Yeah, the cover is horrible though at least compared 2 HT... Show em the back cover in case they didn't see it yet...
crap, thats awesome. orange and green....nice... damn, they pick out bright colors for cds. first hybrid theory was red, now orange-reddish.
actually i prefer the new disc to the HT disc. And the back is a lot tighter too. I cant wait to see what their album in december is gonna look like.
yea, the Reanimation CD looks tight, compaird to the HT CD, i like how they made the robot look like the dude from the HT cd laters ¸«ºÐJ¨®h¥m£§º»´ :chaz:
i think i like the Hybrid Theory cover best. The actual Reanimation CD is better looking then hybrid theory's though...and i like Hybrid Theory's back better.