'Minutes To Midnight' Leaks

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, May 4, 2007.

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  1. Jawsome

    Jawsome Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I don't think I really like one song on the album. They've taken a completely opposite direction in musical taste than I have. Probably has something to do with it. Can't fault them though, but I'm not buying this cd.
  2. EagleMorph

    EagleMorph Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    I have to say, upon multiple listens, the entire album is growing on me more and more.

    Even my disliked trio of "Valentine's Day," "In Between," and "In Pieces" is growing on me.

    That's the sign of a good album...when you have instant favorites and the rest slowly builds upon you!
  3. Nick595

    Nick595 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    It's an opinion, i would give it a 3/5 too, because I thought it was quite disappointing. The last minute and a half was only mike: The little things give you away, and that was just stretching of the song, to make it 6 minutes. Else it would be an avarage 4 minutes.
  4. Chris.

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    Anybody transcribed any lyrics yet?
  5. Viper62

    Viper62 Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    I was a little scared of this album at first, all the stuff about totally transforming their style, But after Ive heard it I like it, notaal songs thought but many I do.
    I have dowloaded it but I will buy it to, the download is easier because then I dont have to rip the CD for my Zen

    BTW, Nick, never knew we had more dutch people here :)
  6. mrbusto71

    mrbusto71 Member

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Just downloaded. Listening now. I figure for the $95 I paid for that damn superfan thing I'm entitled to an early listen. I'll post impressions later. All I can say so far is that Bleed It Out is badass. But from what I can surmise, that's just me.

    LUNE2UNE Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Lol, I told myself I wasn't gonna download any of the songs, and that I'd rather wait till it comes out. Then 15 minutes later i had all the songs
    on my psp. :p

    Oh well, I'm still gonna but the cd when it comes out.
  8. spikeshinizle

    spikeshinizle Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2005
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    As I said on another news post. I think the album is fantastic (yeah I downloaded it, but I'm still going to buy it). LP have really grown up, finally we dont have to have every song about the infamous "you" ('you did this' 'you did that'). The confused teenager has gone in my opinion. These songs show a new side to LP.
    As for the comment this album is 'just for the fans' I totally disagree. I think the public is going to embrace this new style perfectly, the people who WONT are the fans who like LP mainly for their 'metal' aspect.
    There's so little of the old structure, this album is fresh. Great stuff.
    If you are prepared for CHANGE then you'll enjoy it. The only thing I'd change is Mikes presence. I'd put him in more songs.
    Last edited: May 5, 2007
  9. shiftyfilo

    shiftyfilo New Member

    May 2, 2007
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    i couldn't resist downloading m2m. Overall its disappointing in my opinion. Although its great to see they haven't made a hybrid theory 2 or meteora 2. My favourite track is "In Pieces" it has a great little guitar solo and is just so catchy. The most disappointing track for mine is "The little things they give away" the song just drags on and on and the guitar solo isn't that special to me. Anyway im undecided if im going to buy the album now.:unsure:
  10. _Shifter_

    _Shifter_ Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2004
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    If you ask me, I'll answer that this album is definitely strange and different. Fore sure it has some great moments, but there are also many weak ones.
    Personally I miss the old style, but I also enjoy listening to the new songs. But what I don't like at all is the fact that LP uses the same structure for all those ballads. Everytime one gets to hear a quiet beginning, then loud guitars and an abrupt ending. The music is fine, but as many said before: There seems to be now flow between the tracks and they are way too repetitive.

    Overall MTM is good, but it could have been better a lot. That's what I think for the moment. Hopefully the new stuff will grow on me a bit.
  11. mrbusto71

    mrbusto71 Member

    Apr 1, 2007
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    After listening to the album, I have to say that I'm happy with it. Totally not what I was expecting though. The album isn't really ballad heavy like everyone is claiming. In contrast to previous efforts, these songs SOUND like ballads, but they're not. Linkin Park has evolved as a band and they went for a more laid back, more harmonic album. I can TOTALLY see how anyone approaching this album expecting to rock their head into a brick wall like they would've with HT or Meteora would be disappointed. There's like, 3 songs you can do that to on this album. But I beg EVERYONE, everyone who's bashing the album...listen to it. I know that sounds odd, but really, REALLY listen to it. Listen to it musically. Don't listen to it as a Linkin Park fan. Just listen. Give it time too. How often do you listen to a song, hate it, then 6 months later it's in your CD Player for 5 weeks? That shit happens to me all the damn time. Now then, initial song reactions for those of you who give a damn.

    Wake: Meh. It's a song instrumental, what're you gonna do.
    Given Up: One of those songs that I mentioned above that really gets your blood pumping. Not so much the main verses, but the chorus you know? Definitely makes my top 5 on the album.
    Leave Out All The Rest: OK. This is a point of contention on this album for me. Because I like this song, but not that much. For some reason, FOR SOME FUCKIN' REASON, it reminds me of that Hilary Duff song about raining or whatever. I can definitely listen to this song on occasion, but not all that often. Weaker point for me, still decent though.
    Bleed It Out: This song is the highlight of the album as far as just, you know, the drunken bang-your-head-and-sing-shitty-versions-of-the-lyrics goes. Huge gripe? Too short. I don't mind the chorus being repetitive because if you listen to the lyrics that's the point of the song. Seriously, you have to just bounce to this song and try to keep up with Mike. Badass.
    Shadow of the Day: Least favorite song on the album. This is the one of the two songs on the album I will say sucks. Kind of a weird NIN intro, with an odd Peter Gabriel feel to it, then singing and lyrics that remind me too much of Simple Plan. Just me?
    What I've Done: Not going to write anything about this really, since everyone kind of already knows what's up with this one.
    Hands Held High: Meh. Not a standout track for me. Only reason is due to the middle verse lacking the same panache that the first and third have. That and this song just seems like Kenji + Where'd You Go + Like Toy Soldiers for me. Lyrically however? Killer song. -side note- What the hell is up with the chorus?
    No More Sorrow: I HONESTLY like this song better live! The studio version doesn't hold as much appeal for me. Very Pink Floydish. Sort of. Still, I like this song a lot. Def. in the top 5.
    Valentine's Day: What. The. Hell. No. I just skip this song when it comes up. Guitar riff had potential, but all this song is is Trent Reznor's version of My December. I just CAN. NOT. get into this song. Definite low point. I'd prefer this not even be on here.
    In Between: I love this song. Another one for the top 5. I don't expect much from Mike whilst singing, but here he just does a badass job. Yes, yes, I know the singing is "monotone". But not really! It's harmonic, and it gets the point across. My brother loves this song because it has a pretty good meaning for him. The tone of Mike's voice in the song is in line with the tone of the "strings" in the background. Like this song alot.
    In Pieces: So help me god I had a huge grin on my face when I heard that solo from Brad. I didn't really see it coming. This song is pretty badass. It's got a different feel to it, but the main reason I love this song is it's musical progression. Got a heavy influence from A Chronic Future if you ask me. This song BARELY missed my top 5 picks from the album. Definitely a fuckin' great chillin' jam though.
    The Little Things Give You Away: OK, this song is obviously about Hurricane Katrina and George W's response to it. If you try to convince me otherwise, well, you're wasting your breath. That aside? This is a beautiful piece of music. Just gorgeous. I DO feel that the ending was a hair on the long side with no real purpose to it. About 45 seconds to 1 minute shorter would work just as well. This is the final song on my top 5 picks from this album. This song is just musically gorgeous.

    Top 5, in order:
    The Little Things Give You Away
    Bleed It Out
    In Between
    Given Up
    No More Sorrow

    Ok, so there it is, my hopefully objective/comprehensive album review. I feel that a huge issue with most LP fans will be that LP have progressed musically, at a harmonic level. However due to the lack of sheer rock-out tracks, fans are going to be hard pressed to accept this new material. Some people feel cheated by having to wait 4 years only to have something this radically different. But this is why I ask everyone to LISTEN to this album. It's gorgeous. There's the key point of contention. This album is BEAUTIFUL and GORGEOUS while HT and Meteora are AWESOME. There, in a few short words, is the key difference in musical style.
    I'm done. I'm tired, it's 3:45 in the morning, and I have to be up for work in 3 hours. Hopefully this review/discourse will help some of you understand where LP went with their stuff, and why it's not a bad idea to pack your shit and go there with them.
  12. Chris

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    I got him on here :lol: Im awesome.
  13. Fleur de Lys

    Fleur de Lys Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    Me too, it's great. I love the way it slowly builds up and then that lovely climax at the end.

    The funny thing is that the band said many times that many of the fans were going to hate this.
  14. corsabubble

    corsabubble Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    the more i listen, the more i am loving this diversity.

    the little things that give you away is hardcore emotional personally i think the intro sounds similar to snow patrol, but hands held high is a very anti-war song.

    i think people will be disappointed with the musical style, however like it has on me , i feel it will grow on people.

    if hybrid theory was released now it would flop, it shows the change in musical tastes
  15. panza

    panza Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    When I listened to those 30sec clips I thought this album just sucks. Why? Leave out all the rest just reminds me of a mainstream 90's pop, something Robbie Williams could sing in 1998...but now I listened to it bacwards, from the last song to the first. And it just made my day. Yes, LP is an other band now. they changed anger for mellancholy. and, somehow, it works.

    Little things give you away...really deep song, empathy, something you've never heard form LP. Yes, the last minute is repetitive, but in the concept, as it's the last song, it makes sense. the solo isn't that confident and lacks the deper feeling, but it's okay, brad didn't play solos, so I guess when he'll play it often live, he'll be more confident.

    In pieces is really the best song on the album, fresh song structure, as it doesn't get repetitive and that pull-off solo really was a surprise, it adds that energy and isn't boaring as the usual LP-powerchord-bridge

    In between is okay, I love chester singing rock songs, but in pop songs, he sings too poppish. mike singing this is really the better choice, he could sing on more ballads. even if he isn't technically as good as chester, he sings more like he's singing about something

    valentine's day is not great, but not bad either.

    No more sorrow - that Ebow sound is really atmospheric, they could add some samples to this one and build the song structure as In pieces. But I like it

    Hands held high- this is a Fort Minor song with all the goods with it. It's a change to hear a rap for the first time on this album, as this song isn't rap-rock, but just rap. But on the other hand, there were better songs on TRT. I understand Mike wanted to do something like Kenji, but Kenji is just better, more raw, just guitar, here the organ and choir is a little bit pathetic.

    What I've done - ...

    Shadow of the day - boaring

    Bleed it out - a good live song, mike's rap is as good as in Faint, it makes the crowd jump

    Leave out all the rest - XXX

    Given up - the most punkish song, another great live song, it really rocks

    Wake - not bad, but seems just like a demo of something. They could work on it more and make a good instreumental as Session.

    all in all: good melodies, sometimes fresh, sometimes boaring. I just have a feeling they focused on writing so many songs and didn't work so much on the already written. The raw approach is great in songs as given up and what I've done, but some sound just like a very good demos. Also I miss the samples and electronica. Okay, they could write a garage-rock-raw album, but MTM isn't like that, just some song. it just seems like they thought not adding electronic elements will make the album more organic, but the result is not that good in all of the songs, sometimes the album is just boaring because of that approach.
  16. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I'm still growing into the album, but even at this state, I have to say that LP delivered what they promised. Chester said the new album was a mix of punk, classic rock, and hip-hop beats. Sounds about right to me in sound.

    Even if it means that by classic rock it means ballads like crazy.

    And the simplistic solo from 'The Little Things Give You Away' does fit into my idea of a classic rock solo.
  17. El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    I also love the song.
    It's my second favourite on the album.

    The ending is maybe the best point of the whole record imo.
  18. Andrea

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    I am so glad that I used my best judgment in not ordering the super fan edition of this album. Purchasing this album at Best Buy is definitely enough. :lol:
  19. Fawkes

    Fawkes New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    I've downloaded the album and I'm still gonna buy the CD

    So don't keep on insulting downloaders, it's not a crime and you should do it 2

    MTM rocks
    Great Work LP

    waiting for the next album
  20. fonduelover

    fonduelover Member

    May 5, 2007
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    Just signed up the the forums even though I've read them for ages.

    I don't know what I'm feeling about the album actually...I'd like the album - if it was a different band, but it's not an LP album. I like ballads, and as ballads go they are listenable to but they sound nothing like LP. No Mr Hahn, and they seem to have separated out chester and mike; I don't think theres much if any of them on the same song? It's just so different. If one of the album songs played on the radio I would never guess it was LP.

    It sounds like a mixture of AFI and Fort minor in my opinion. I'm hoping that the leak is a joke and the real album is nothing like this....:blink:

    To all those still not finding where to download it - a hint is bittorrent. If you have no idea what that is, look on wikipedia or somewhere. :ermm:
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