America, f*ck yeah! Gonna save the motherf*cking world now! It was quite hilarious. yet incredibly offensive to people at others.
like 10 people in my theater walked out during the sex scene, but i think they were just curious conservatives who live in an untainted household. anyway, the best parts by far are when kim jong il says, "hans, you're breaking my balls, hans." and when the dude promises he'll never die right before the sex scene. that was one of the funniest movies ever, but i am a south park fan, never missed an episode.
I loved the opening fight scene between one of the main characters and a terrorist, the terrorists "language", Kim Jon Ill's solo and the Michael Moore part. And the music, especially the acoustic song. !
Catch the song in the credits? It disses Alec baldwin, it's awesome, "Alic Balwin, your worthless, you suck at everything," it was sooooo funny!