What Would You Like To See on the Next Album

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by The_Cool_Cow, Jul 29, 2007.

  1. #1

    The_Cool_Cow Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2005
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    I made a thread like this before, but that was months ago, so I decided to make a new one.

    Just post what you would like LP to do on there next album.

    For me, I would like to see more rock songs. My main problem with MTM was that they had to many quiet ballads. Its not that I dont like quieter songs, its just that LP dont really make very good ones in my opinion. Some of them could actually classify as pop-rock, which upsets me. They proved that they can write great rock songs on MTM with stuff like No More Sorrow, and I would like to see more stuff like that.

    I would also like to see Joe play a bigger role in the band. Their electronics were one of the reason that I liked HT and M, and I was sad to hear that they were almost completely gone. I also want Mike to rap a little more, because it sounded great on the songs where did rap.

    I would like them to also experiment a little bit more. When they tried experimenting on songs like Nobody's Listening, it sounded great. I would love to see more of that.

    In the end, I would actually like something that sounds kind of like their old stuff, but with the maturity that they showcased on MTM. I would also like them to experiment some more.

    Also, they shouldnt do another album with Rick Rubin, in my opinion. Hes not a bad producer, but he doesnt really seem to fit their sound. I would prefer they work with Rob Cavallo or Jerry Finn.

    What are your thoughts?
  2. #2

    Shadester (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Apr 3, 2007
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    To sum up my thoughts, imagine a regular cheese pizza. Now divide into 4 equal pieces. One piece should be dedicated to songs like Given Up, another piece to tunes like Bleed It Out, one piece to harder stuff like No More Sorrow, and finally a piece to ballads such as Leave Out All The Rest. Now we add several toppings such as deep lyrics that shaped MTM and Mr. Hahn's mixes and we have a legendary pizza...err, album. :D

    Oh great, now I'm hungy.
  3. #3

    pugofdoom Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2007
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    I actually liked the fact that their songs were so different from their past albums, because each song didn't have the exact same lyrics. I'd like that, but with music similar to Hybrid Theory. That's not to say I'm against the softer tracks, because I'd like some more of those, as well as a "Joe Hahn track". I also would like to see some experimenting with different music genres, like in "In Pieces."

    BTW, Rick Rubin didn't say "write softer tracks" He told them to right music that they liked, and not what LP "Should" sound like. So really that's the music they enjoy (along with Metal, rock, and rap).
  4. #4

    WizzyKid Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    I think MTM was a step in the right direction for their future, but the Album itself wasn't that great because of all their softer songs which some really aren't good enough in my opinion.

    I would like to see more songs like Given Up and No More Sorrow, with a bit more Mr Hahn on the next album. I really do enjoy Hybrid Theory and Meteora for what they were, but I think it is good they went for a different sound and would like to see more of that but with more rock in their next album. Oh and the very next thing I would like to see is another remix album, I mean I really want to here remixed songs of Meteora.
  5. #5

    handthatfeeds_25 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    They flat out need to make more up-temo songs. The biggest flaw on M2M was the amount of ballads.
  6. #6
    Colonel Sanders

    Colonel Sanders Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    More Party songs, you can't top M2M - the greatest album of the decade
  7. #7

    Enjoiske Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2007
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    I think the next album could sound like whatever it wants, i just want more shinoda. His rapping style is so unique, its a waste of talent not to have him on the record. I think it'd be the greatest thing ever if they released an ep of like a different possible linkin park, like a heavier album with more rock and more aggresive rapping, and a second possible record of lighter stuff. Maybe have the two being 6 tracks each in one release? LOL thatd be awesome.
  8. #8
    Colonel Sanders

    Colonel Sanders Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    thats a double album, Chaz says they wont do one
  9. #9

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    More of the hip hop side from Mike, more from Joe, and a lot more aggression from Chester.

    More more more!
  10. #10

    The_Cool_Cow Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2005
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    Its not that I think that Rick Rubin made them right softer tracks, its just that he has a more simple style. I prefer having a bunch of layers, but thats just my personal preference.

    Also, i'd just like to add that I think they should go for something like 15 tracks on the next album.
  11. #11

    Enjoiske Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2007
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    darnit. lol
  12. #12

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I want what majority of the fans want. Heavier songs, more Mike and Joe! To be honest, I didn't find MTM as consistent as HT or Meteora. When LP goes back into the studio to make a new record I want them to keep in mind the reactions they received from the fans regarding MTM and base their ideas for the new album on that.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2007
  13. #13

    Jordan Secret Robot

    Apr 17, 2007
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    there are two directions they could take:

    The first: Continue with this direction just improving as they go along, it's almost certain they will include a lot more heavier songs, as it's there main crytisism and will probably include more mike and hahn for the same reason. They will keep some softer ballads although they will be much stronger now they've had some practise, mike will also sing more and probably better, it'll will include more experimenting. If they take this direction it will most likely be about a 15 song album.

    The second: Back to roots, it'll be a bit more like MTM then previous though as it will take the good part from it and add it to the awesomeness of hybrid theory and the hip hop and sample nu-metal side of meteora. There will be some ballads but very few and probably heavier then on MTM, mike will sing back up vocals and lead on maybe 1 and share lead on 1, he will include old linkin park rapping as well as mtm rapping. If linkin park take this direction it'll be maybe a 12 or 13 song album, they will also receive a lot of backlash for almost abondoning there style they had on mtm and people will start treating mtm as an album to make money because it was close to the current scene (the sort of backlash off LT by lostprophets), this is sort of what lostprophets is rumoured to be doing i've heard.

    Personally i would prefer them to take the first direction and then the second direction for the 5th album, most likely avoiding some critics and creating a way better album if they continue "learning".

    Sorry if that's too long.
  14. #14

    Harlz More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me LPA Super Member

    May 26, 2006
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    Make Joe more obvious.
    More up-tempo stuff.

    Those are the only flaws I had with MTM.
    Brad needs to stick with doing solo's. awesome touch, I never thought I'd like it in an LP song, but its cool.
  15. #15

    Tomozaurus Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2006
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    I would like to see...
    Overall style: MTM with a better ratio of hard and soft... basically around 6 Heavy tracks, 3 Mid Tempo, 3 Ballads.
    Vocal Style: MTM preety much nailed it for me. Chester showed that he really is great. More Mike on the next one! Everyone wants it for gods sake!
    Music: Guitars basically like Hybrid Theory with solos, and some acoustic in the ballads. Pheonix and Rob really need to be explored on the next one, they don't get a big enough role. If I hear another person say that there was not enough Joe on MTM I'm going to scream for 17 seconds. There is plenty, there just isn't much scratching. No more electronic beats, it shits me up the wall.
  16. #16

    Klootzak Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    - They shouldn't make it that easy for us which artists influenced them. I can hear a LOT of U2, some NIN, and Metallica on MTM.

    - Joe has to do more with his electronic stuff or he should learn how to play the piano and guitar so he wont be just standing on the stage while everybody is rocking out. He could become something like the electronics dude from NIN. (Alessandro Cortini)

    - They shouldn't take Rubin as a producer again. He is known for his stripped down style and LP's sound was nothing near stripped down with the electronics and stuff. They should either produce the next album themselves or let an industrial musician/producer produce the album. Maybe Trent Reznor or Alan Moulder?

    - STOP THE BALLAD FLOOD!!! There were too many ballads on MTM!

    I personally think they shouldn't have released MTM as an album but as an EP with the following tracklist:

    01. Wake
    02. Given Up
    03. Bleed It Out
    04. In Between
    05. What I've Done
    06. Hands Held High
    07. No More Sorrow
    08. The Little Things Give You Away

    I know that after the release of the EP a lot of fans would have been:
    "BOOHOO! I waited so fucking long for this! WHYYYYY GOD? WHYYYY is it just an EP?! They promised an entire album! I WANT MOOOOMYYYYY!:cry:"
    This reaction isn't that different than the reaction of most people after MTM's leak/release. The band disappointed a lot of fans by promising a lot and giving so "little". That's another thing they should stop doing.

    - Linkin Park should stop giving away a lot of details during the writing process. A lot can change and a lot will be disappointed by that.
  17. #17

    Roubin Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2007
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    I want for the next Cd, a heavier version of MTM, with less rapping, more electronic influences, more prescence of Joe, and Chester screaming again. And also, more piano than other keyboards...;):)
  18. #18

    gozorninplat A Person

    Oct 6, 2004
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    I would like to see their next album be much more consistent throughout. Minutes to Midnight was good, but it was all over the place. Also, as has been said before, we need more Joe. He almost seemed non-existant on Minutes to Midnight, which was rather depressing because I love what he adds to the music. And, as also has been said before, more Mike. As much as I love Chester, I've always loved Mike's rapping much more. And speaking of Mike, I think I'd like to hear him sing on their next album, not In Between style but more like No Roads Left style. And finally, I personally don't think they should have so many ballads (yes, that was said before too). The softer side of Linkin Park is good, but it just doesn't feel like Linkin Park to me.
  19. #19

    Fear Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    I'd like some more rapping from Mike, some more scratching from Mr.Hahn and some more screaming from Chester. Basically their old style of vocals over the new musical form.
  20. #20

    Jordan Secret Robot

    Apr 17, 2007
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    I think from now on saying more mike raps and joe scratches should be banned 'cause it's pretty obvious from the start that thats what everyone wants.

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