So it is just that group of people you think are fascist? What if they held similar beliefs to yours on everything but gay marriage, are they still fascists then? I think you cant pigeonhole one particular group of people like that. I actually applaud you for saying that because it has been that way for a long time. Yet one news outlet, FoxNews, has a different skew on it and they are the liars, crooks, etc.
What I'm saying is that type of behavior is in line with fascist ideals. Not Republicans in general. I should have made myself clear on that point. And as for news outlets... I hate them all, pretty much. They blow everything out of proportion, and present things in a highly biased manner. It's ridiculous.
I do too. I've actually been listening to more talk radio because the TV news just irks me. The only TV news I watch anymore is local.