He screams like that in ALOT of his songs. Have you listened to their first album? I really don't care one way or the other if you like it. [/b][/quote] I've already said that I do like some of their earlier stuff, so you don't have to care, you should already know if you read what you quoted all the way through. Secondly, I've heard the first album. Mind telling me where he does the "Down With The Sickness"-esque scream elsewhere on the album?
He has many mini screams throughout the cd, they are on most of the songs, it's his style. The beginning of Conflict, The Game about 40 seconds in, Violence Fetish about 25 seconds in, Stupify, they aren't precisely the same, but they are about as different as the one in stricken, and how is it they are ripping off their own sound at all.
Those screams sound nothing like the scream in "Down With The Sickness." When I said they were ripping their own sound off I was implying that they were trying to use their previous success on that song with this song, too.
So basically you are accusing them of using something that works then? Something that sets them apart from everyone else? I think it sounds good, and I don't think its just a ripoff of something they did on sickness, I love the screams, its one of the reasons I liked the first cd and mostly disliked the second cd. In my opinion they should go back to their style on the first album.
I agree that the first album was better than their second, but I don't think the screams were why... they just tried to make the second album more commercial, if you ask me. They were just missing the cohesiveness of their debut, I think. I don't think you can say the scream is something that sets them apart from everyone else... and, yes, I'm accusing them of trying to use their previous fame to their advantage. Why not? Everyone here likes making fun of how Nickelback's songs sound alike, yet when a band they like does something similar everyone gets their underwear in a knot. I'm just stating my perception of it... that would be why I posted the topic.
Just what scream are we talking about? Are we talking about David's grunts/barks? If not, I'm confused. :'(