Su mi amor, mi vida, el aire que respiro Sus brazos, I de largo a bajar en Y como el sol fija, el cielo da vuelta al azul El centelleo en su ojo, me fija libre Su sonrisa, el tacto blando de sus labios Translation: (Your my life, my love, the air I breathe) (Your arms, I long to fall into) (And as the sun sets, the sky turns blue) (The twinkle in your eye, sets me free) (Your smile, the tender touch of your lips)
Yeah, I transalted it..I wanted to write something romantic for my girlfriend and I think I pulled it off
It's so beautiful. Your girlfriend is so lucky. I wish someone would write something romantic for me one day.
If someone wrote something this romantic for me, I'd die!!!! no one likes me, so somethin like this would be quite a shock!!! Oh well, I don't have to worry about dying cuz it wont happen. No one would ever do that for me... But great writing!!!