Absolutley disgusting. The parents who are teaching their kids this crap should be shot.
They deserve to be kept in a torture chamber where they will wish they were dead. Isn't there enough discrimination in the world without these dipshits.
Yeah, so. You go read a book such as Night and you can tell me you want to kill off a race. These people need to be tied to chairs, and should have to listen to one of the persons who survived the Holocaust (They've done it before, and it has worked). Oh, they havea music video out that can fit your new iPod video as well. Click Here For The video. They have shitty voices as well.
Any parent who inflicts these beliefs onto thier children should be shot. And any children who listen should be smacked.
I don't think you can exactly blame the children. I mean, they grew up in isolation, apparently, with nothing to counter their parent's opinions. Not to mention, kids when they're young are very impressionable. I'm pretty sure that if your parents had taught you these beliefs when you were a child, and then kept you from anything that could possibly contradict said beliefs, that you'd be the same way as these girls.
Whoa....hold on. People can say what they want. Their words are their own. It's up to the listener to know better. If everybody knows they're wrong, what threat do they pose? I'm just saying, information wins more battles than violence does. Not that you were meaning to be taken literally with the torture chamber idea, but everytime something dispicable comes around, reacting with more violence (aka "shooting the parents", ect.) only worsens things.
Whoa....hold on. People can say what they want. Their words are their own. It's up to the listener to know better. If everybody knows they're wrong, what threat do they pose? I'm just saying, information wins more battles than violence does. Not that you were meaning to be taken literally with the torture chamber idea, but everytime something dispicable comes around, reacting with more violence (aka "shooting the parents", ect.) only worsens things. [/b][/quote] yeah....but like what Branden said....they are only kids they dont exactly understand what they are doing...wether it is violence of info
I don't think you can exactly blame the children. I mean, they grew up in isolation, apparently, with nothing to counter their parent's opinions. Not to mention, kids when they're young are very impressionable. I'm pretty sure that if your parents had taught you these beliefs when you were a child, and then kept you from anything that could possibly contradict said beliefs, that you'd be the same way as these girls. [/b][/quote] Agreed, but the parents disgust me till no end. The part about the natzi sign was just disturbing... I know that there's freedom of speech and everything but isn't preaching racism illegal? (Like the KKK etc.)
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but theirs is just plain stupid. It's disgusting what they're preaching to their own kids.
I think I downloaded a few of their songs once upon a time. Call me a racist or whatever, but I was curious. Too bad they sucked, and I wasted 5 minutes of my life downloading it. Skrewdriver, although "punk" and giving off the same racist vibe, is much better. But I expect to be condemned for that.