Linkin Park return with new singer Emily Armstrong, new album From Zero out Nov 15, new tour dates

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Sep 6, 2024.

  1. #81

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    I couldn't care less about this scientology thing, cancel culture is the worst I swear.

    That being said in the last few years I've seen myself losing my interest in LP, but surprisingly I'm loving this comeback so far. :chuck:
    Cely_lp likes this.
  2. #82

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    The "I don't have/go to Reddit" guy posting very Reddit-like things. Jesus Christ.

    We knew the detractors would come out.
    Andreina and Foreshadowed_LP like this.
  3. #83

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    I've listened to the song once outside of watching the livestream this morning and checking out the video early tonight and I think it's a solid song, and a great choice to introduce this album cycle as well as this new Linkin Park.

    It sounds like an LP song through-and-through - the melodies, progressions, arrangement, dynamics and even the lyricism, all in a good way. Emily's performance in the choruses is obviously very Chester-influenced (and part of that is really just how it's written) but it's also hers because the parts are written for her voice and delivery, so you still get a specific alchemy between her and the rest of the band.
  4. #84

    EvolutionaryFuse Ambient

    Nov 7, 2003
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    Hello hello.
    Wow it's been a long time since I posted here. I'm waking up from my own hiatus. I've not posted on any forums for a long time and felt especially removed when Chester passed away.

    What a 24 hours we've been on. As a long time LP fan for the last 24/25 years we've seen this band evolve and produce some of the most iconic music in the genre.

    Yesterday reasserted that fact as we saw the return of our family. Bringing us live performances of songs we thought were lost forever.

    My hopes were always that we would see them back doing what they love. That hope was realised yesterday with the welcome additions of Emily and Colin who you can clearly see understand their undertaking. Of course Rob will be missed and his reasons from stepping aside are his own.

    The way the band set up this return and the delivery of it was so special. I got those goosebumps again that I've not felt on a new release for so long.

    I can not wait to see how this all plays out!

    Welcome to the new LP era!
  5. #85

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    After reflecting on this more, I'm honestly kinda floored with their execution of this.

    Let's take a look at everything here:
    • Wrote an entire album, created promotional materials, and put together the whole package in secret, and are launching the whole thing in just over 2 months.
    • They moved booking management agencies to the massive WME without a peep. Roster changes there make their way out so quickly usually. I can't imagine the number of NDA's.
    • They did a lengthy Billboard interview and had them spread the rumor earlier this year to build hype. Again no leaks and some people actually thought Billboard was wrong.
    • Booked six huge arena dates starting mere days out from the comeback show, managed to keep that from leaking from those promoters and their staff, and probably already have more booked for 2025 with zero leaks.
    • They convinced all the DSPs to get on board with releasing their new single at exactly 10pm UTC worldwide. Not midnight local time. I can't think of another artist that has done this? Could be mistaken.
    • They gathered their fans, in secret, to their show with no knowledge of what was ahead, and livestreamed the entire event to kickoff the new era, with a music video release immediately following to capitalize on the momentum.
    • Also launched a livestream of the comeback show in Times Square.
    And I'm probably not thinking of obvious things. This is crazy. They went all-out.
  6. #86

    Kevin A Pattern To Be Followed. LPA Administrator

    Apr 6, 2012
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    If nothing else, at least they're ambitious.
    Andreina and Christøffer like this.
  7. #87

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    They are definitely going all in with this.
    And the reception has been overall very positive on social media and even just looking at something as simple as YouTube likes.

    The pick isn't even remotely polarizing for majority of fans.
    Not even close to the polarizing stuff from Chester-era LP. Like for example, remember when we got a preview of "The Catalyst" in 2010 and THIS was the reception to that lol

    Not to mention "Heavy" or something from OML prior to Chester's death.
    Andreina likes this.
  8. #88

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Idk, you certainly seem bothered.

    I don't think you can say you understand peoples' grieving process in one part of a sentence and then immediately question how someone grieves. That's a complete contradiction.

    Also, Depeche Mode was literally Chester's favourite band. You don't think Mike went to connect with Chester in some way?

    Your idea of Linkin Park's image consciousness is one of neverending public grieving? They've been extremely delicate with how they handled Chester's death. At the memorial show, I experienced first-hand Mike breaking down mid-song. I watched Dave cry as he performed. To suggest they don't hold Chester dear because at some point they stopped commemorating Chester's death every year on social media (a thing every grieving person just loves to do, by the way!) is ludicrous, insulting, and Extremely Online behaviour.

    I indulged you by watching that YouTube video and reading Cedric's message. As has been established, it sounds as if she was there for Danny's pre-trial arraignment and that's it? What about throughout the trial, or after sentencing? Anything to suggest she continued to stand by her friend when she heard the evidence? Did she write a letter in support of him at sentencing like Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis? I ask these questions because I like to reserve judgment until I get the full story, but you don't seem concerned about that, do you?

    Be gone.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2024
    Andreina, mustard, Abel and 7 others like this.
  9. #89

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    The requirement that the band should OPENLY grieve every year is so fucking dumb, I cannot. You want someone to showboat that they are grieving. Its such a one dimensional social media era nonsense.
    Especially when during the 1st or 2nd year post, Mike himself openly said he would much rather celebrate the good moments rather than this dark day.

    There were moments during Mike's twitch streams in 2020 and 2021 where he got visibly upset when somethings popped up about Chester in conversation and changed the whole vibe of the streams.
    But guys, because Mike and the guys stopped POSTING about it online, its all fake.

    If anyone else here in these forums thinks like this "Stoosh" dude - I'm saying this in the most non-polite way possible, you're vile and Chester would've hated you with a passion :)
  10. #90

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    That Zane Lowe interview was incredible. The arena stage is fucking hype.

    We've all tried the ketchup. The question now is are we ready for the mustard?
    Abel and Christøffer like this.
  11. #91

    Casualty Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    I'm ready for the mustard
    mustard likes this.
  12. #92

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    I'm ready to finally cross this band off my bucket list of acts to see live. I never thought I'd have this opportunity again!
    Petar and Qwerty19 like this.
  13. #93
    lime treacle

    lime treacle Über Member Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    In 2010, Linkin Park released the genre-busting A Thousand Suns. Willow Smith released "Whip My Hair."

    In 2024, Willow Smith showcases a stunning artistic growth since those early kiddo days with her fantastic "Symptom of Life."

    Meanwhile, Linkin Park are content to redo their earlier song "Final Masquerade" for their comeback single and call it a day.
    mustard likes this.
  14. #94
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Emily was the best choice they could've gone with. I was incredibly averse to anyone filling his shoes for the longest time. The fact we had a whole lineup of artists singing his songs at The Hollywood Bowl concert, and not one even came close, made me feel the idea of getting a new vocalist was foolish.

    Not only has she stepped into an impossible role, she's absolutely blown the roof off the place. I get chills when her voice comes in on the new single.

    I miss Chester every day, but I am ready for this new era and From Zero.
    Bruno, mustard, Abel and 3 others like this.
  15. #95
    Serious Dave

    Serious Dave Fighter of the Nightman

    May 25, 2012
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    I hope they never go back to the OML sound

    Though I hope Emily gets to sing One More Light
  16. #96

    ScatterMatter Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
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    The LPA admins in here exercising exactly why they’re LPA admins. As someone who definitely had to pause upon hearing the controversy, excellent job reeling in reason. That and the interview have hit re-ignition for me.
    Bruno, Andreina, Abel and 3 others like this.
  17. #97


    Oct 21, 2011
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    I don't know if that's a view some people share.
    For me personally I love Emily and Colin is doing incredibly well too.
    When I discovered LP when i was young, it felt new, refreshing - i was in awe and i wanted more. I didn't experience that feeling for a long long time.
    This here, it feels new, refreshing, - yes it's Linkin Park but it does feel to me like i am "rediscovering" a band thats new yet familiar and this leaves me with the same awe that i felt when i first ever heard linkin park.
    And I couldn't be more excited. The song is definitely a safe bet, but honestly thats nothing bad and I f with the song. It's a banger to me.
    The interview gave more light into this project and it made me somehow more emotional than the concert, weirdly enough. Especially when joe mentioned he just wanted to hang again.

    Love every corner of this moment.
    Can't wait for more.
  18. #98

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    Well after the initial confused response from the countdown, the fact we got confirmation of the stream rather quickly helped add to the build and aniticipation for yesterday. I was so eager to find out what was going to happen, whether it was going to be a live premiere of a new song or a live performance and it was the latter. The presentation was fantastic - from the strobe lights, to the stage to the great electronic sounds when hyping up the inevitable, which was Linkin Park finally returning to the stage after 7 years. Seeing Mike, Phoenix and Joe (unfortunately Brad wasn't able to make the event) together on stage after a 7 year hiatus and Mike saying it had been a long time as well as saying the crowd would play the part of Chester, I have to admit, it did make me emotional and that was a happy emotion. Those words really hit and resonated with me as we had no idea what the future held for LP but we respected whatever their decision would be on the status of the band, so to have them within a span of a couple of weeks return live, with a new song, new music video, tour dates and an upcoming 8th album, it was such a blessing.

    I was aware of the Emily Armstrong rumours before she appeared on stage but thought I'd wait to see as there so many rumours going round (and although her addition seemed logical and most likely, people were also stating it wasn't confirmed 100% yet and I wanted to wait until the new vocalist appeared). I have to say, she did an excellent job yesterday. She really nailed some of the old material as well as The Emptiness Machine. Some songs you can tell she can improve with her vocal performance but that will come naturally with time otherwise, I thought she was fantastic. You could see she was overcome with emotion during Waiting For The End - not sure if that was the reaction from the crowd or the lyrics but you can tell it touched her. I have to say, the big highlight for me was her performance of Numb and The Catalyst - I thought she was absolutely brilliant on those songs and she really showcased her vocal chops. Her cleans were beautiful and worked well with Mike Shinoda's harmonies and her screams were really strong and I didn't mind the voice crack. She will iron that out over time, so no worries from me.

    I have to also mention the change of key for some of the songs and the new intros for some of them, I liked them, it felt more modernised and different and fit well with Emily's delivery. Kudos to Colin Brittain, who was exceptional on the drums and really tight throughout the entire show. I was sad to see it confirmed that Rob is gone but I respect his decision. The writing was on the wall for a few years now that he was probably not going to return or if he did, it would be in a small capacity. A shame but I think Colin will do well.

    I'm ignoring some of the petulant and disrespectful comments I've seen from a certain poster, which I couldn't read all of it as I couldn't believe the stupidity in one post (as well as ignore some negative comments on social media) regarding replacing Chester and about Emily. I think certain people (this poster in particular and some on social media) need to not be so judgmental and quick to believe everything on Reddit until they've heard the full story from the source themselves. That certain poster should follow their own advice and stop posting here (announcing you're leaving is really cringe), we don't need your toxic behaviour round here with your incompetent takes and disgraceful opinions. This is a moment to enjoy and if there are any negative opinions, I know the LPA community in general will do so in a respectful manner... unlike a certain poster. I won't carry this on as I don't want the topic to derail as this is about an unbelievable moment we all got to share together yesterday.

    I will always miss Chester, I think about him a lot but I always cherish the music, the message, the meaning and the voice he gave us for so many years. However, now is the time for a new chapter and era for Linkin Park and I'm liking the direction we are heading in. Of course it feels different having 2 new band members and with Chester no longer being with us and Rob choosing to leave but at the same time, now is the time to rejoice and prepare for what's to come. The Emptiness Machine was the perfect first single for this new record and I'm really excited for what's to come with From Zero and I'm thrilled to be sharing this with all of you, the LPA/LP community. I've really missed these album hype train moments and I'm glad to be experiencing this again.

    Bring on the rest of 2024 and 2025 as it's going to be a busy time being part of the Linkin Park community. Man, Phoenix is going to be dealing with a lot of calls in the nearby future and if a customer steps out of line, he should just play the One Step Closer bridge down the phone. :phoenix24:

    I can't wait to see what's to come and I'm glad to see the LPA thriving again with activity.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2024
    blackout. and Christøffer like this.
  19. #99

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Am I crazy for thinking they might never play OML songs live again due to the situation surrounding the album? I think the might leave OML as like a dont touch legacy album

    • Has nobody mentioned that Emily making a statement denouncing scientology could literally k*ll her? From what I am reading scientology is very hard to leave and they do a lot of dangerous stuff. Sometimes a statement can't be made. Kind of like Taylor Swift, she never made a statement for Vienna because it was dangerous to do so.
    I feel like people on twitter have no brains and I am losing my mind.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2024
  20. Christøffer

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Can we just let it die? It's taken up enough of this thread.

    With how much it's spreading around the band will probably address it.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2024

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