Now I'm not sure how long the new cd has been out and don't tell me it's been out for along time or something cuz I don't care, anyway I just bought it and I love it, my favorite song has to be "The Leaving Song Pt. 2" I just think it is a really great song, what do you guys think of this band and it's music?
AFI is my all time favorite band, right next to Linkin Park LSP2 is a great personal favorites off Sing The Sorrow are "This Time Imperfect" and "...but home is nowhere." Have you heard any of their earlier stuff? If you haven't, get the All Hollows's really cheap, and it IS the right time of year....
AFI is my favorite band in the world. Yeah...I like them more than Linkin Park...I also like Vendetta Red and The Used better...::hides as shots are fired:: yeah yeah sorry I can't help it. I love them so much. I still really like Linkin Park though!! But AFI is just better!