I'm straightedge, so i'm never going to do drugs. I just simply don't see the point in it. It messes up too many lives.. there's just no reason.
The only drug I do is marijuana, and I am an A student. I always get baked before studying. Don't ask, it helps me. I not going beyond weed. That other shit fucks you up. EDIT: This weekend I got pretty stoned with my bud and I ended up punching him. He came to school with a black eye.
i saw this post and found it rather intriguing.....i for one since coming to college have found my self surrounded by drugs.....it almost feels natural to do them cause of the environment.....before college I had only done marijuana. When I came here I tried a few things just to see what they were like, Coke, Ecstacy, and Shrooms. I told myself I wouldnt get addicted to these things and just try them once. Since, I quit E, and shrooms, and Coke is fuckin stupid.....dont even try it....its not even worth experemnting. Now I just smoke pot on a daily basis. I do understand it deterioates your health. But in reality, smoking and drinking are way worse. I dont know why marijuana isnt legal if all this is. People die from smoking, and from drinking. Those ruin your life more than marijuana, especially if your addicted. Pot I find doesnt really ruin my life. Just learn to control it and not let it interfere with your education. For me, lately I have been really down in the dumps and have been going through conselling and find it does sooth my emotions. The problems I have been having are social related and not drug related. I think the least harmful thing to do to your body is marijuana. People may see it as worse then alcohol and cigarettes, but thats only because it's illegal. If you have noticed now, that the social trend nowadays is cigarettes are becoming more negative, and weed more positive.
no. i personally havent tried drugs...well i have had alcohol. i have a friend who is into all that stuff. so if i EVER wanted any i could just go to him...but i dont plan on it any time soon. i always said..." i dont need substances to have a good time"
druggs kill your brain cells... i dont have a lot of them either and loosing any will make me a very stupid person
Drugs are bad mkay? I did mushrooms once. Hated the taste. I smoked hash for a year or two every day when in school but it's really fucked up my long-term memory. after that I only smoked once or twice. Haven't done it since I was 16 though.. guess that's about 5 years ago now. Never done harddrugs and never will. I hate medicine as well. Fucked up chemical shit.
I'm proud of the fact that I've managed to stay away from drugs my entire life, and I have no interest at all in trying them.
I usually take a lot of ibuprofen for sore muscles, and the likes. I guess you could say I'm kind of addicted to them .
actually it doesnt really drain your spinal fluid. it drains your oxytosin or something...im not sure thats the right word, but it is the hormone that gives you your feelings. to replenish it, you drink orange juice (i know that sounds weird, but its true). and believer me, if you tried it and had a good trip, especially if you have been stressed for a couple of years of a life time, you would want to do it again. it makes you so happy. thats why its called ecstasy. it is a dangerous habbit, and shouldnt really be done at all. also, its never pure MDMA. so each type of pill is different and has different things in it. some pills dont even have any MDMA which just makes them a rip off. the more you do it, the wore the trips get. eh sry, i have been reading up on it, especially since one of my friends wants to get into it hard-core, and i have other friends who did tons a few years back, so they give me great personal experience stuff. one thing holds true for each drug though; it affects every person differently. ---- i was bad the other night and tried a drug that some guy gave me, it makes you trip for a couple of mins its called Salvia. has anyone heard of it?
No offense or anything, but I think anyone who does drugs is a stupid fucking idiot. The only drugs i'll ever do are over the counter/prescription drugs. I'm not gonna fuck up my life by getting into shit like that. Don't hate me for that opinion. I just feel that its really really wrong. Even if I have friends who are stoners, they know i dont like it and they know that I refuse to talk to them if they are stoned.
I've always wanted to see what PCP would do to me. Apparently it does something different for everyone who tries it. I also promised myself I'd stay away from the dangerous stuff.
don't worry i'm of the same opinion. i'll drink from time to time, but i intend to never smoke or try any form of drugs... but it is each person's individual opinion that counts, so the only really bad thing is if you are pressured into taking shit by your 'mates'.
don't worry i'm of the same opinion. i'll drink from time to time, but i intend to never smoke or try any form of drugs... but it is each person's individual opinion that counts, so the only really bad thing is if you are pressured into taking shit by your 'mates'. [/b][/quote] Weed, in my opinion is just the same as alcohol. Fine when used sensibly.
I detest smoking and drugs with a thriving passion. I hate it so much that I cringe everytime I think about it. It criples people and literally kills them slowly, fast sometimes.