The burden of proof is on religion. If I told you that there was a million dollars in cash for you sitting next to your keyboard, but you just couldn't see it or touch it, you wouldn't believe me because thats a pretty absurd statement. I would have to prove that this thing that you can't see or touch exists. Pretty tough to do. In this analogy, I'm religion, you're science. So, back to whether or not god exists. Religion is trying to state that something we cannot see or touch exists. So, they've gotta prove that god exists, which they haven't yet done and will never be able to do. Science doesn't have to prove that god doesn't exist. Common sense would tell you that something you can't see doesn't exist. [/b][/quote] The "burden of proof"? There's a reason it's called "faith" -- because you have to truly believe in it, or you don't. Obviously you do not have faith in religion, so you don't believe in it (and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that). You can't prove for certain one way or another... which is exactly why it's a faith or a belief. You either believe in what happened a couple thousand years ago (well, if that's your style of religion, such as Christianity or Judaism) or you don't. And science and religion do not always conflict. Scientists have stated this over and over again, but some people think it has to be one way or another. I am certain that if you asked some of the most respected scientists in the world that a number of them would tell you that they do believe in a certain religion (not saying any religion in particular, just that they would state they believe in religion). It's not up to people to prove to you that God exists (or the opposite). It's up to you to put faith in it or not. And, I don't mean to sound rude, but your last statement I simply can't agree with... So wind chill doesn't exist? The atmosphere doesn't exist? You cannot physically see these things, you simply put your faith into what scientists have told you. They give numerous reasons why they exist, and you put your faith in them because of their intelligence on the matter. I'm sure you could find just as many things to say about why the atmosphere doesn't exist as why it does.
That's not true. Though Todd gets caught for referring to sight and not observation in general, those things can be directly or indirectly observed. I think what he's trying to say is that God, by definition is unobservable, so a human's nature would require him to be skepticle of its existence.
There wouldn't really be faith if God had tp prove to us that he exists . God doesn't have to prove anything for us to believe in him.
True that God may be "unobservable", but there is proof that he exists if you choose to believe in it. You can choose to believe in what Jesus said, what Moses did and said, etc. You can also choose not to -- that's your choice. You put faith in this as you put faith in that scientists are not lying to you about the atmosphere and ozone layer -- because you cannot observe these things, you are just going off what science has told you exists. Of course it may be asinine to assume that it doesn't exist, but that's how some people feel about God, too. Omar: I agree.
I can believe literally that Jesus and Moses said those things. There may be documentation even, outside of the Bible that says it has taken place. This does not prove the existence of God, only that other people believed in God as well. I can know, not believe, in the ozone layer by observing pictures and even investigating how those pictures were taken, and what measures the scientists took to observe them, so that I can observe them myself. I can scientifically observe the presence of an atmoshpere and the components of it, as I could scientifically observe the lack of one, yet faith in a religion is what it is because of that lack of observation.
It's proven there is an atmosphere. We can feel the wind, therefore telling us that it exsists. We've proven there is wind..we've proven what its cause is. But with God, can we logically prove his exsitance? And why do you believe in God? Most likely it's because how your parents raised you. You've trusted your parents since the time you were born, so when they started to teach you your religion, you trusted their judgement and adapted their beliefs. In your church, you're trusting what other people your pastor or rabbi, the authors of the bible, to what's true and what's not in your religion. And who taught them? Someone else. All I'm saying is, is that sometime in history, religion could have started as something of a hoax, but people have always believed it for someone else has told it to them. know?..
It's proven there is an atmosphere. We can feel the wind, therefore telling us that it exsists. We've proven there is wind..we've proven what its cause is. But with God, can we logically prove his exsitance? And why do you believe in God? Most likely it's because how your parents raised you. You've trusted your parents since the time you were born, so when they started to teach you your religion, you trusted their judgement and adapted their beliefs. In your church, you're trusting what other people your pastor or rabbi, the authors of the bible, to what's true and what's not in your religion. And who taught them? Someone else. All I'm saying is, is that sometime in history, religion could have started as something of a hoax, but people have always believed it for someone else has told it to them. know?.. [/b][/quote] I don't believe in God because "that's what I was taught". I believe in Him because that's what I and only I, feel is right in my heart. I know plenty of people who were raised in the faith and didn't believe and I know plenty also, who were raised outside of faith and do believe. It has nothing to do with what I was taught.
There are plenty of things we can't see but they exist. We can't see our feelings but they do exist. We can't see our thoughts but they do exist. Maybe God shouldn't be seen in the first place. Or maybe if you believe in Him you'll see it when the time has come. If you don't believe you will never find or see Him. That's for sure. God has proven to me so many times that he exists and that's enough for me. mom narrated the whole thing to me once...about seeing God and all that. i thought it was pretty neat...
Give me proof of God. Then I'll believe you. I don't mean the bible. I mean actual hard evidence of this "great being". Until then, I'll believe in life after death and thats about it.
Hmmm....I do believe in there being a deity (sp?) 'out there' at least (although I'm not sure who or what). I say 'at least' because I like to believe that all of the 'gods' exist, such as God, Ganesh, Kali etc. because most of the religions have fair points. But, I don't spend my life following a bunch of rules just because I don't want to be struck down and sent to Hell, or whatever. I respect others and 'love my neighbour' because I when those around me are happy, I feel as if I have made an effort, and therefore, I am happy. I don't steal because I imagine how I would feel if someone took something of mine. These aren't the rules I follow because they are in a Holy book, (in this case, The Bible) such things are nothing to do with me and I live my life the way I want to.
It's proven there is an atmosphere. We can feel the wind, therefore telling us that it exsists. We've proven there is wind..we've proven what its cause is. But with God, can we logically prove his exsitance? And why do you believe in God? Most likely it's because how your parents raised you. You've trusted your parents since the time you were born, so when they started to teach you your religion, you trusted their judgement and adapted their beliefs. In your church, you're trusting what other people your pastor or rabbi, the authors of the bible, to what's true and what's not in your religion. And who taught them? Someone else. All I'm saying is, is that sometime in history, religion could have started as something of a hoax, but people have always believed it for someone else has told it to them. know?.. [/b][/quote] I did not say wind. I said wind chill. Prove to me that wind chill exists. And prove to me that the atmosphere exists. You believe in these things because you're putting faith into what scientists are telling you, as I have already stated numerous times. You put your faith in what they're saying and take it as face-value -- chances are that you yourself can not prove that there is an atmosphere. You would need scientific data that you have no clue about to "prove" this, which isn't much proof if you don't know what it means. That's not meant to be offensive, I probably couldn't do it, either. And, no, I do not believe in God simply because it's what my parents told me, so please do not insult me by imply such. That'd be like me saying you don't believe in God because you're rebelling against your parents -- it's a statement that I can not make for certain, so I don't make it. I ask that you don't make such statements about me if you don't know anything about me, thank-you-very-much. My parents do not go to church -- my beliefs are mine and mine alone. And your last statement could just as easily refer to most anything scientific, too. What if 90% of science is just an elaborate hoax that was passed down from generation to generation? Your "proof" holds no value. It's all faith and whether you have it or not. You obviously do not have faith in religion, whereas I do. I am not insulting you for that, either.
That's really great that you can be independent enough to have faith in God by yourself, but, once again, I said 'most likely'. I did not mean to insult you, but I was just saying that alot of people just follow what their parents say. My parents happen to be Catholic, but I never really saw eye-to-eye with their beliefs. I like to think of things more scientifically than to have faith in something I can't explain. That's my belief.
Ok, this is becoming pretty boring and pointless from my point of view. I don't see anybody here changing their minds because of someone else's opinion. Therefore, this will be my last post in this topic.
Life and death is enough proof for me. The way I see it, SOMETHING has to be controlling it all. It's jsut too complex to work on its own. This will be my last post in this topic due to the fact that I don't wish to pass judgement on any one here. ...that and I'm known for causing huge arguments in political/religious discussion. Sorry, I just have very strong feelings for what I believe in.
I believe in God but somethimes I feel like losing faith because all the shit that happens*especialy to me*I saw today in the park some def kids and I was thinking why did God didn't want those kids to hear?Sometimes I think he doesen't care about me and want's me to suffer :'( .But my boyfriend always says that God has a plan for everyone and we shouldn't judge him for what he does,it's true I guess but it's not fear to does kids and others to be that way.