Stopped + Searched every 3 minuets in London? Push for New stop + search laws Police abuse You know, Luke and Tom, I really can't blame you. If I were you, I'd be trying to get out pretty quick.
I'm getting a little tired of having to dig for these stories. And I'm getting tired of sounding like a broken record but, once again, if this was a Bush appointee it would be getting more press. Transparent like mud No one cares/it doesnt matter?
>:O WHAT?!!? Fucking, It'll make it harder because it'll change the public's opinion, just like before. Not because of Troops.
"inflame anti-American opinion and put our troops in greater danger" That's what happened last time. There were a shitload more roadside bombs that killed US troops right after those first pictures came up. So yeah, it's the public opinion, but it's also the fact that it endangers the troops that are over there, and it endangers what we've done over there as well.
Imo, I don't think We've even done anything great over there, Aside bother and pester them. I'm just against this war in general. edit: Skimmed over the article to make a thought. If we, in Git-mo bay have denied basic rights, Induced Inredible Torture upon Suspected Terrorist, Most likely POW. Why are we to say no to them? It's very Hypocritical. What standard are they going to do? Expect them to say "This is what happens, But you cannot." Of course it'll endanger lives! Why? Because we endangered their people's lives! You've taken them away, Torture them and then release to the public. How would you feel if you knew Americans were taken from our country? Taken to foreign countries where we have no dispute and no say in their actions. Told that they've been tortured for Years. Denied them Basic rights to Justice. And then Release what happned to them Publically. Isn't that humiliating? Don't you think that would make you Furious? They are reportedly taken in Iraq and Afghanistan. But you know what else? The Patriot act reportedly helped Americans live Safer lives. Gun control Reportedly would save lives and end injustice. I don't think so. I'm more scared of the Government than Any sort of Terrorist organization. Really. If Obama has reportedly Not tolerate Abuse of Prisoners, Abuse of Prisoners that are Suspected Terrorist (Guilty until Proven innocent ) Then Why haven't we closed Torture centers? If we tell the world, or as they know, That we torture their POW. On the justification that they "know information" and "Suspects of Terrorism". Retribution is what they want, and we say "How dare they!" Well how Dare us for being their Reason to hate. Sorry for double post. Put wow... Anyone think it's just too much now?
I'm not condoning the torture, I'm just saying that there's a reason that the photos aren't being released. I don't get why people take pictures of this to begin with, though. It's against several international laws, so go ahead and document. How stupid can we get? Again, not condoning the torture, but I do see why the photos aren't being shown to the public.
I had a debate with my teacher about this, I kinda now see and understand why. Now... It's a Documentary. It's alittle outdated, though, the Research(first half) Is pretty neat to view. Very Interesting! And after that, It's about the kyoto protocool, which is something I haven't read much into.
I'm sure bleeding libs are a little miffed at this but its proof that rationale thought > emotional reaction. Right Mr Prez? Senate votes to block funds for Guantanamo closure Congress is doing something right for a change.
Guantanamo Bay is an embarrassment on the level of the Japanese internment camps during WWII. "Where are you from?" "The U.S." "Oh, you mean that place where the government can legally detain anybody for as long as they want without giving them a trial or even charging them with a crime, ship them off to some God-forsaken hell hole never to be heard from again, and then mercilessly torture them?" It's stuff like this that makes me ashamed to have been born here.
QFT. Congress are a bunch of a fucking idiots. We're talking about the same people who are fighting universal healthcare as we speak. Congress doesn't care about the American people.
And what would you propose we do with those enemy combatants? Mercilessly torture? You might like Jesse Ventura but Gitmo is no Hanoi Hilton. He wouldnt know anyway because he was a SEAL and was never captured so he is talking out if his ass. You want an example of merciless torture, twitter John McCain about it.
Send them to prisons in the US like every other criminal, give them a fair trial and do not torture then. That's what we should do.
The problem with that statement is those folks are not "like every other criminal" because they are, in fact, enemy combatants. This is where the problem begins though because terrorists, to my knowledge, have not signed the Geneva conventions nor do they wear a military uniform. There doesnt seem to be a legal precedent for these captured enemy combatants' cases but I applaud Obama for re-starting the military tribunals which is the right path to justice for them. It looks like the alien from 20 Million Miles To Earth.