be long gone before this album comes out. Woohoo, let's see!
Hans Zimmer - "A Time of Quiet Between the Storms" Jari continues to piss me off with his crowdfunding crap, but I can't say a part of me isn't excited. I can't believe we'll finally be getting studio versions of The Way of the Fire and Storm. With how long he took to "perfect" it, I'm hoping this Time Package includes a remixed version of Time I to be seamless with Time II.
Yah, he even gave a lenghty explanation about what happened with the crowdfunding money. Ah well, I'm just excited we finally get the album. Vitriol - He Will Fight Savagely
Wintersun - “Time” Saw that just recently, and Jari would have saved himself a lot of reputation damage if he had just released that four years ago
Yep, that could have saved his ass long ago. Thrice - All That's Left Just saw them live in Munich during their Artist In The Ambulance anniversary tour (played the whole album in full) Dang it still holds up in how good it is. The band was on point and the atmosphere was so good! Fantastic concert!
VOLA - “Stray the Skies” This sound is unbearable, aching My captain in dissonance losing ground Few are the divers having air enough to never drown