Thats bullshit. You paid for the damn computer, you should have a say as to what goes on it. *hugs his Mac*
It only automatically downloads if you have automatic windows update selected for your computer. Thus there is no reason to even give this a second thought.
I have SP2, and I haven't had any problems. If it means that it will help make more computers safer, I'm all for it.
Yeah guys, SP2 isn't really all that bad. Except it takes like, awhile to install it Basically all it does is make your windows firewall more accessable and look after cookies and ActiveX scripts that may take over your computer.
Oh yeah. What even made us turn against it? I think it was that many games wouldn't work. Well, I don't have windows automatic updates on, so...I'm not getting it.
i dont understand why so many people hate SP2. My comp hasnt crashed not even once since i installed SP2. Im glad i installed it.
Niel it's actually true. Apparently it blocks the netplay ability of some games (meaning no multiplayer function). I'll try finding the list for you somewhere - but there's a huge array of games affected.
Oh, well you can still enable/disable networkign features, it's not like it permanently cuts off access. All it does is close vulnerable ports and turn on the firewall etc.. I'll bet half the people with the problems still have the windows firewall turned on.
i got sp2 and then disabled the firewall. the best thing is norton antivirus makes the little ballon saying "your computer may be at risk" go away *hugs norton 2005* but the games side of things, i think there was a patch to fix that released a couple of weeks ago, but anyway most games have updates that allow them onto the inet Rock on! Play more games! [Fool]
How could a security patch cause games to not work? Which games, and where did you hear this? [/b][/quote] well it sure makes Protools an unhappy camper as of now Granted thats no game, just really expensive professional software.
Norton is such a waste of system resources, and it always autoupdates when you don't want it to. And you have to pay for it. If you ever want to get rid of Norton, I recommend AVG free which can be found at
Norton is such a waste of system resources, and it always autoupdates when you don't want it to. And you have to pay for it. If you ever want to get rid of Norton, I recommend AVG free which can be found at [/b][/quote] Or get a Mac, the best anti-virus