Hi, I'm new here, I'm a huge fan of Linkin Park, and despite my screename, I only fantasize about the members of the band when I'm in Spanish class and my eyes are glazing over from boredom. See you around.
I've already read the rules and the guide, thanks. Just thought you'd like to know, my IQ is higher than Mark's shoe size. It's even higher than Shaq's shoe size. My parents must be so proud.
If you want to stay here, you must promise us never to talk about fantasizing about the band members ever again. No matter what class you're in. Thanks.
Oh, and don't take this personally, but people would probably take you more serious if you changed your nickname from such a...well....easy signature to classify someone as. Otherwise, welcome. It's good to know you read the rules/guide.
Your user name kind of scared me there for a moment. :chemist: Glad to see you're normal like the rest of us.. Welcome to the *LPA*. ~Enjoy~