I dunno if this is the right place and I dunno if this has been brought up before, but here goes. I've been getting into Ill Nino recently, and I just heard "Lifeless...Life...". I got around to 2:13 of the song and the lyrical content is almost identical to LP's bridge in "Lying From You". Lying From You This isn't what I wanted to be I never thought that what I said would have you runnin' from me Like this Lifeless...Life... My drug is everything I want it to be I never thought that I'd be down here begging, down on my knees. If you listen to both songs, those parts right there sound very similar. In content and they way their sung. I dunno, I thought it was pretty interesting. Not that it has anything to do with anything but LP's "Meteora" was released March 2003, and Ill Nino's "Confessions" was released September 2003.
thats odd - iam not too familiar with Ill Nino but i might just get that track of i-tunes and compare them! cheers for the info
Not the entire song. Just the parts I posted in the original thread. Just the way those parts I mentioned are sung is very similar, I think so anyway.
IMO just by looking at the lyrics it's not that similar. A few words, but I wouldn't think ''wow these are Linkin Park lyrics.''
I wasn't saying that. If you listen to the song, in my opinion they sound alike, but people have different opinions. EDIT Mebbe I should clarified myself a lot better. The songs themselves, nore the parts in the songs sound anything alike. Just what they both say, and at the pace they say it sounds similar, to me. I guess I thought it was an interesting thing to share.