Another one! The Independent, 4/5 Also, because I'm a bit nerdy with that stuff, I've grouped below medias (from AOTY) that have given lower-than-half reviews to LP in the past, and have yet to review FZ. This should give an idea of the possibles challengers to a good reception. Everytime we see a positive reaction from one of those, it's a win! 3 records rated under 50% Consequence of Sound (LT, THP, OML) 2 records rated under 50% The Irish Times (LT, OML) Classic Rock (ATS, OML) Evening Standard (MTM, OML) 1 record rated under 50% Uncut (Meteora) NOW Magazine (MTM) Drowned in Sound (THP) Tiny Mix Tapes (THP) The Arts Desk (OML) Edit : speaking of the devil! New one, Classic Rock (Louder) 3,5/5 Edit 2 : first very mid review, 5/10 from Clash. Still avoiding the negatives.
That's some nice work. I'd be interested to see what it all looks like with this kinda breakdown once we have the album out for a week or two and reviews have come in across the board!
The ClashMusic review has a pretty good rating, especially considering the mostly negative criticism in the actual text.
I agree with your assessment - especially since some songs like ‘Casualty’ or ‘IGYEIH’ weren't even mentioned in the ClashMusic review
Bit more trivia. The album currently stands at 76/100 on AOTY, with 10 reviews. That's as many review as Meteora (69/100), MTM (53/100), and ATS (67/100) . It's fair to say the album is off a better start than usual The most reviewed LP album so far is LT, with 18 reviews (58/100) The least reviewed LP album so far is HT, with 6 reviews (79/100) FZ can be expected to become the most reviewed LP album, because the current exposure is just that big. It is going to be tough beating HT for sure. The general trend is that, as reviews continue to come in, the score should continue to drop at least a bit further down. Anything close to the 80's would be outstanding, and if LP manages to stay in the 70's while having more reviews than usual, that'd definitely be a great performance. Anything above 69 'd be their best score since HT. My bet is on a final score between 68 and 71. Let's see in a couple of weeks
wow this reviewer from altwire really likes the album too
Wow this guy sounds like he's really plugged into the LP fan community! We should see if we can get him to do an interview with LPA.
Eh let's not just dismiss them only because they dislike the album. They took the time to write and publish their thoughts so I respect that at least. I do think it skews more toward their personal bias against the band without Chester, from what can be gleaned. It could be summed up pretty succinctly with "I don't like the modern production or Emily Armstong" when you boil it down. Which is a fine opinion to have—you can have your preferences—but it does make that review seem rather one-dimensional and repetitive.
Oh sorry, indeed. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful, only I thought it was focused on ‘they’re trying to replace Chaster and they failed’ stance. So simpled focused.
The great thing about the idea of separating the artist from the art is that I can hate Ronnie Radke twice.
Haven't been on this site in like 5 years, hello again! I've been keeping an eye on the major publications, so I'll post any I come across if I'm not beaten to it! I'm personally a little proud that I was the person to submit the first review to AOTY. Definitely not my first album rollout, so I know it'll be divisive, but I, too, hope for an overall positive reception! It has a 76 on Metacritic right now, and if it holds around that, it would be their highest rated on there by a significant margin.
Positive (unrated) USA Today review: At the time of writing this, it has the crazy (but funny) typo of Bennington as Pennington.