This is going to be the best year ever, square-enix is making a lot of new games. Right now Im most excited for Final Fantasy Dissidia and Crisis Core. Im also looking forward to the remake of FF tactics and Star Ocean - The Second Story (also for PSP). They are also making a new Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for Wii. I also know of FFXIII for PS3, but I dont know all the other games that they are making, but I know theres more. Also, you cant forget that they are thinking of making Kingdom Hearts 3 for DS or PSP . Im really excited for Dissida because its supposed to be a super smash bros like game, but with final fantasy characters.. here is the only screen i have seen of Dissidia I hope this game turns out really great!
They're bringing out Star Ocean:The Second Story on the PSP?! If i didn't already have the original, that would so be mine I only really care about Crisis Core and FFXIII. Final Fantasy Dissidia looks interesting though. Squeenix have disappointed me over the past year, so meh, all these games could be hit and miss
that screen looks like shit, sorry to say that. DS and PSP games are trying to be like console games lately, a lot of console shooters/freeroams/rgp's are coming to the handhelds these days. I cant get why they dont just stay with the old types of handheld games instead of making a shooter without for instance an analog stick
Check this out: it looks so cool!!!!!
Is that Kuja fighting against Zidane near the bottom of the page? It'll be interesting to see what characters are in that game.
XD. Atleast you started it. I don't know squat about FF9. I'm just gonna watch my little brother play it, and watch the storyline in that fashion. =]. Is Dissida going to include main characters from every FF installment?
Im not sure, the only confirmed characters are Zidane, Kuja (I guess if that IS the guy in the pic lol), Sephiroth, and I think two more but Im not sure who. Im pretty sure Cloud is a guaranteed tho lol edit! even MORE final Fantasy games announced! Heres the complete list: wow! ANOTHER FFVII release for PSP, now were getting Crisis Core and Before Crisis.
That looks like a bit of overkill from Squeenix Jeeesus. It'll be interesting to see what FFXIII turns out like. I was disappointed with FFXII over all so i'm not sure whether i'll like the new one. The ones on the PSP look good though, I need some new PSP games, so they'd better be good.
They are probably gonna do that for PS3. They made a tech demo of it, and with all this stuff coming out, they're one step away from remaking the whole game.
Yea, you'd think so wouldn't you? But Square has said a couple of times now that it won't be happening. Still, we can hope.
The only thing I was disappointed with was the 'job system', but it seems they overhauled it so I'm happy.
If they remake that, which they have said they won't several times, despite that demo that came out a couple of years(?) ago, i will lose a lot of respect for them. I love FFVII, i've played it countless times, but they'll ruin it with a remake. Plus they're milking the FFVII franchise way too much. It's getting ridiculous now
Yea i know, I'm just screwing around. No remake could possibly better the original game, regardless of how great the graphics may be. And yea, I couldn't care less about these other parts of the FFVII franchise, its getting stupid really.