From Zero Out Now | Release Day Thread

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Nov 15, 2024.

  1. #1

    Joe It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Linkin Park's new album has finally arrived, with their eighth studio album out today on Friday, November 15 2024 both physically and digitally on a number of platforms.

    The album marks Linkin Park's return after a seven-year hiatus following the death of Chester Bennington, with new lead singer Emily Armstrong and drummer Colin Brittain, who takes the place of Rob Bourdon who is no longer with Linkin Park.

    Let us know your thoughts on the album, favourite tracks and which versions of the album you bought on our forum.
  2. #2

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Happy release day!

    It is a no-filler/no-skip album for me, the first one since ATS.
    • TEM is an anthem that deserves all its praise and more
    • CTB is a grower that gets better with every listen. It's catchy af.
    • HITC is a super fun banger
    • OEO is a nice vibey ride and fits in the tracklist like a charm
    • Casualty fucking rips
    • Overflow is a dystopian beauty
    • Two Faced is the band giving their sweetest tribute to their beginnings, and they aced it 100%
    • Stained is pop done with grit, and the definition of earworm
    • IGYEIH is a raw banger, the end gives me the imagery of a female Kurt Cobain singing on a Tool riff
    • GTG is stunning and emotionally super intense
    The album feels like a journey through LP discography, but yet, it has a very strong distinct identity on its own. There is no LP record that sounds like From Zero. And it achieves that cohesive tone despite being a very diverse record in term of genres. Good stuff, good stuff.
  3. #3
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I think that's the craziest part of this. There are so many easter eggs, so many nods to their discography, and yet there's no Linkin Park album that sounds like From Zero. Like, it's similar to MTM in the sense the genres are all over the place, but it doesn't sound like it. Like LIVING THINGS, the second half is the most experimental, and yet again...FZ sounds nothing like it.

    It's pretty impressive that they were able to pay tribute to so much of their discography and yet make something that feels fresh and not like a band chasing it's heyday.
    Tocaraca, Andreina, Harlz and 8 others like this.
  4. #4

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Welp, time for me to officially eat crow.

    In several threads and in the shoutbox, I stated in no uncertain terms that I did not like Two Faced and felt it was unnecessary. We could've replaced it with a much more interesting song. We didn't need a Figure.02-Faced in 2024.

    Then the music video dropped.

    Now any time I listen to the song it brings up images and moments from the MV of the band just having fun and it makes me happy to see them happy. That music video alone has kinda redeemed the song to me.

    This means that as a whole, From Zero was able to pull off the best case scenario for me: HITC ended up being the worst song on the album.

    Is it the best LP record? No. But it is exactly what it was meant to be, a comeback record. A reintroduction. It's an album that establishes that LP can still do everything that we loved in the past and haven't dropped the sense of exploration that comes with every new release.

    It's not often a band gets to debut twice. And even less often does it succeed as well as From Zero succeeds.

    Welcome back, Linkin Park. We've missed you. And I know I speak for everyone when I say I CANNOT WAIT to see where you go from here.
    Tocaraca, -Kubo, Andreina and 13 others like this.
  5. #5

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Yeah - among other things, LP is looking at a whole new generation of fans now, and From Zero is a great little introductory statement on what the band can do.
  6. #6

    juancpin Issho Ni

    Oct 31, 2024
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    I’ve listened to it a TON of times now. And all I can say is that every song is incredible here. So well produced and mixed. The videos are really cool. The atmosphere around the band and the chemistry between thems is in all time highs.
    I adore them.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2024
  7. #7

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    If you guys haven't seen them, those visualisers for some of the songs that are linked to in the news post are pretty cool

  8. #8

    Cely_lp Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Today's is a celebration day, with a live show to watch later. I'm so happy with this album! It's very familiar but new at the same time. I love all the songs. Overflow and Stained grow up a lot in me after hearing a high quality version. Great production and mixing, just perfectly crafted. This album is a gift to every LP fan out there.

    Emily is a phenomenal vocalist and Mike is a genius for picking her and Chester for the band. Not in my wildest dreams I've thought we would get this quality of music after Chester passing, if any music at all. We have a bright future ahead of us with Emily and Colin.

    PS: Saw someone comment on youtube that made me love Good Thing Go and this album even more:
    The last line of the album is kind of a thank you note from the band to us. "So thank you for always standing by me even though sometimes bad things take the place where good things go"
    -Kubo, Andreina, Qwerty19 and 4 others like this.
  9. #9

    juancpin Issho Ni

    Oct 31, 2024
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    This is really really cool. The song is a total atmospheric voyage to the end of the world.
    Christøffer likes this.
  10. #10


    Oct 21, 2011
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    I remember my younger days, when I started up my Playstation with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 and listened to this Album
    good times, good times.
    ScatterMatter and Sønic like this.
  11. #11

    MKH That's wharrrt it is LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    Now that we can talk about it ...

    Agreed with @Qwerty19 that this one is a no skip one for me, even though I'm not big on "Overflow" or "Casualty" - nothing is inherently "wrong" with either (and the folks unsure of the band's return because they're stuck in 2001 will likely eat "Casualty" up) but they just don't do it for my ears.

    That being said, "Stained" was an instant jump to #1 for me after the indie listening event - hearing the album in full just cemented that. I initially had "Two Faced" at 3rd in my ranking, but like most people, that music video did things for me and it pushed past "Cut the Bridge" for #2. "Two Faced" has also been a ton of fun to play on guitar - "One Step Closer" was the first song I learned on guitar and the joy I had when I first got it down was something I felt again with this one.
    Andreina, Qwerty19 and ScatterMatter like this.
  12. #12

    Filip god break down the door LPA Contributor

    May 23, 2012
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    Only listened once so far, so I can't comment too much on specific songs, but... what an achievement for the band. It's so unmistakably Linkin Park, yet it's not too much like anything they've done before. There are a few moments ("Heavy Is the Crown", "Two Faced") which you could criticise for biting the early style of the band, but I think they serve really well to give the album a sense of identity.

    Production quality is top notch, and I feel the mixing/mastering is good, but of course this will take a few more listens.

    A valuable addition to an already legendary discography. For a long time after 2017 I couldn't have even imagined we would ever see the band back, let alone in this capacity, with full arena shows and new music. But now that it happened, it all feels so natural - there shouldn't be any doubt that Emily and Colin belong in the band.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2024
    Andreina and Qwerty19 like this.
  13. #13

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    I was probably the odd one out and wasn't floored by The Emptiness Machine when they unveiled and released it on September 5th. I didn't dislike it, but I know that my reaction was the opposite of a lot of people's here. I was prepared to be okay with the album but be more excited just by the prospect of the band being back. I spent more time just listening to their past albums for the past couple of months instead.

    Hearing everything in context made the music click for me. I'm really happy with this album and really happy with this whole comeback. My top contenders for standouts have to be Casualty, Overflow, and Good Things Go; I'd say second tier is Cut the Bridge, Two Faced, and Stained. But I don't think I really dislike any of the songs on this album.

    There are several overall highlights for me. One is Emily's clean vocals. She can sing, most clearly evidenced to me by Good Things Go or Stained. She can channel the same kind of switch on a dime between clean and harsh vocals that this band built their music around. Another is the return of Joe's turntable work—it's no secret around here that I have recently really gotten into turntablism and learning about it. It was an infrequent hobby prior to the comeback, but after the September 5th show, I really started digging into the old sample work of HT/Meteora. I had no idea Joe was going to be tearing up the vinyl again on this album, much less with samples actually pulled from their early days!

    Overall, very happy with the album and excited to see where we go next. This album has reminded me why I loved this band so much. I'm extremely excited to see them live for the first time here in my city next year!
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2024
    Andreina, Qwerty19 and ScatterMatter like this.
  14. #14

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    The album is a straight 8/10 for me.

    I think it could've used 2 more songs cause I think it was getting REALLY interesting in the 2nd half.
    And the thing is, unlike Living Things, I felt like the 2nd half of this album felt like it had a direction and actual solid ground. So I was really begging for more of that experimentation they had going.

    But Mike and the group modernized their sound in many ways and refined it. Mike also brought in so much PT energy. His flows and delivery were miles above most of his LP flows outside of maybe WTCFM. Its helped by the production behind a lot of these songs. Like there was CLEAR experimentation in the tracks but it also felt natural and worked great. As opposed to something like Skin To Bone or Until It Breaks from Living Things.

    They used Emily's vocals really well. Played to her strengths. I'm so glad we get to hear the different levels of her voice in the album as a whole. Cause the singles were mostly the aggressive, rasp approach outside of Over Each Other, which I didn't think represented her vocals as well as it could've.
    But songs like Overflow, Good Things Go really brought different layers to her voice.

    Her voice, much like Chester's, has a VERY poppy element to it and they used it really well here.
    It also feels "Fresh" because we are still not fully used to hearing Emily's voice on LP songs. So I think that really helps drive some of this.

    And ultimately, I think album's approach to the pop elements fixed the issues I had with OML.
    Its undeniably a solid effort. This will probably be a top 3 album for me from them.
  15. #15

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Just finished it. 2.5/10 for me.

    I just can’t jive to it. There’s something flat about the energy here.

    Don’t get me wrong, there are things here that say “hey, this is probably what the hardcore HT era fans would want. Tons of crunchy guitars, screaming, and chanting lyrics” but the flashiness wears off quick, sorry ladies and gents. Passing on this album.
    brady likes this.
  16. #16

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Funny enough, this is my exact opinion of Meteora.
    -Kubo and Harlz like this.
  17. #17

    OliverJ Member

    Feb 9, 2017
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    It hasn't even been 24 hours since From Zero released and my memory is still foggy on the newer songs, but I'll leave my first impressions.
    • From Zero (Intro): I love the heavenly vocals. It should've been longer. Also, is that Mike's kid speaking?
    • Cut the Bridge: Definitely my favorite off of the album right now. Mike's vocals and the drumming really do it for me, and the chorus is great.
    • Casualty: It was a pleasant surprise, and Mike's vocals are really something else, and Emily's screams are just so feral. The punchy guitars are cool. This song is like a better version of 'War' off of THP.
    • Overflow: This songs is weird as hell. At first I was like "wtf?", but now it's growing on me. Very ethereal and spacy. Reminds me a bit of 'Lift Off' from Post Traumatic mixed with something from A Thousand Suns.
    • Two Faced: Yeah, this song is a banger. To me it's better than anything that sounds similar to it from Meteora. Such a fun song and the music video is probably the best one yet.
    • Stained: Currently my least favorite from the album. I love the pop songs from One More Light, but something about this song just isn't doing it for me. It's still decent though, but nothing really stands out to me aside from Emily's vocals.
    • IGYEIH: It's a great song from what I remember, and the guitars are pretty cool. Emily's screams at the end of song remind me of Kurt Cobain. This one for sure is a grower.
    • Good Things Go: I was really looking forward to this song because the feedback on it has been so positive, and many even called the best emotionally driven song the band has made in a long time. I kinda agree with that, but also I'm struggling to really get into it. I need to listen to it more and read the lyrics as I do so, but currently I'm kinda on the fence about this one.
    As for The Emptiness Machine, Heavy is the Crown, and Over Each Other, these are really great tracks in my opinion. TEM was the perfect choice for the first comeback single. Overall, From Zero is amazing, and I'll definitely have it on repeat these next few days. It kind of feels like Living Things in the sense that it combines the band's previous work, while also pushing into new territory here and there.
    Cely_lp and Christøffer like this.
  18. #18

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    I knew we were nothing alike. See you December 20th.
    Tocaraca, ZERØ, Qwerty19 and 9 others like this.
  19. #19

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    I was waiting for this moment :lol:
    Tocaraca, Qwerty19, Sønic and 3 others like this.
  20. #20
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I will take a different approach than most of the comments here, mainly because everyone already knows my opinion of the album from the Altwire review.

    It's hard not to be emotional that we have found ourselves here, collectively celebrating another Linkin Park album release, 7 years after one of the worst days we'll ever have as a fanbase (or Linkin Park will have as a band). I opened this website with my friend Omar when I was only 15. I certainly didn't have the foresight as a teenager to think that not only would the band take us on such a sonic journey throughout seven albums but that I'd still be typing on our forums 22 years after the dot com opened (and 23 years after our first launch). So much of my life has been wrapped around this band, be it the long-term friendships I've experienced, the summits, the opportunities, or what may be. When we lost Chester in 2017, I struggled so hard with what to do with my life. Linkin Park was, in many ways, a given and an expected part of my life, and then, one day, it all came crashing down. Despite comments over the years, there was no guarantee that they would ever figure out the emotional math to plot a way forward. So, I put all my energy into Altwire, and LPA slowly fell to the wayside. I expected that we would collectively decide to archive the website one day, which would be its end.

    Sure, over the years, I'd speculate with other fansite owners that the band would be coming back within the next year or two, but as those years passed and no news surfaced, the idea we'd ever see them on stage or making music together again began to feel increasingly impossible.

    I can't thank Rob enough for reportedly pointing Mike to Emily, Joe for pushing the band to hang out and try to make music again, and Emily and Colin for being supportive enough that it made the band feel safe to put their toes in the water. We have a second life to this band, an eighth album, and a part of me that felt missing for so long is finally whole again. I can't wait to see what the future brings.
    -Kubo, HybridT, minuteforce and 16 others like this.

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