HAHA. OMG LETS. Yeah how many times have I posted this idea since I've joined hah. I'd love to meet up with all the LPAers but it would be almost impossible. *points at all above posts*
HAHA. OMG LETS. Yeah how many times have I posted this idea since I've joined hah. I'd love to meet up with all the LPAers but it would be almost impossible. *points at all above posts* [/b][/quote] Lets just hope none of the LPAers are lactose intolerant, cause if so they're screwed.
I'd like to, but it's all too much. It won't be so much of a problem meeting up with the guys from the UK, i.e, Luke, Debs, Dave, Adam & the other Dave, but meeting up with everyone else would be a problem without cash. There are just too many different locations people are based. I'd love too though. If I ever win the lottery or get a ton of money, I'll fly everyone out to somewhere and organize everything, but until then, I think getting 100 members online at once is an easier task.
Lets just hope none of the LPAers are lactose intolerant, cause if so they're screwed. [/b][/quote] haha Well then they can just have soda or something. Save the rest of us the money. =P
i live in hungary, we have a hungarian lp site and forum, and we had our meeting on friday. the only thing we knew was we were going to meet at the eastern trainstation and go a concert (we have an lp cover band...they're great). we just decided what to do right there, and everybody says that it was awesome, so you don't need too much planning (hungary has about the same size as a US state...)
Lets just hope none of the LPAers are lactose intolerant, cause if so they're screwed. [/b][/quote] I am...but there's pills for that, dummy. <3
1. They could meet at a cafe or a resturant 2. True 3. No one would really need too 4. You're right. If I ever meet up with Tomi, I'm going to shoot him. [/b][/quote] Oh shit.
It's simpler than that. Have everybody meet up at a Pizza Hut and split the cost of 5 or 6 pizzas. The chances of somebody being abducted are slim to nil. [/b][/quote] I do all my abducting at Pizza Hut!
and i'm the only one from India/ Saudi Arabia...darn it. why don't i just make friends and ask them to join LPA?
crapperz...anyone based in Singapore? lol....im for the idea but the abduction thing is giving me second thoughts....
No way, dude. I so get dibs on kidnapping Derek. Maybe I'll just kidnap both of you [/b][/quote] Not if i do first!